My Star Teacher

Chapter 460: 460

Snow leopards.

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A truly modern special forces.

It has the characteristics of flexible establishment, capable personnel, excellent equipment, fast mobility, well-trained and strong combat effectiveness.

The special forces trained by luminous Institute are snow leopards.

He knew little about the army now, only through the previous exhibition gallery, he knew his name.

Follow the thunderstorm all the way silent walking to the training ground.

The thunderstorm called for a soldier.

"This is the leopard, my deputy." Thunderstorm introduced to the night light, and then said to the leopard, "new comer, I'll give you half an hour, take him to get clothes, quilts and daily necessities, and report to the training ground in training clothes half an hour later."

"Yes The leopard salutes and takes orders.

"Come with me." The leopard said to the night light.

The code name of the leopard makes the night light laugh. If the word "Zi" is added to the back of the leopard, it will make the night light happy.

The body of the leopard is also very big. In fact, after seeing it in the night light, he almost never saw the one who is not strong in this camp.

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No wonder they are special forces. At least their physique and physical quality are much higher than those of ordinary soldiers.

The leopard doesn't talk much and is relatively silent. Along the way, the night light follows him and also takes the opportunity to talk with him and have a good relationship with him. But the leopard always spares no words and says that he is not indifferent to the night light. It's really just his character.

After receiving all the living materials, the leopard took the night light to the dormitory and arranged a bed for him.

Knowing that night light was a new recruit and had never joined the army, the leopard was a bit surprised, but didn't ask much. He just quietly helped night light make the bed and fold the quilt into tofu.

"Today is the exception. You will be taught in the evening." The leopard said lightly.

The tone is very light, but the night light feels very warm. This is a man with cold face and warm heart.

Military uniform luminous also led several sets, regular uniform, team uniform, training uniform, combat uniform, etc.

Luminous's clothes are different from those of other soldiers. He has no rank on his shoulders.

After changing the training clothes, luminous comes back to the training ground with the leopard.

"What do you know?" Luminous back to the training ground, thunderstorm asked.

Luminous a Leng, did not fully understand what thunderstorm means, what will? We know a lot about it, but what do you ask?

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Seeing the light of night and not talking, thunderstorm roared, "can't you hear me when I ask you something? I ask you what you know! "

Luminous is one of the characteristics of the army. It has a loud voice. It's really loud. It's used to roar.

What do you mean? I know a lot of skills, but if you mean something from the army, I don't know anything about it. "

Thunderstorm frowned, and then called a soldier, "black leopard, this man is handed over to you, according to the way of recruits, I'm talking about new recruits, he can't do anything."

Panther a Leng, "ah?"

"Ah, what, shall I repeat it? It's up to you! "

"Yes The Panther takes orders.

After the thunderstorm, he turned around and left, regardless of the light of night.

The black leopard looked at the night light, but it's still unclear. So why do the special forces still come to this kind of recruits?

"You, come with me." The Panther greets the night light.

The night light followed, and then began the first step of training.

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It's also the most basic step, Junzi.

Stand at attention, relax, turn left and right, walk in unison and so on.

Night light thinks that it is not too bad to do these things. After all, he learned all these things in the military training in the University, and he has not forgotten them.

However, what he thought was good could not be seen in the eyes of the black leopard. From the beginning of training, the roar of the black leopard had never stopped, and he was spitting all over his head.

I'm not confident. Is it really not standard? It looks good.

Well, routines, routines, are all routines. Veterans treat new recruits in a standard way. Luminous can only comfort himself. Think about it, in his... Er, plagiarized novels, it's not the same. It's understandable.

In fact, Panther is very depressed at the moment. It's very good. Thunderstorm has given him such a troublesome job. It's no wonder he's not depressed.

Luminous learns things very quickly. Although the basic movements were not very standard before, the Panther has been taught for a long time, and the movements are standard, but those who have never been a soldier always feel a little less.

It's a good thing that night light can learn fast, but black leopard is not happy. How can you learn so fast? When you get to such a place, you can't be comfortable. When we first came in, we all suffered. Naturally, we can't make new recruits comfortable.

As a result, the Panther immediately began to fight against the night light. First, she let the night light stand in a military position for an hour, unable to move. For this reason, the Panther also put two bricks on the head of the night light, plus a bowl of water. She threatened that if the night light dropped something on his head, or spilled water, he would be punished.It's not easy to stand with two bricks on top of your head and a bowl of water. Without training, it's good for ordinary people to find a balance and hold it for a short time.

Panther thought, since you learn so fast, you can hardly find an excuse to scold. In this case, it will increase the difficulty for you. Anyway, it can't make you comfortable.

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Night light has nothing to say about this. Military training and military training are like this. If the black leopard trains him, he will accept it. He can do whatever he says. It's not hard to put two bricks on his head and add a bowl of water.

It's really not difficult for luminous. Anyway, he's also a martial arts practitioner. He still studies Tai Chi and Tai Chi. He has a high demand for the feeling of balance point. It's really no trouble to hold something firmly on his head.

In fact, if the night really serious up, the use of Tai Chi, not to mention just holding still, he can head on the bricks and water, steady run a few laps, and can ensure that the water will not spill out!

Moreover, the weight of two bricks on the head is not light. Standing on the top of a brick for an hour is also a relatively uncomfortable thing for people who have not been trained.

However, luminous is no longer the same. Although his physique is no different from before, his physique is not at the same level at all.

Not to mention Kung Fu and combat effectiveness, these people in the whole training ground are not bragging by night light. One of them is one. It is estimated that they may not be able to find people with better physical fitness than night light.

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Eh, how come there is a sudden advertising style...

why , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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