My Star Teacher

Chapter 539: 539

Let's run. The program is on record.

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TT video is broadcast while recording. At this time, nearly half of the program has been recorded, and several programs have been broadcast on TT video website.

There is no doubt that there has been a strong response.

Because it is not broadcast on the TV platform, there is no ratings to refer to.

But the second season's click volume of running bar brothers on TT video website also reached amazing data, playing the highest slogan of the whole network.

In the whole season, once again, the broadcast volume of men and women's combination is the second highest in the whole season, second only to the last one.

I don't know what tactics Xu Chen used. After Wan Hua finished recording a program, he didn't leave the crew. Instead, he stayed and played with the crew for more than ten days.

In the past ten days, Xu Chen seems to have changed his face. In the words of Lan Bao, "I've never seen such a serious Xu Chen."

When Xu Chen stayed in Wanhua's troupe these days, he really showed some abnormality.

It can't be said that it's abnormal. It can only be said that Xu Chen, who has been laughing all day, suddenly becomes very dignified and serious compared with his elder brothers.

The most important thing is that if you have nothing to do, you can go to talk with Wanhua. If you have nothing to do, you can go to Wanhua to offer hospitality.

Wan Hua wanted to drink water, so he went to help open the bottle cap.

If you have anything delicious, you should take it to Wanhua.

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If you see anything interesting, ask Wan Hua to come and have a look.

When a group of people go out to play, he is always very happy, carrying two bags, one is his own, the other is Wanhua.

All kinds of signs, let alone others, Wan Hua himself, all felt that this guy who always claimed to be his good friend seemed to have some different thoughts.

Therefore, after Wanhua left for more than ten days in the crew, he Xingge, the luminous elder brother, seriously suspected that Wanhua was embarrassed because of Xu Chen's performance during this period, so he couldn't stay.


in the twinkling of an eye, the 45 day program recording ended.

The second season of this run, recording is very smooth, we also have a good time.

Tonight is the last dinner before leaving. After tonight, the brothers of the running group will go their separate ways again tomorrow.

Liu ChiYan, fei'er, Xin Lan, Luo Yu and several female family members worked together to cook the dinner. The table was full of food with full flavor and color.

These people look like they don't stick yangchunshui, but I didn't expect that their cooking skills are good.

Several old men were talking and laughing at the dinner table, boasting all over the sky, and the women's families were accompanying them, which was very happy.

A dinner, Leng is from eight o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening to finish, night light today is also the first time to drink a lot of wine, drink the whole person is a little confused, when the end, still need Liu ChiYan to help some to walk steadily.

It's true that some people drink too much, and the night light doesn't know how to get into bed or how to fall asleep. There is too much water in their stomach. When they sleep in the middle of the night, the night light is choked up by urine, and they touch their side, but Liu ChiYan is not there.

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The light of night shook his head and got up. He came out of the bedroom. A figure was lying on the sofa.

Liu ChiYan fell asleep on the sofa, covered only with a thin blanket.

It was a little cold at night, and the willows were curled up.

The night light drinks a little today, full of wine smell, today is a farewell dinner for my brothers, everyone is happy, so the night light drinks too much, and liuchiyan doesn't say anything about him, but the smell of wine also makes liuchiyan can't sleep with the night light, so he makes do on the sofa.

Liu ChiYan gently picked up, night light will take her back to the house, put on the bed to cover the quilt, Liu ChiYan today sleep more heavy, never wake up.

Sniffed his body, or a smell of wine, night light did not choose to go to bed, afraid to smoke Liuchi smoke to wake up.

Out of the door, the night light went downstairs to the small garden of the B & B Inn to blow the wind. By the way, it also dispersed the smell of wine.

The moon is bright tonight.

After two steps, the night light saw a man sitting on the edge of the flower bed with a cigarette in his mouth.


Night light see clearly, is Liu Tianwang.

"Brother, why don't you sleep at night?" Luminous went to Liu Tianwang and sat down.

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Liu Tianwang, "you didn't sleep either."

Luminous smile, "up a night, can't sleep, also a body of wine, out of the wind scattered flavor."

Liu Tianwang laughs and takes out his cigarette box, "do you want one?"

Luminous hesitated slightly for a moment, took out one, and Liu Tianwang gave it to him.

Luminous, "you don't smoke. What's the matter with you?"

Liu Tianwang, "occasionally take one." After a pause of two seconds, Liu Tianwang said, "I'm going back this time and I'm going to get the certificate with Fei Er."

Night light a Leng, smile way, "congratulations."Liu Tianwang waved his hand, "when you get married, someone will be in charge."

Luminous, "it's not bad to have someone in charge."

There's nothing wrong with it. Liuchiyan is also in charge of luminous. Luminous never feels uncomfortable.

"That's right." The night light opens a way, "elder brother, you don't terminate an appointment?"? What's next? "

Liu Tianwang shook his head, "I don't know. I don't have any plans for the moment."

Luminous thought about it and said, "brother, why don't you come to our company?"

Liu Tianwang a Leng, "you sign me?"

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"Night light shakes his head a way," not sign you, pull you to join a gang. "

Liu Tianwang laughed and said, "don't make trouble. Your studio is developing so well now. You are so talented. Making a program and making a movie will make a lot of money. I'll join you. You're not giving me money."

Luminous twisted his head and looked at Liu Tianwang seriously.

Liu Tianwang also quietly looked at the night light for two seconds and asked, "are you serious?"

"Night light well a," no joke, I really want to pull you into the gang, together with the immortal gas bigger. "

Liu Tianwang took a puff of smoke and a puff of white fog, "why? It's not good for you to pull me into the partnership. On the contrary, you have to share part of the profits. Moreover, in the relationship between you and me, if you have any projects, I will come as long as I have time. It doesn't make any difference whether you sign me or I join the partnership. "

Liu Tianwang's words hit the nail on the head and hit the nail on the head, which is also his most confused place.

Luminous smile, press out the point after only a puff, immediately burned out cigarette butts, "I want to have immortal gas bigger, but, a person's strength is limited."

Liu Tianwang, "bigger? How big is it? "

Luminous stood up, moved his arm, and seemed to say carelessly, "Liu er said that in the future, Xianqi might become the nano School of Hollywood."

Liu Tianwang smiles and the light of night pauses for a few seconds. Then he turns to look at Liu Tianwang and says with a smile, "I told her that in the future, nano pie will become the fairy spirit of Hollywood."

The smile on Liu Tianwang's face was embarrassed, and the air was forbidden for two seconds at this moment.

Two seconds later, Liu Tianwang stood up and held out his right hand to the night light, "happy cooperation!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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