My Star Teacher

Chapter 50: 50

After a whole day's writing in the office, the night light actually wrote out all the unfinished plots of the first ghost blowing lamp in one day, with a total of 250000 words. This speed is amazing!

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I packed up the ghost blowing lamp and sent it to Li Delong by email. I called him and told him that it was almost 6 p.m. and it was time to get off work.

Liu ChiYan went to BJ this morning, but he couldn't come back today. After thinking about it, the night light thought that there was no tuixin garden, and Liu ChiYan was not there. No one cooked for him when he went back. He hasn't been home for several days. It's time to go back. He also had to tell his parents something frankly, otherwise he would suffer when the east window incident happened.

The luminous family lives in the north of the city, and the Hexin garden and the studio are all in the south of the city. It's very far from the south to the north. On the way to work, there are many ways to gamble. It took an hour for the luminous family to get home.

Come in.

"Mom and dad. I'm back. " The night light shouts at the door.

Dad is not in, mom is cooking in the kitchen, heard the light came back, quickly out of the kitchen.

His mother welcomed him and said happily, "my son has come back. Why don't you call in advance, so that I can make delicious food for you!"

Luminous said with a smile: "no, mom, I'm not an outsider. What you make is delicious."

The mother was very happy and said, "your father hasn't come back yet. I'll call him and ask him to buy two dishes."

Luminous: "no need."

My mother said happily, "yes, yes! You have to rest. I'll call your father

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Before long, Dad came back with a bag of cooked food.

Mom took dad's bag of cooked food and said, "how can I buy these?"

Dad: "Hey, you don't know what time it is. The food market has already closed, and the supermarket is full of shriveled dishes."

Mom didn't say anything. She turned to the kitchen.

The night light heard the sound and came out of the room.

Luminous: "Dad."

Dad: "well, I'm back."

After greeting each other, the two have no words. In fact, this is the normal way for father and son to get along in many Chinese families. If there is no woman in the family to talk about each other, the father and son may not even have a chat for a few days. In fact, most Chinese relatives are not good at expressing their feelings in words.

At dinner in the evening, my mother tried hard to make him eat more. She said that he couldn't eat well outside and he was thin.

Night light speechless, which thin, these days a small life is very moist ah, Liu ChiYan cooked food can be fragrant.

As long as they come back from a long journey, parents in the world will feel that their children are thin.

Taking advantage of the warm dining atmosphere of the whole family, luminous said: "Mom and Dad, there's something I'll admit to you. In fact, I came back the day before yesterday."

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Mom: "ah? Came back the day before yesterday? Why don't you go home these days? "

Dad didn't move his chopsticks any more and looked at him suspiciously.

Luminous then explained: "Mom and Dad, don't be angry, I'll explain to you." Luminous nose silently, "Liu ChiYan studio moved to Nanchang. I went to BJ a few days ago because I needed to go to move the studio. I came back the next day. The company has projects these days. It's too busy to come back. "

My mother was surprised and said, "have you moved to Nanchang? Isn't liuchiyan Bj? How did you move the studio to Nanchang? "

"I don't know, but it's good to move to Nanchang. It's close to our home, so I don't have to leave my hometown."

Mom thought about it, right. She didn't ask any more questions on this question: "it's a coincidence, but you are also. I haven't talked to my family for several days. Your father and I thought you were in BJ all the time."

"Luminous smile," this is not afraid of your worry, and it is too busy

Mom: "where are you staying if you don't go home these days?"

Luminous: "the studio is equipped with apartments for all employees. I'm the management. I'm equipped with a set of two rooms and one living room. It's very good."

My mother was suspicious, but she didn't ask any more questions. When my son was old, he had his own ideas to do things, and it was not easy for parents to ask too many questions. After eating a meal in the night, he was half true and half false. He lied all he could say and all he had to hide. There was no way. Some things were not right now, but he still had some problems in his heart, which was not good Is cheating parents, ah, in how there is a reason to have an excuse, the heart is still somewhat uncomfortable.

Night light and mom and dad said something about the studio, also said that he made advertising, after a period of time can be broadcast on CCTV, mom and Dad were very surprised.

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"My son is going to be on TV! Great

The atmosphere became lively again. The whole family enjoyed themselves and chatted while eating. My father's chatterbox also opened. "When I just came back, I saw a long Sky Hawk parked downstairs. Hey, good guy, this car is very powerful. It's grand and beautiful. Even if it's expensive, it'll cost 15.6 million. Son, you should make money and buy this one when it's developed What a face to drive out. "Mom: "hum, you men, cars are your little wives. They all like them very much. What's the use of buying such a good car, which can't eat or live? It's better to buy a suite. Even if it's still worth appreciation, the car is just a substitute. It's worth a few dollars if it's worn and depreciated every few years. It's all washed away. I think our anda is very good. Anyway, it's all on the road. Who's worse than who? It's a face project. "

Dad was embarrassed and annoyed: "what kind of business are you doing? I'll just talk about cars. As for such a large number of cars? I'm encouraging my son to be promising in the future! "

My mother snorted, "buy a good car is promising?"

Dad: "this is a compliment!"

The night light sees the situation is not good, quickly dissuades two people, otherwise these two old people will quarrel again.

Luminous: "Dad, do you like eagles?"

Dad: "yes, which man doesn't like this car."

Luminous took out the key from his pocket and put it on the table, "OK! Then this car is for you. "

Dad asked, "what do you mean?"

Noctiluca touched his nose and said, "downstairs, the Sky Hawk, mine!"

"Pa Da" Dad's chopsticks fell on the table.

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Dad exclaimed, "what are you saying? You're saying it again!"

"Night light laughs," downstairs that long Sky Hawk, is mine

Dad was stunned and speechless. The news surprised him so much that he had to digest it.

My mother was worried. Just now she heard my father say that the eagle in the sky wants $1.56 million. She didn't know who her son was. Where did he get the money?

The mother said anxiously, "son, tell your mother honestly, are you doing anything against the law and discipline?"

Luminous a Zheng, wry smile way: "how can ah, mother, son is who you still don't know."

My mother didn't believe it, and then said, "what's the matter with your car, son? My mother told you, don't do anything against the law and discipline. If you do it, turn yourself in quickly. Don't wait for the police to come to the door and fight for leniency from the party and the state." Mother said excitedly, "son, you have to be obedient. You can't make a mistake. Mother is just your son. Don't let anything happen to you. If you turn yourself in, you can be sentenced a few years less. Mother is waiting for you to come out. Son, you are obedient."

Luminous black line, helpless explanation: "Mom, you can rest assured, not as you think, I really did not do anything against the law and discipline, I promise!"

Dad came back and said, "son, you are not supported by a rich woman, are you?"

Night light sweat, thought, dad really smart eyes such as torch!

I'm taken care of by your daughter-in-law! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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