My Star Teacher

Chapter 408: 408

Some netizens began to speculate on the objects of noctilucal love, and they counted the women stars who had been in contact with the noctilucent. Wutong, Hua Wu Tong, Li Fei'Er, and even Dong Jia period, as long as the female stars contacted with the noctilucent were all within the guesses of good netizens.

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Of course, naturally, Liu ChiYan is also indispensable. Many netizens even think that Liu ChiYan's suspicion is the biggest. After all, night light can get along with her day and night, and it's not impossible to get along with her day and night.

This view, once spread, also immediately spread on the Internet.

However, as soon as this rumor appeared on the Internet, a large number of fans of Liu ChiYan immediately drowned them with saliva.

"Fart! Our goddess Liu won't be with the night light

"What's the matter? What is Noctiluca? What skill does he have? Er, he has some skills, but he is not worthy of our goddess Liu! "

"Even if night light really likes goddess Liu, it's also his unrequited love. Goddess Liu can never like him!"

"Don't worry about being a keyboard man on the Internet. Don't talk about us, goddess Liu!"

"Where are catkins? Who dares to blind BB? Let's submerge him!"


I have to say that fans, especially brain disabled fans, have gathered on a large scale, which is really a terrible thing.

That night, a large number of fans of Liu ChiYan went to the microblog of luminous and began to slaughter the version.

"Night light, go away! You are not worthy of Goddess Liu

"Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

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"Don't even dream that goddess Liu will like you. Let's die!"

"Dare to beat the idea of Goddess Liu, I'll kill you!"


this kind of words filled the whole board of Noctiluca Weibo.

Luminous fans are also very large now. Of course, they can't help others abusing their idols in their micro blog, and immediately fight back.

On one side is the catkins of Liu ChiYan, on the other side is the Wumao Party of luminous. The two sides were originally friendly troops. It's a pleasure to quarrel with each other.

Countless netizens with a very strong curiosity, as well as the mentality of watching the crowd, watched the war on the microblog.

However, countless netizens wondered, "in other words, why did they fight?"

Why fight...

rumors and brain powder kill people, although this rumor happens to be right...

however, as the idols of the two fans who have been fighting happily, night light and Liu ChiYan do not know at this time.

However, although they did not know it, they also "fought". As for how they "fought", it is an indescribable link.

Originally, Liu ChiYan took Yiyi to sleep at night, which was the plan at the beginning.

But in the evening, Jiang Xin came to them and asked if they wanted to have a snack.

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Jiang Xin: "I eat less in the evening. I'm a little hungry. I'm going to ask the hotel to bring me some snacks. Do you want them or not? If you want, I'll call them together."

Yeguang and liuchiyan said they didn't want to eat, but Yiyi, a snack, couldn't help but raise his hands and said, "I'm here!"

Jiang Xin said with a smile, "go, Yiyi, go to my aunt's room for a snack. There are snacks in my aunt's room."

Yiyi followed Jiang Xin to have a snack.

Before going out, Liu ChiYan suddenly called Jiang Xin, "sister Jiang."

Jiang Xin looked back, "what's the matter?"

Liu ChiYan's face was a little red, some embarrassed and said, "that... Or... Tonight... Yiyi will sleep with you?"

Jiang Xin a Zheng, saw Liu Chi Yan and night light one eye, say, "OK, I take Yi Yi to sleep at night." Jiang Xin agreed, and then joked, "I'll go out and turn the sign into do not disturb!"


Liuchi is ashamed.


Yeguang and Liu ChiYan's fans got into a fight on Weibo.

In reality, luminous and Liu ChiYan also fight.

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In the same way, it's a lot of fun to have a good fight.

However, if you are mad at night light, you can't match Liu ChiYan, who says that night light is a toad and wants to eat swan meat. Fans of Liu ChiYan know how night light and Liu ChiYan fight, and they don't know if they will spray their blood on the computer screen


the next day.

After luminous and Liu ChiYan got up, Jiang Xin told them about the quarrel between their fans last night.

Night light and Liu ChiYan looked on the Internet and looked at each other with a bitter smile.

Liu ChiYan: "you see, who told you to talk nonsense before singing? Just sing. I don't know that you are singing for me. This time, OK, everyone sit tight. You have a relationship and you doubt me."

Luminous shrugged, "guess it, let them guess, anyway, they have no evidence."Liu ChiYan: "three people become tigers. Does public opinion need evidence?"

Luminous: "that's just right. We'll make it public. We'll save them guessing. We'll have to be furtive and straightforward. If we make it public, I don't believe it. How can your fans really take me and turn them upside down?"

Liu ChiYan gave him a white look. "Don't talk nonsense. It can't be made public now. Even if fans can't do anything about you, it's not good for you to make it public now."

The two of them have discussed this issue many times and have nothing to say.

Liu ChiYan: "let's do it first. After a while, we'll all send an article to let the fans control and calm down. Don't quarrel any more. After that, we'll pay a little attention to our actions. Let's deal with it coldly. It will be OK after the wind has passed."

So, in the morning, Liu ChiYan and night light both wrote on Weibo, calling on their respective fans to be rational and restrained, not to rush into the Dragon King Temple, and their own family beat their own family, which can be regarded as barely calming down the storm.

After lunch.

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Night light and others fly from Yuezhou to mordu to participate in tonight's Huasheng billboard.

He Xing is also the invited singer of this year's Huasheng billboard.

Huasheng Fengyun list is an annual music festival. Some people call it the Spring Festival Gala in the music industry, which shows its status in the world.

Mordu is a metropolis, the center of international economy, finance, trade, shipping, science and technology innovation, and a big city that integrates China's prosperity into one city.

Luminous once yearned for this city. During the summer vacation of one year in University, he traveled with his classmates for a few days. After playing for a few days, luminous did not have such a big vision for this city.

It's not that it's bad here. It's just that night light thinks that it doesn't belong to this city, and it won't belong to this city.

This city, too fast.

The high-rise buildings are built too fast, the subway is running too fast, the economy is developing too fast, and people's life is also too fast. It's not that this is bad, but that luminous doesn't like this way of life.

Fast life, there are reasons for fast life, in order to dream, in order to work, everyone in this city, are fighting for life, are trying to let themselves go faster, faster, dare not stop, also do not want to stop, because, as long as you slow down a step, you may be left behind by the times.

Think of home is better, in the home, you seem to be as fast as ever, you are also in the fast pace of life, in the future for the family, it seems that there is no difference, but in the home, when you are tired, want to slow down a little bit, you can stop a little.

You can hear the mountain wind and birds, you can see the white clouds and stars, you can wait for a unique person in a unique coffee shop.

Your eyes are not just tired and strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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