My Star Teacher

Chapter 401: 401

After Yiyi came on stage to sing, Li fei'er didn't stay much. After a few words, she left. She still had a lot of things to prepare for her concert. She couldn't accompany her all the time. It was not easy to find time to come and have a look.

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Night light is quite helpless for Yiyi to go on stage to sing. In fact, he is not willing to go on stage. Yiyi looks so delicate. No matter how well she sings on stage, she will surely gain some fans. In addition, after Yiyi goes on stage, it will be revealed that she is a child of night light family. By then, Yiyi will have more attention and become a little star probably.

Luminous does not want Yiyi to be exposed to the spotlight at such a young age. He wants Yiyi to spend his childhood happily and carefree.

However, since Yiyi insists, night light has no choice but to protect her from the outside world.

Take paper and pen, luminous quickly wrote a song.

Yiyi is curious to take a look, but it's a pity that Yiyi now knows only a small part of the words in the song.

For example, Dad, little star, you, won't wait for some simple words.

Luminous smile from the hands of Yiyi took the lyrics, said with a smile, "you can not recognize these words, to teach you how to sing sentence by sentence."

Luminous first read the lyrics to Yiyi, but after listening to luminous read the lyrics, Yiyi looked strange, mumbled and whispered, "luminous, is there any other song? How about a new one? "

The night light narrowly looked at Yiyi, "no, just this song. Do you want to learn it? If you don't learn, you don't have to sing on stage. "

Yiyi mouth a Du, don't want to say angrily, "hum, big bad guy, learn to learn!"

Said to be angry, but Yiyi Ao Jiao turned his head, the corner of his mouth obviously stirred up a smile.

In the evening.

Night light teaches Yiyi to sing in the hotel room very late. Liu ChiYan is also helping to teach Yiyi. She sings with night light. Liu ChiYan sings the part of Yiyi and proofs it so that Yiyi can learn more easily.

Yiyi is very serious, Yiyi is also smart, a night down, although the tune is not grasp, singing and singing on the deviation, but somehow lyrics and when to sing these are learned.

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the next day, the night light was sleeping soundly and was stirred up by Yiyi in the early morning.

"Luminous, luminous, you get up quickly." Yiyi stood in front of the luminous bed and kept shaking the luminous, "get up, big lazy, get up."

The dim light of night opens an eye, "why, so early, how is this?"

Yiyi shook him and said, "get up, get up, get up and teach me to sing. I haven't learned yet."

"This matter, I'll teach you later. Let me sleep again." The night light turned over and wanted to go on sleeping.

Yiyi quit. He climbed to bed and hopped around in the night light, shouting, "big lazy, get up, big lazy, get up."

Luminous helpless, Yiyi so noisy also can't sleep, reluctantly sat up, smile at Yiyi, said, "you this grinding goblin."

Liu ChiYan pushed the door and came in, pushing a dining car. Looking at the troublemaker Yiyi, Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "get up, don't sleep. I'll take breakfast, get up, wash and eat breakfast, and then continue to teach Yiyi to sing. This little girl woke up an hour ago, shouting to learn to sing. If I don't pull her, you'll have to wake up an hour ago."

Luminous quite helpless, looking at Yiyi with a smile, "OK, don't jump, I get up, fast, eat breakfast, after eating, I continue to teach you to sing."

After breakfast, the night light continued to teach Yiyi to sing. Yiyi learned very fast. Although she can't guarantee how good she can sing at the concert in the evening, she can at least sing. It's great for such a young child to be on stage, so she can't ask too much.

"Ding Dong"

"Ding Dong"

someone rang the doorbell.

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Liu ChiYan looked through the cat's eye and opened the door, "he Xing, good morning."

The visitor is he Xing, who is also the supporting guest invited by Li Fei Er in this concert. He Xing is an important guest. He Xing has to sing four or five songs in this concert. Basically, when Li Fei Er goes down to breathe, he Xing comes to the top.

In addition to congratulations, Li also invited several singer friends as guests, including female singer Hu Huilin, male singer Lin Yilun, and Phoenix courtship group Mu Huang and Mu Feng's brother and sister.

Hu Huilin and Lin Yilun are also well-known singers in China. Needless to say, he Xing and Feng are at the top of the music world.

Luminous is his own blend in, however, luminous recent popularity is so high, with his help, can also add a lot of color to this concert.

Li fei'er's concert is going to be a success.

He Xing: "Chi Yan, long time no see. Good morning. What are you doing? Is Xiaoye here? "

Liu ChiYan: "yes, come on in. He's inside. He's teaching Yiyi to sing.""Teach Yiyi to sing?" He Xing has some doubts.

I know Yihe star. I came to Nanchang to take pictures of night light before. I met him when I was lovelorn for thirty-three days.

Liu ChiYan explained, "Yiyi is fond of playing. She wants to sing at Fei Er's concert this evening. Fei Er even agrees. It's not that night light is teaching him."

He Xing nodded, "Yiyi to sing, that's very good, so many elements are very good." While talking, he Xing went to the inner room.

Noctiluca heard the movement, looked up to see he Xing, "Oh, come on, I thought you could arrive last night."

He Xing, "originally came last night, airport flights cancelled, and is the last flight, no way, can only stay in the airport hotel one night."

Luminous joked, "so, bad character, no way, cancel which one is not good, just cancel your flight."

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he Xing: "if you don't damage me, you will die."

Luminous: "no, but I will suffer."

He Xing: "how did I know you?"

After chatting for a while, he Xing was sent away by the night light.

"All right, all right, you play your game." "I have to teach Yiyi to learn songs," said the night light

"I don't have a conscience. Before I'm hot, I'll be driven away." He Xing said, "OK, I'll go. I'll come back to you after dinner."

He Xing patted his ass and left. When he passed by Liu ChiYan, he said, "ChiYan, how did you marry such a man? I don't think so. "

Fortunately he Xing runs fast, otherwise the shoes of size 41 will be lost in the back of his head.

All day today.

In addition to lunch and evening meal time, a few people went out to eat, the rest of the time have been staying in the hotel room, one is nowhere to go, and the other is night light has to teach Yiyi singing.

In the afternoon, he Xing came to visit again. Because he had nothing to do, Liu ChiYan, Jiang Xin and he Xing got together to fight with the landlord,

they didn't gamble, just stickers. In one afternoon, the three faces Hula with notes, especially he Xing, lost the most. The whole face couldn't be seen Ring.

Yiyi has learned a lot under the guidance of luminous over and over again. Although sometimes some tunes are not stable, in luminous's opinion, they are very good.

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However, in other words, Yiyi does not have much musical talent, except that the voice is a baby voice, which sounds very cute and pleasant, and her performance in music sense is relatively poor. Otherwise, there is no need to teach her this day intermittently.

Fortunately, Yiyi doesn't want to be a musician when she grows up in the future. Otherwise, she will have to break her heart for this dream that doesn't match her talent.

However, in the light of night, although Yiyi would be more worried about becoming a musician, it is still better to be a musician.

It's not that night light thinks that making music is better for Yiyi, it's just that Yiyi's real dream is something...

at that time.

That's what luminous asked.

"Yiyi, do you want to sing on the stage so much that you want to be a musician when you grow up?"

"It's not." Yiyi shakes his head decisively.

Luminous: "then why do you want to sing?"

"It's fun."

There's nothing wrong with that answer.

Luminous: "what do you want to be when Yiyi grows up?"

Yiyi: "I want to practice Tai Chi well and be a martial artist!"

Noctilucent light "...

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