My Star Teacher

Chapter 493: 493

Didn't keep the audience waiting.

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It's just a little bit.

All of a sudden, the "balloon" with Yiyi's clasp exploded, like an explosive shock wave in the essence of the journey, spreading rapidly around.

Then, a high-altitude camera recorded such a picture.

Yiyi stands on the stage. The dry ice clouds on the stage take her as the center and spread out in all directions, creating a picture of Taiji Liangyi.

The audience can't help cheering when they look at the Taiji Liangyi pattern formed by white fog on the screen.

"This pattern is Taiji Liangyi!"

"Powerful, my Yiyi!"

"Tai Chi pattern, so it looks beautiful, very graphic."

"Is Yiyi so small that she can perform such magic? It's amazing. "

"Who designed this magic? It's not really Yiyi, is it? It's beautiful. It's a rare magic trick. "

"Yiyi, you are great!"


Yiyi has finished her work and recovered. She seems a little confused. What happened just now. She turns her head and looks at the night light standing at one end of the stage. She blinks big eyes and seems to ask, "night light, what happened just now? Have you finished singing? "

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Luminous didn't say anything. He knew that Yiyi had made a successful breakthrough. On the stage, he didn't say much. The strange image just created by Yiyi was shocking. If the breakthrough could not be disturbed, luminous wouldn't let so many people watch Yiyi make a breakthrough.

He didn't say anything. The night light smiles at Yiyi, then comes over, bows to the audience, and walks slowly towards the backstage.

On the stage, the clouds that created amazing "magic" have returned to normal, and the stage has been paved disorderly again. They flutter against the table, and then dissipate slowly, as if nothing had happened before.

In the audience, many people yelled that the magic Yiyi just performed was great, but it was an explanation to many people who had been in a state of surprise before. It turned out that it was magic. No wonder, looking at us in a daze, we all thought that we had gone to hell and scared the baby to death.

However, some people who are curious and suspicious can't help thinking carefully. Is this really just a magic trick? Can a six-year-old girl perform such magic? What's more, what's Taiji and Taiji before the night light?

Let them think that the audience can't figure it out now. No one will think that it's a kind of magical Kung Fu now. How can Kung Fu be so magical.

What's more, what kind of Kungfu are those that Yiyi just drew? It's the dance.

Yiyi is led to the backstage by the night light.

It seems that something has changed in her body. Yiyi looks down at her stomach from time to time, and then touches it with her hand. Maybe she doesn't understand what it is. Yiyi asks luminous, "luminous, I feel hot here."

Luminous looked at Yiyi, took him to a corner where there was no staff, squatted down, put one hand on Yiyi's stomach, then laughed and said to Yiyi, "this is Qi, which shows that Yiyi's Taiji has been very powerful."

Yiyi's eyes brightened and asked happily, "really? Really? Is my Tai Chi already very powerful? "

Luminous nodded, "well, Yiyi is great. Taiji is already very powerful."

Yiyi got a positive answer, nodded with satisfaction, and then listened to the praise of luminous, some floating up, proud way, "Hmm! I think I've become a little bit more powerful, too! "

The glow of the night gave a chuckle.

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Well, it's easy to be proud when parents praise you as a child.

Liu ChiYan and his parents also came backstage.

Because I miss Yiyi.

If others don't know, they can't know. It's not magic at all. It's Yiyi's Taiji Kung Fu.

Liu ChiYan said, "how about Yiyi? Is everything all right? "

Luminous, "it's OK. It's OK. Kung Fu has broken through."

Dad looked at Yiyi, then at the night light, and said, "son, you're not going to have any problem with the Kung Fu you learned from ancient books, are you?"

This is the explanation given by luminous to his parents for Taiji. They didn't say anything. Luminous was like this when he was young. He learned things very fast. When he was a child, he could learn kung fu from a book he didn't know where.

As for the ancient book that never existed, luminous only said that he didn't know when and where he had lost it, even if he had muddled through.

The mother also said, "yes, son, no, don't let Yiyi practice. It's from every girl's family. What kind of Kung Fu do you practice? It's very scary just now."

Luminous, "it's OK, mom. Don't worry. This Kung Fu is a good thing. I'm going to teach you to practice with dad after I'm busy."

Dad, "why do we practice this stuff at our age?"

You don't know, mom and Dad, the greatest effect of this Kung Fu is to keep fit. If you practice every morning and night, you will be healthy and live a long lifeMother glared at the night light, and Liu ChiYan came at the waist of the night light.

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Luminous reaction, pretended to give himself a mouth, quickly changed his mouth, "Mom and Dad, you see my mouth, words will not say, mom and Dad, even if you don't practice this Kung Fu, you can be healthy and live a long life, I mean, if you practice this Kung Fu, you can prolong your life."

Dad asked incredulously, "really?"

Luminous, "can I fool you? Which son doesn't want his parents to be healthy and live a long life. "

This is true.

Mom thought about it, and then said, "it's really as good as what you said. You can take time to teach me and your father later."

The night light nods, "get Le!"

He Xing, who is on the stage outside, has almost finished his song.

Xia Hai went backstage to look for the night light and liuchiyan.

"Mr. Liu, Xiao Ye, uncle and aunt, talking? Mr. Liu, get ready. The next program is up to you. "

Liu ChiYan nodded, "well, here we are."

Luminous also hastened his parents to the audience, "walk, let's go to the front to watch the program, this program, can't miss."

Mom and Dad were a little curious, "isn't it listening to music? What program? "

Luminous nodded, "well, the song is still a song, but it's a little different. You'll know after you see it."

In addition to Liu ChiYan staying backstage to prepare, luminous and mom and dad all returned to the audience with Yiyi.

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See the night light come out.

Liu Tianwang and Xu Chen lanbao and others, with some strange eyes, looked at the night light and Yiyi, and resisted their curiosity without asking questions on the spot.

The vision Yiyi created on the stage before surprised them. Moreover, these guys who are close to the night light know something about the night light and Yiyi. They don't think it's arranged magic.

In fact, it's Yiyi's chance. According to common sense, even if Yiyi breaks through, it won't be the same as usual. The amazing vision on the previous stage.

Taiji belongs to neijiaquan, which stresses the practice of Qi. Yiyi's previous practice is to break through the realm of practicing Qi.

If you put it in other places, such as home, it won't be this kind of momentum. If you don't rely on Yiyi too close, you can't feel that she is different from her usual Taiji practice.

But just on the stage, there are clouds with negligible weight, and the air generally has no real weight.

At that time, Yiyi developed a kind of Qi, and it was just because of the Qi that she just developed that she drove the air flow on the stage. The existence of clouds only reflected the change of the air flow on the stage. Because the clouds were too light, following the air flow, she presented a strange image.

Or that sentence, if there is no cloud, you can't feel it at all, because the air is flowing all the time. Yiyi's Qi only changes the disorderly flow of air, making it orderly and tangible.

In fact, if you break through a deciduous forest, you can't even sweep away the fallen leaves. At most, it just makes the loose leaves tremble and fluctuate a little. It's impossible to see the spectacle of clouds around you like today.

I can only lament that sometimes it happens that when Yiyi's breakthrough is not good, but today's breakthrough is not good. When Yiyi's breakthrough is in the stage performance, the stage breakthrough is a breakthrough. On the stage, there are clouds made of artificial dry ice to render the atmosphere of dance beauty.

Probably, this is a kind of fate.

Fate is wonderful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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