My Star Teacher

Chapter 5: 5

Luminous took out his home-made orange mobile phone and made a call to Li Delong, his father's old comrade in arms who worked in the radio station.

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"Hello, Uncle Li, I'm luminous. I'm at the door of the station. Well, well, well, well. I'm wearing a black suit and carrying a brown satchel. Well, I'll wait for you at the door. "

The phone hung up, and in a moment, a man about 50 years old came out of the radio station. The man was very burly and had some style. The hair is a little white, but it is carefully arranged.

Li Delong said hello to luminous from a distance, "little night! That's it

The night light greets him and says, "Uncle Li."

Li Delong went to luminous. He patted luminous's shoulder kindly, "Hey. Xiaoye, I haven't seen you again. I'm strong again. Ha ha

"It's all my mother's food. So are you, Uncle Li. You're still so strong, which makes us young people feel ashamed." Said the night light.

"Ha ha, old, old." Li Delong said with a smile, "don't stand here. Let's go in." With that, Li Delong pulled the night light into the radio station.

Li Delong came to the ninth floor with night light. Along the way, many staff members said hello to Li Delong and called him Li Tai. Entering Li Delong's office, night light saw the sign on Li Delong's desk: radio station director Li Delong.

"Ha, Uncle Li, you are the head of the radio station. My father told me that you work in the radio station, but he didn't tell me what you do here. Together with my father, I've got a big backing. " Luminous said with a smile.

Li Delong personally poured a glass of water for the night light, asked the night light to sit down, and said with a smile: "your father's temperament, hi, although my old comrade in arms and I have been in the same city for so many years, we have never asked me to do anything or help. I go out for a drink with him once in a while, and I always say your mother is in charge. Yesterday your father called me and gave me a fright. Your father never asked for help. This is an exception. "

"Hey, who said it wasn't?" Yeguang said with a smile, "Uncle Li, you have no difficulty? If you have any difficulty, please tell me straight away. I don't want to give you any trouble

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"Hi. What did you say! " Li Delong feigned anger and said, "there is no difficulty! Your father and I have been friends for so many years. I grew up watching you. In those days, your father and I were comrades in arms who carried guns and slept in the upper and lower bunks together. The first time your father came to me for work, I'm sure I'll do it for you

"Well, thank you, Uncle Li." Luminous said with a smile. Noctiluca is not too hypocritical. Over the years, Li Delong and his family have a lot in common, and they are very familiar with each other. Now that I have asked for help, I have some affectation.

Luminous and Li Delong had a short chat in the office for more than half an hour, and finally they talked about luminous's work arrangement.

Li Delong asked luminous what he wanted to do.

Noctiluca said casually, anyway, he can't do anything. He has to learn everything from the beginning. Let Li Delong see the arrangement.

His carelessness, on the contrary, made Li Delong a little difficult. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Xiaoye, you're new here and you don't know anything. I can't arrange for you to go to any department or position that is hot." Li Delong thought about it and said, "well, I have a late night channel here. Now the radio host is an old brother named Liu Bayi. He will retire in half a month. He is an old man with experience and qualifications. You should learn from him first and add fuel. If you can get familiar with his work before he retires, I will let you pick up his program!"

Sure enough, it's easy to have acquaintances.

"Uncle Li, let me be on the show? Will it be a little... "Luminous was a little surprised, he was a rookie, and he didn't know anything, so he was arranged on the show? It's said that it's quite a host. He'll stay in the background for three years. Even if Li Delong is the head of the radio station, he won't really be allowed to stay in the background for three years, but is that too fast? Li Delong's arrangement is not easy to explain inside and outside.

"It's OK. It's a late night show, and there's no listening rate. These little guys in the station dislike it. I'm worried that no one will take Lao Liu's job. You're just in time!" Li Delong said with a smile: "can't it be you who have no confidence? Good or bad is also a famous university graduate, although professional counterparts, but exercise no problem. Don't worry about it Li Delong's voice is fixed!

Luminous also didn't refuse, he really need opportunities, also don't have so much time, so nodded: "well, I have confidence, thank you uncle Li."

"Just have confidence." Li Delong nodded, "by the way, Xiaoye, these days you learn more and read more with old Liu, and then you are looking for some training materials and books to be a host. There is also the host certificate. There will be a centralized examination ten days later. I'll find some acquaintances to help you get the host certificate. Although it's just a radio host, it's equivalent to leaving a pigtail for others without a certificate. "

Hearing the words in the light of night, I immediately admire Li Delong. This burly man is still a careful master. No wonder he can become a radio director.

