My Star Teacher

Chapter 480: 480

Many TV stations are interested in buying the TV copyright of TV series. Night light had a vague premonition of this situation last night.

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The reason is simple.

The reason why Noctiluca TV series couldn't be broadcast in TV stations before is that song Haiyi and Li Youlong spread a so-called "upper" signal to all TV stations through the art troupe, and listed Noctiluca TV series as a roadblock to the top key projects.

In order to cooperate with the "top", no one dares to take this hot potato. Therefore, Jiangxi satellite TV is also temporary and decisive, so it repents and sells the night light.

However, today is different from the past.

Last night, the TV series of night light was praised by the news network.

Compared with the above meaning in the legend, the signal sent out by the news network is the real and clear signal.

What does it mean? You don't have to speculate. It's very clear. Otherwise, can the news network broadcast?

This is to tell you that the upper authorities like the luminous drama very much, and we all need to support it.

So, in the early morning, the major TV stations began to act.

Jiang Fengxian's mobile phone has been in a down state. The phone is ringing all the time. After a morning's phone call, he is also annoyed. Simply, as soon as the phone is silent, he leaves it in the drawer and goes to night light to make up his mind.

It's about buying. It's no different from robbing. It's too busy.

Jiang Fengxian, "how to sell?"

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The night light looked at Jiang Fengxian with a sly smile like a fox in his eyes and said, "I'm not a capitalist with a black heart. In this way, the price of conscience is what I sold to Jiangxi satellite TV at the first time, and what's the price now!"

Jiang Fengxian said, "Oh, is it a collection? So, to which one? "

The night light glanced at Jiang Fengxian and said, "Lao Jiang, I said, why can't you have a bigger pattern? You want to have such a good chance to make money here?"

Jiang Feng first muddled force, "this is not what you say, and the original same."

Luminous, "it's the same as before, but when did I say I only sold one? This time, let's sell ten! "

Jiang Fengxian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "ten? You are crazy! You are a fool when you are a TV station. Before we sold it to Jiangxi satellite TV, it was only 600000 yuan in the first round. Now it's not the first round. Although TV plays are popular, it's not a problem to sell 600000 yuan, but it's impossible to sell ten TV stations! "

Luminous, "Why are we not the first round?"

Jiang Fengxian, "we've been broadcasting in TT video. It's the first round."

But on TV, we are the first round

Jiang Fengxian is speechless, OK, you have a point. OK, the key is, if you think you say it, it depends on the TV stations.

The night light waved his hand and said, "come on, Lao Jiang, don't talk about it. I know it in my heart."

You have a fart number, Jiang Fengxian in the heart of a silent hate.

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Luminous, "well, let out the wind. We only buy ten TV series in case of sixty thousand episodes. If you want to buy them, you can buy them on a first come first served basis

Jiang Feng first opened his mouth and stopped talking. Then he looked at the night light and said, "OK, you can do what you say. Oh, by the way, if Jiangxi satellite TV wants to buy it, can we sell it or not? Previously, they... "

the night light was silent for a few seconds, and then said," if they come, then sell it. It's the TV station in my hometown. Besides, I have to give Uncle Li some face. "

In the past, what Jiangxi TV station did was not authentic, and night light also had bad feelings in his heart, but night light was not a chicken bellied person. In addition, Li Delong is now the deputy director of the station, and he doesn't look at monks' faces and Buddha's faces. Night light has exposed this problem.

Jiang Feng nodded first, then turned and went out.

That day.

The news of luminous's sale of TV rights to "I'm a special forces" spread among the industry.

make complaints about many insiders and TV stations.

"Crazy about money! For a TV play that has already been broadcast, the right to broadcast an episode will be sold for 600000 yuan! "

"It's nothing to sell 600000. This play is worth the price now. I heard that Xiangnan satellite TV has already sold the highest price, 4.5 million episodes. It wants to buy out the copyright at one time."

"Will the key people sell it now? Now people think of the play as a chicken that can lay golden eggs. It's 600000 yuan a episode, and it's going to sell ten. "

"If there are ten, the price of a single episode will be six million. My God, I have a big appetite."

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"Moreover, the copyright is still in people's hands. If you buy it, you just have a broadcasting right."

"If you can sell it or not, many TV stations may be able to accept the price of 600000 yuan, but they have already said that they will sell ten. Will TV stations agree to this condition? I don't believe there are so many wrongdoers who send money to him. "

Indeed, in terms of price, the unit price of Noctiluca is not unreasonable, but also within the psychological range of major TV stations.

However, there is another condition that many people can't accept. 600000, even if you can't buy the exclusive, you can still accept it if you have less selling points and agree on two or three, or even three or four. However, ten are too many.At that time, ten TV stations will be on the air at the same time, which will be lively. It can only be seen as one phenomenon, that is, the money has been spent, but the audience rating has not risen.


It's strange to be able to get up!

Many people in the industry are not optimistic about the decision-making of Noctiluca. They think that he is crazy about money, or he is a bit gone with the wind when he is called by the news network.


The reality has surprised those who are not optimistic about Noctiluca, as well as netizens from all sides.

The day after the news that luminous wanted to sell TV rights was released.

You Xianqi official micro update a dynamic.

[Applause, guys. 】

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attached below is a picture, and on the picture is a table with the title of "I'm a special forces" TV series cooperative TV station list. Then, here is a list of the names of ten TV stations.

At the beginning, netizens didn't think there was anything, because they didn't know what the price was. They just thought that it was strange for luminous to sell the broadcasting right to ten TV stations at one time. They had never seen such a TV series.

The insiders are just dumbfounded.

It's really special for me to go there, and there are so many. Moreover, how long has it been? Ten TV stations are complete. Look at the rhythm, people are still in a hurry to go there. I'm afraid that if they go late, they won't be able to take their turn.

That's true.

Noctiluca is about credibility. It's said that if you sell 10 companies, you'll sell 10 companies. It's said that if you sell 10 companies, you'll get 10 companies on a first come first served basis.

These ten TV stations are the fastest to find, and then the TV stations that are a little late are all turned away.

Some rich TV stations came late and didn't give up. They said they wanted to increase the price. The highest price was Xiangnan satellite TV. The price was 100 million episodes. It's like money is not the rhythm of money. A piece of money is not a problem. A TV play must be bought.

However, the night light is bite dead, do not sell! Sold out!

It's said that ten will be ten. Who made you late?

Out of stock, no exception!

It's a matter of principle. No matter how much money you pay, you can't sell it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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