My Star Teacher

Chapter 43: 43

For Liu ChiYan let luminous be responsible for advertising, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin didn't say much, it was the default.

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After all, luminous is nominally one level higher than their official positions. The leaders should follow the command when they decide.

"I have a question." Said the night light.

Liu ChiYan: "what's the problem?"

Luminous: "what is the focus of the studio? Is it focused on serving you or on the business development of the studio itself? "

"What's the difference?" Liu ChiYan asked

Luminous said with a smile: "of course, there is a difference. If it focuses on serving you, then the advertisement will be shot by you in person. Your popularity and influence will bring a lot of benefits to the advertisement. But if it focuses on the studio itself, then you can't shoot it. Otherwise, no matter how good the advertising idea is, it may be covered by your own aura."

Liu ChiYan thought, "let's focus on the studio."

The tone of the advertisement has been decided like this. Luminous, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin have no opinions.

"Well, can I make a request?" All of a sudden, the night light says again.

Liu ChiYan looked at him suspiciously: "what's the requirement?"

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Night light complexion oddly says: "this vice-president I can not be improper?"

"What?" Liu ChiYan was so anxious that he said, "why not? You promised..." thinking that Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian were still there, Liu ChiYan looked at them, "brother Jiang, sister Jiang, if you don't have anything to do, go ahead and do it."

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin nodded goodbye, knowing that they were slick and that Jiang Xin had closed the door when she went out.

As soon as Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin went out, Liu ChiYan immediately changed his appearance and said pitifully, "you promised me."

Knowing that he had misunderstood, luminous explained, "no, I'm not resigning. I mean, can I change my position?"

When Liu ChiYan heard this, he knew that he had misunderstood and turned from Yin to Qing immediately, "why should I change my position? Isn't vice president OK? "

Noctiluca touched his nose and said: "good is good, that is... Night total, a little... You understand."

Liu ChiYan didn't know, so, "I don't understand. What's the problem? "

Night light look strange, airway: "night total, wild seed, understand, today when they all call me night total, almost did not give gas to faint in the past!"

"Puff." Liu ChiYan understood, but he couldn't help laughing.

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The night light white her one eye, don't have good spirit of say: "you still smile, anyway what total of I don't do."

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "what position do you want?"

Luminous: "whatever, just give it to a clerk."

Liu ChiYan is not happy: "that can't, this is my company, except I can't let other people control you."

Luminous smile, said: "then you say let me do what position, anyway what total I must be wrong."

Liu ChiYan: "it's not your own psychology. Let me think about it."

"Night light well way:" quick think, first say good, any can and always get involved in the relationship of all can't, can't stand this. "

Liu ChiYan seriously thought about it and proposed, "why don't you be my assistant?"

"Assistant?" Luminous waved, "I can't do this, where can I be an assistant, and you are a big star, I don't understand the twists and turns in the entertainment industry."

Liu ChiYan said with a smile: "it's very simple. There's nothing to do. Just follow me. I'll tell you what I want to do. I don't have to worry about these things. Sister Jiang will take care of them. Just follow me every day."

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Luminous still shook his head: "no, that's just idleness."

Liu ChiYan: "how can you be idle? When you are my assistant, you will help me deal with the work of the studio. I will ask you to help me do anything in the studio. In the future, you will represent me in the studio, so that no one will take care of you. Moreover, if you are not the vice president and are in the same office with me, I am afraid outsiders will have gossip. If you are my assistant You don't have to worry at all. It's not easy for people to gossip than vice president. "

The night light is a little exciting.

Liu ChiYan continued: "when I am an assistant, you will follow me wherever I go. People want you to be around every day." In the end, Liu ChiYan was almost coquettish with the night light.

Luminous moment surrender, "OK! Then I'll be your assistant. "

Liu ChiYan immediately happy, repeatedly nodded, and thought: "assistant seems not very pleasant to hear, say to have a little face, so, give you a studio general consultant title, say to have a face!"

Liu ChiYan has a good mother, because her mother told her that women should take care of men's face.

Luminous of course also happy, he is really a good face, "OK, that's it!"

Half an hour later, Liu ChiYan summoned all the staff to hold a meeting to briefly explain the responsibility of luminous for advertising shooting. In addition, he re announced the new appointment of luminous, which was still at the level of deputy general manager, but his position was changed to general consultant and assistant of the studio.The crowd applauded in a moment of confusion.

Is it like that?

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The new front desk girl is Yu Xuejia. She is very surprised that the young girl in the morning was the vice president. At that time, she didn't think much of him. As a matter of fact, he is not a person to judge his appearance, and the sea is not to be measured. He is now the general consultant of the studio and assistant of Liu ChiYan. Anyway, no matter what he is, he is in a high position. He is so young and promising Ah, there are trees and trees. The little girl at the front desk called Yu Xuejia. The more she looked at the night light, the more pleasing she felt. The more she looked, the more handsome she felt the night light. The little stars all over her eyes were coming out.

At noon.

After lunch, Liu ChiYan wants to pull the night light to go shopping in the department store. There are still many things at home, such as pots and pans, kitchen supplies, daily necessities and so on. Liu ChiYan is very attentive to this family.

Luminous refused, for a good reason: "next time, I'll go. Although I'm nominally in a high position, most of these people in the company are your original team. On the surface, they may not say it, but they must not be convinced that I'm a young man. I can't skip work at this time. I have to seize the time to put out the advertisement and make achievements to convince them It's better for the later team to lead. "

Liu ChiYan saw that he was very serious, but he didn't insist on it.

Luminous in the office dedicated to writing advertising plan, Liu ChiYan nothing to do, listening to music in the office, did not disturb him, but for a while to help him pour water, a while to help him with fruit, a while to pinch his shoulder, just like a little daughter-in-law waiting on her husband.

If this picture is seen by many fans of Liu ChiYan, you can be sure that the night light will be chopped to death by the angry fans of Liu ChiYan! MMP dare to let our goddess Liu serve you!

And who's the assistant? How does it feel like the reverse? Why does the boss serve the employees?

It's not scientific. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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