My Star Teacher

Chapter 41: 41

When it comes to brokerage companies, night light thinks of century media, which Liu ChiYan originally signed a contract with. This entertainment company is also one of the best in China, with many famous stars in hand. It's true that Liu ChiYan is the most outstanding and the most successful in recent years. It has to be said that in addition to his own conditions, the reason why Liu ChiYan can become the entertainment queen is that century media The packaging and publicity of the company. Otherwise, there are so many people with good image in the world, many with ability and conditions, and no fewer with ability and good image. But why are there so few successful people?

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Entertainment companies may not be able to hold you to the throne directly, but without the packaging of entertainment companies, it's almost impossible to be on the throne! If you can sit on the throne because of personal conditions, then the entertainment brokerage company is the cornerstone of the throne. Without the cornerstone, can the throne be stable? I'm afraid it's not so easy. Take Liu ChiYan for example. Because of the termination of his contract with century media, in recent years, his popularity is not as good as before.

Luminous: "by the way, I heard that you and century media fell out because of the contract. What's the matter?"

Liu ChiYan was obviously not happy when he heard the question from the night light. He said with a small mouth: "hum, I was still young and didn't understand the twists and turns of the entertainment industry. I signed a ten-year contract with them. The share was 7:3 and I was 3. Although after I became famous, the share was changed to 5:5, but it was one day after I became famous Straight has not changed. Tianhou, the sharing mode is only 5:5, which means that many second-line stars have more than this share ratio. The most irritating thing is that when my contract expires, they even want to renew it with a 5:5 share contract! Do you think I'm stupid? "

"No, you are the queen of heaven. How can the contract share be so low? Not as good as a second tier star? " Noctiluca asked.

Liu ChiYan said helplessly, "I give them less money. What else could it be for? "

Luminous surprised: "you give them to earn less?"

Liuchi said, "I don't take part in business shows or even participate in activities. The only thing that can make money is my works. Although I'm a queen, I'm also a celebrity. I can't even make as much money as some second-line stars."

"Why?" Noctiluca asked

"There are too many twists and turns in the entertainment circle. I'm afraid that I'll fall into it when I'm not careful, so I almost don't do anything that has nothing to do with my works. I want to be pure. Moreover, I think artists and stars should speak with their works. Others want to do, do not want to do not do! I don't want to do it! " Liu ChiYan said with a special purpose.

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Luminous nodded with approval: "that's true, so you have your own studio?"

Liu ChiYan said, "in fact, I don't have much ambition to open a studio. I just want to be the boss, so I don't have to be constrained. After saving with century media, I have to do something. I can't just sit back and eat nothing. I have so many fans that I can't just quit the entertainment industry and let them down. That's why I opened a studio and I have a career of my own. "

Luminous nodded, "with your fame, it's not difficult to make the studio bigger and stronger, and it's not hard to experience."

Liu ChiYan said with a smile: "it's good to be bigger and stronger, but this is not what I want to do most now..."

"what do you want to do most now?" Night light doubts a way.

Liu ChiYan didn't answer him immediately. Instead, he slightly propped up, raised his head, and took the initiative to kiss her lips. Then he pasted it in his ear and said in a soft voice, "before I met you, I didn't have anything I wanted to do most. After I met you, what I wanted to do most was to marry you..."

luminous chuckled and scraped her little nose, "you've done it Yes, you succeeded in getting me

Liu ChiYan bashfully punched him: "you lied to me."

The night light also doesn't argue with her, sneer a way, "that what do you want to say most now?"

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Liu ChiYan pasted it in his ear and blushed, but the night light didn't see it. He said gently: "now... What I want to do most is to accompany you to grow old..."

the sweet and greasy love words make the night light's mind ripple.

Night light turns his head, eyes full of love and Liu ChiYan look at each other.

Liu ChiYan gently spits out two words, "kiss me."

For a long time, the two people who were excited to kiss separated because of the sense of suffocation.

Noctiluca looked into the eyes of yeliuchi smoke and said affectionately: "believe me, I will accompany you until you get old."

Liu ChiYan said: "I believe you... Even if you cheat me, I also believe that I am willing to be cheated by you." (the author's ex girlfriend told me that she succeeded because it made me fall into her trap.)

It's late at night.

Noctiluca and Liuchi smoke sleepy also came up, Liuchi smoke nest in Noctiluca arms, Noctiluca embrace her, "sleep, stay up late is not good for the body, you can rest assured, I will hold you to sleep, will not do anything to you."

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"As long as you don't force me... Then what, the rest is you... Whatever you want." Liu ChiYan said in a soft voice.The light of the night suddenly brightened the eyes.


the next day.

It's sunny.

Night light likes to sleep in. It's almost ten o'clock before you wake up.

I had a good sleep. Well, the bed is so soft. How about the environment? By the way, I was at liuchiyan's house last night.

Reach out to touch, did not touch liuchiyan, luminous efforts to open his eyes, turned to see, liuchiyan is no longer.

Night full of sleep, stretching to get up, see a note on the bedside counter.

Open: breakfast is on the dining table. I bought it from outside. There are no pots and pans at home. I'll make it for you when I buy them. I went to the studio, you get up, if the breakfast is cold, put yourself in the microwave oven to heat up, remember to eat. I love you. kiss you.

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Beautiful handwriting, at the end of the pen also painted a small love.

Luminous mouth, full of sweetness and happiness.

After getting up and washing, night light ate breakfast prepared by Liu ChiYan, a box of egg tarts, a sandwich, a hot dog and a bag of milk. Liu ChiYan knew that he had a big appetite and prepared enough. Breakfast was cold and night light was too lazy to be hot. How to eat breakfast prepared by Liu ChiYan was delicious.

After breakfast, night light didn't stay at home much, so he drove to liuchiyan's studio.

Today is an exception. In the future, we should pay attention to it. Although we have a special relationship with Liu ChiYan, in the eyes of outsiders, he is only a new member of the studio. Apart from the rest, at least his work attitude should be correct. No one can be too late or leave early every day. Moreover, he is the vice president. He has to set an example, No However, the atmosphere of the studio has not been broken. Fortunately, I didn't inform others yesterday when he will officially go to work. Let's go to work today!

Liu ChiYan's home is very close to the studio, and it's only a few minutes' drive.

The first day I went to work, I parked my car in the underground garage, and night light felt some emotion at the door of the studio.

This is the place to fight for in the future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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