My Star Teacher

Chapter 475: 475

For a while.

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In Liu ChiYan's sad little eyes, night light finally tells the truth.

"Actually, this time I went to Yuezhou to sell TV dramas, let alone other things."

Jiang Fengxian, "something."

Noctiluca broke his fingers to count out, "the follow-up IP of our TV series, a marketing plan, and a concept, plus a project plan."

Liu ChiYan, Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin were confused.

It's all about what.

Luminous eyes narrowed, said, "in fact, this may really be a loss of business ah." After thinking about it again, he added, "it's not a loss. It's the trend of the times. I just let it come ahead of time."

Liu ChiYan, "explain the white point, what comes in advance?"

Noctiluca, "the new era of webplay and webplay. This is a new concept I put forward to them. I believe that with this new concept, their development process can be shortened by three to five years."

Liu ChiYan and others don't quite understand what Noctiluca describes as a new era of online drama.

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Net play and net ensemble are familiar to all of us. We know what this is, but what is the new era of net play and net ensemble?

In this world, the development process of video websites still stays behind the major TV stations. Generally, TV plays are broadcast on TV, and then sold to video websites for network broadcasting rights.

It has not been able to develop to the situation of website independent self-made network drama network integration.

Luminous do, is to push a TT video.

Yesterday, he flew to Yuezhou. During the negotiation, he spent most of the time talking with several executives of TT video about what is the new era of webplay, what are the advantages and development prospects of webplay, and so on. Referring to what he saw in the dream world, luminous talked in detail, and basically made an advanced strategic development plan for TT video on the spot.

Don't think what luminous said is nothing. It's all pediatrics. Can't others think of what he said?

It's not like this. Over the years, online dramas have sprung up. Maybe you are used to it.

However, the first year of self-made comprehensive network drama, the year that it really started, was 2014.

Before that, all major network platforms, no matter how big the traffic is, how many members there are, more or less, have to watch the faces of mainstream TV stations and follow them for a sip of soup.

The strategic development plan that luminous recounts to TT video is likely to bring this era to an end ahead of time.

However, with this concept alone, TT video can not be sold at an unprecedented price of 5 million.

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So, luminous package gave TT video a big gift.

First. Nature is the new era concept of netplay and Netcom proposed by luminous.

Second, the subsequent IP of TV series is packaged and sold to TT video. That is to say, if this TV series has a second one, then the IP copyright belongs to TT video and has nothing to do with luminous. In fact, luminous doesn't plan to make any more trouble with the second one, so it is sold so simply.

What's more, the second follow-up movie is nothing more than the name of the first movie to attract some traffic. The key still depends on the plot. If night light really wants to shoot the same type of TV series on military themes, it's better to change its name and setting. There's no need to use this name.

Third, a project planning, this project is based on the concept of the new era of network drama and network integration. Luminous promised to make the first self-made network integration planning for TT video. Of course, the cost of planning is calculated separately, and the work can't be done in vain.

In luminous's mind, so many excellent variety shows, just throw one to TT video, that's nothing.

Third, luminous has made a marketing plan for TT video. The content of marketing is membership. He proposed a new membership mechanism for TT video website, which is the most visible and tangible mechanism for TT video and is most likely to be effective in the near future.

Compared with the empty pie painted before the night light, it makes people greedy, but it's still a question whether they can eat it. However, after listening to this marketing plan, all of us immediately feel that it must be feasible!

In this way, in order to sell TV series at a good price, luminous also spent a lot of money.

However, if you think about it carefully, with the development of the times, whether it's the new era of online drama and online integration, or the new membership mechanism, etc., it will still come.

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These are not his things. On the contrary, they are like taking advantage of what is about to be the trend of the times to seek a wave of benefits for himself.

Detailed and night light and Jiang Fengxian and others told the whole process of yesterday's negotiations.

Jiang Fengxian couldn't help but give a thumbs up to luminous.

Jiang Fengxian seldom admired anyone. He was just surprised that he showed a lot of talent before night light, but when it comes to heart admiration, it's hard to say.

But now it's really admirable.

It's not hard to understand what luminous said, but it's really ahead of the times.Jiang Fengxian will not admire luminous's talent, but will admire his vision and thinking.

The copyright fee of 150 million yuan basically earned the book back. Even if the latter half of the money is not earned, it will not lose much. Losing such a little money is nothing to night light and Liu ChiYan.

However, luminous is not the kind of person who will make him lose money. He is very generous to his own people and never cares about comparison. However, if outsiders or enemies make him lose money, he will not agree!

October 1st.

The day of the network Premiere of Noctiluca TV series.

The propaganda posters have been replaced with normal ones. A group of main actors, wearing a majestic military uniform, salute a flag with helmets under it.

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The title is at the top - I'm special forces.

At the bottom is a slogan: if necessary, I will die for my country; if necessary, the last bullet will be left to me, the last bullet to me, the last bullet to me!

I'm a special forces soldier. I'm shocked. I'll see you at eight tonight!

Broadcast time, luminous and TT video moved a careful eye.

"Immortal soldier soul" was broadcast on CCTV's golden platform at 20:30 PM.

Night light's TV series are half an hour ahead of him, half an hour's time, whether it's long or short. If it's half an hour's anxious waiting, it's sure that the time passes slowly.

In this period of time, perhaps, many people watching TV, because they are bored, choose to watch the night light first, and update the TV series at eight o'clock on the Internet. Then, the night light can't keep this audience!

Network update broadcast is this good, flexible time.

When you broadcast it, I'll update it. Besides, I'm half an hour ahead of you. Anyway, I can adjust it, but you can't.

No matter whose play is better, I'll disgust you first! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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