My Star Teacher

Chapter 473: 473

There was a trace of anger in the light of night.

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Not to Li Delong, he also understands Li Delong, a TV station. Even if Li Delong is the deputy director, he can't cover up what is.

Li Delong can come to explain things to his face and offer him an apology, which is already in place.

Noctiluca's anger is directed at Song Haiyi and Li Youlong. With your fingers, you can see that they are definitely responsible for this evil move. Otherwise, who will be in charge of the play?

They are the only ones who want to fight against the night light. First of all, they have a way to cut corners.

I have to say, it's amazing.

Luminous is also quite helpless. Li Delong's last words are very realistic and cruel. Other TV stations should not bother.

Ha ha.

It's cool to lean against a big tree.

But who is luminous.

What he can't stand most is this kind of trick of using force to suppress others.

Leaning on the sofa, he thought for a while, and luminous called Jiang Fengxian.


JIANG Fengxian is with Jiang Xin at the moment.

Not in love.

It's because recently, they have been working very hard because of the TV series. So, Jiang Fengxian, who has some ideas about Jiang Xin, takes the opportunity to say that he wants to go out and have a good meal to comfort himself. He also "incidentally" invites Jiang Xin.

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Jiang Xin is also a little tired during this period of time. After Jiang Fengxian's invitation was considered, he agreed. It's nothing to eat. The number of times they usually eat together is not small. Of course, it's all because of work.

After dinner, it was a beautiful day.

Today's weather is really good, looking up to see the stars.

The place to eat and the place to live were not far away, so they didn't drive and walked back while chatting.

This is the time that Jiang Fengxian is most looking forward to. He can take the opportunity to get closer to Jiang Xin.

Walk, walk.

An old couple came up.

They are all on crutches, but the other hand is always holding each other.

Jiang Xin's steps stopped, looking at the old couple all the time.

When the old couple passed in front of them, Jiang Xin took back her eyes, with some envy in her eyes.

Jiang Fengxian said, "what a good old couple. They've been together all their life. Looking at me, they all want to get married."

Jiang Xin spent her whole life, then took a look at Jiang Fengxian and said, "if you want to get married, find someone to marry. Brother Jiang, you're old and well-off. It's time to get married."

Jiang Feng shook his head first, and then said, "it's better to be short than to be extravagant. I only marry people I want to marry."

Jiang Xin smiles, "brother Jiang, you are quite particular about it."

Jiang Fengxian waved his hand, "what do I care about? You are not dead. You are old and big. It's time to find someone to start a family."

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Jiang Xin said with a smile, "go with the flow."

Jiang Fengxian did not speak, nor did Jiang Xin.

Two people inexplicably silent.

Don't know why, at this moment, two people before the atmosphere inexplicably become some beautiful.

Maybe it's because the wind is very comfortable and the scenery is very good tonight.

Jiang Feng first encouraged himself. Then he made up his mind. He turned to Jiang Xin and said, "have you ever thought about getting married?"

Jiang Xin also looked at him, and his eyes, and then fled away, shaking his head, "I don't know."

Jiang Fengxian's original design is to say at this time, when you think about it, tell me, I will marry you.

Look, if you say it, the sudden confession, the sudden atmosphere, and the intoxicating breeze and beautiful scenery, maybe Jiang Fengxian really succeeded in the revolution.

However, Jiang Fengxian's words all came to his lips, and his damned mobile phone rang, which immediately made Jiang Fengxian hold back his words.

The call is luminous.

Jiang Fengxian saw the caller ID, a black line, in the heart has been scolded.

Night disaster, you are a disaster. How many times has this happened! Can you change the person's harm! Don't be so opportune every time!

The words had been choked back, and the atmosphere had been stirred up. Jiang Fengxian didn't have the spirit to say such a word again. He gritted his teeth and answered the phone.

Over there, Jiang Xin was suddenly relieved when Jiang Fengxian answered the phone.

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She didn't know what she felt, some happy, some confused, some panic, some lost. She didn't know what kind of mentality she had.


when talking with luminous, Jiang Fengxian's tone was rather impolite, and he didn't have the same attitude as when talking with the leader.

Luminous also wondered, what's the matter? When did you step on Jiang Fengxian's tail and blow him up?

However, the matter is still clear.Jiang Fengxian was also very surprised to learn that Jiangxi satellite TV had suddenly turned back on its words on the phone. He could not afford to be angry with luminous and began to discuss countermeasures with luminous on the phone.

After the call, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin also talked about it.

Two people did not continue to walk mood, so, Jiang Fengxian Jiang Xin sent back.

Jiang Xin and Jiang Feng first lived in the same community, but not in the same building.

When Jiang Xin went upstairs, Jiang Fengxian was still standing in the same place, watching her enter the building.

All of a sudden, Jiang Xin turned around and saw Jiang Fengxian, who was still standing, shouting, "brother Jiang."

Jiang Fengxian said, "well, what's the matter?"

Jiang Xin wanted to talk and stop, seemed determined, and then said, "brother Jiang, there's no need in the future. Let's not eat together. It's you who spend every time. It's not good."

Jiang Fengxian was stunned.

Jiang Xin's words are euphemistic. On the surface, it's about eating, but they both know what it means inside.

This is very clear, but also very determined to them this has not begun to feel directly crossed.

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Jiang fengxianqiang held back his loss, smiling, pretending he didn't understand Jiang Xin's meaning, and said, "Hey, what's necessary or not? It's just an occasional meal between colleagues. It's nothing expensive. You have to feel sorry. Next time we'll have AA."

Or it's a mature and steady old doggie with just the right psychological quality. At this time, he can still pretend to laugh like a nobody.

Jiang Xin had finished what she wanted to say. She didn't answer and turned to enter the building.

Jiang Fengxian, with a nearly solidified smile, was stunned for a long time.

When the light in Jiang Xin's room came on upstairs, Jiang Feng turned around and left. He walked very fast and almost trotted.

Upstairs, Jiang Xin, who peeked down from the window, watched Jiang Fengxian's voice disappear in the night. She closed her eyes and squeezed her fist. For a moment, she breathed heavily. Looking at the direction of Jiang Fengxian's disappearance, she said, "I'm sorry."

The next day.

Jiang Fengxian, who has always been strict with time, is on time for work and has never been late or left early, was late for the first time.

At this time, according to the nature of night light, we should have gone to geying Jiang Fengxian for a few words.

For example, Ge Ying said to him, "Hey, Lao Jiang, is it the sun coming out in the West or your bed that kidnapped you? You are late and said," what did you do last night? "!

However, when he saw Jiang Fengxian, he swallowed his words.

Today's Jiang Fengxian is the same as before. He wears the same style, has the same neat hair, and is not in a bad mental state. Everything is as usual.

But luminous knows that it is not suitable to stimulate him today.

Night light can feel that he has a kind of breath today.

This kind of breath is called melancholy , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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