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Host card, to be honest, luminous himself did not consider the card thing, after all, did not expect to be on the show so soon. In fact, many well-known hosts work without a license, not to mention broadcasting hosts. There are many without a license, but as Li Delong said, without a license is equivalent to leaving a pigtail for others to catch. There is a program called talk show after 80 tonight. The host is Wang Zijian, a crosstalk actor. He was born and later made this program. The program is not bad. He calls himself the first brother of China's talk show. But because of a problem with the host's certificate, he was caught in the pigtail and forced in. An optional host turned out to be a guest."OK, Uncle Li, I know. Don't worry about the host card. I'll take the exam myself. I'll go home and register online after work today. Since you don't want to pick someone's hair, you should clean it up. Otherwise, you will be afraid that someone will take my host card and entrust the relationship to do the work. "

Li Delong drank water and said, "hmm? Ten days, do you have confidence? It's not hard to prove, but it's not so easy to test. "

Luminous nodded, "no problem, Uncle Li, don't worry. I'm confident."

"Good! Just have confidence Li Delong patted luminous on the shoulder, "go, I'll take you to the Department where you work."

The eighth floor is the centralized office area of the radio station, covering a large area, with seven or eight areas separated by wooden partitions.

At a glance, the night light found that these employees were actually quite idle at work, playing mobile phones, reading newspapers, playing games, chatting and chatting. Few are doing business. When they saw Li Delong coming, they quickly gathered up one by one.

"Li Tai."

"Hello, Li Tai."

"Good leadership."

One by one, the staff said hello to Li Delong.

Li Delong nodded, clapped his hands in the central area of the hallway, and said, "stop, everyone."

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People stop their affectation and look at Li Delong.

"I'd like to introduce you to a new colleague."

Li Delong pointed to the night light around him.

"This is a new colleague named Ye Guang. Not long after graduating from University, I will work with you all. You are all his predecessors. In the future, I will take care of my little comrades. "

Luminous smile around the crowd, slightly nodded hello.

"Let's applaud." Li Delong took the lead in clapping.

The crowd also applauded one after another. The applause was not warm and sparse, but basically all the employees on the scene applauded.

I'm kidding. The head of the radio station brought people by himself. With his toes, he thought it should have something to do with it. He aimed at the head of the radio station, who didn't give some face.

"Xiao Zhao, you'll take the night light to check in later." Li Delong said to Zhao Rui, who was in her early 30s and had shoulder length short hair.

Zhao Rui nodded with a smile, and nodded with a smile from the night light. It was a greeting.

"Lao Liu, you are here, too." Li Delong's hair is already half white, with a Chinese character face and round glasses, said Liu Bayi.

Lao Liu nodded, "well, some retirement procedures have to come here. I'll go back immediately."

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Li Delong nodded with a smile and said, "that's just right. I'm looking for you in the evening. Lao Liu, you're old. In a few days, you'll retire. You're playing a role in bringing new night comrades in the area."

Liu Bayi a little surprised to see the luminous one eye, Leng for a while, did not refuse, light um a.

Night light obviously felt that many people's eyes were focused on themselves, some were surprised, some envied, and some were dissatisfied. Even night light found that a young man with black frame glasses in the corner had a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Noctiluca is not a fool. He has already guessed the general situation. It seems that Li Delong's late night block has no listening rate, and no one is willing to accept anything. It's just said to him, and he doesn't mean it. Li Delong's words in front of so many people are basically equivalent to making a decision for luminous to take over Lao Liu's program. As a newcomer to luminous, he has no qualifications. As soon as he gets on the show, even if Li Delong supports him, he may have to get into trouble.

Things have become a foregone conclusion, night light is not easy to say anything, can only be in the heart silently thank Li Delong. I'll have a chance to repay you later. He remembered the favor!

After that, Zhao Rui ran up and down with the night light to go through the entry procedures. Zhao Rui is a very kind and talkative woman, 32 years old, married and has a seven year old child. Maybe because of Li Delong, Zhao Rui is still very enthusiastic about luminous. Chatting all the way, yeguang and Zhao Rui soon get to know each other.

Luminous friendly called Zhao Rui Zhao Jie, Zhao Rui is also very enthusiastic and luminous introduction of all aspects of the radio.

In the end, after busy work, the entry procedures were finally completed at more than 11 o'clock.

The labor contract is signed for one year and the probation period is two months. The probation period is the same as the formal salary. At the end of each month, the salary is 3500, the full attendance award is 500, the meal allowance is 500, and the transportation allowance is 200. As a result, there are 4700 students in a month. For college students who have just graduated, it's not too low. Luminous estimates that there is Li Delong's face in it.

The night light saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he proposed to invite Zhao Rui to have a light meal. After all, people ran up and down with them all morning. Zhao Rui politely, and finally did not refuse, proposed to eat in the TV canteen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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