My Star Teacher

Chapter 541: 541

The next day.

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Yeguang and his brothers went their separate ways.

Yeguang and liuchiyan went back to Nanchang, and they all went back to their own homes.

The crew also returned to Korea.

The whole season of running, the second season of the program, the recording work officially ended.

Liu Tianwang agreed to take a share in youxianqi. However, he still needs to go back and prepare. In a few days, he has to come to Nanchang to finalize the equity contract.

Liu Tianwang's participation in youxianqi is of great significance to youxianqi, which indicates that youxianqi will begin to transform when Liu Tianwang joins.

Xianqi entertainment, in a sense, can only be regarded as a private studio now, but after Liu Tianwang joined, it can be regarded as an entertainment economy company initially.

Yeguang and liuchiyan returned to Nanchang.

The happiest is Yiyi.

This time, luminous and Liu ChiYan went out to record programs, but there was nothing else. What I felt most sorry for was Yiyi. During one and a half months of recording, luminous and Liu ChiYan went home a limited number of times, and Yiyi was always taking care of her parents.

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Back to Nanchang, just tomorrow is Saturday.

Yeguang and liuchiyan also took Yiyi to play for two days, and let Yiyi eat as many as four ice cream in one day, plus a lot of snacks, to compensate the little girl.

Play Hi, eat enough of Yiyi, finally also jumped out of a sentence, "luminous, aunt, after you go out more filming, and then come back to play with me, and then buy me ice cream!"

Yeguang and liuchiyan are shocked and seriously suspect that Yiyi must be cheated by snacks when he grows up to find a boyfriend.


the second season of running bar brothers has been popular on TT video, and the broadcasting volume is amazing. The broadcasting process of the second season of running bar brothers has just reached half, but it has achieved great success.

TT video also made a lot of money this time, and there was an unexpected joy.

Because of the adoption of the member system of preemptive viewing, the number of members of the website has increased sharply since the launch of running bar brothers. Countless viewers who rush to run brothers have rushed to the members in order to preempt the latest program.

This is the first time that domestic video websites try to make their own online variety show. Although strictly speaking, it is not so pure, the achievements have made TT video and many video websites see the bright future of online video platform's self-made variety show.

Seeing the future and seeing the benefits, I was a bit timid about the action of the new era plan of Netcom drama proposed by Noctiluca, just a TT video to try. This time, I started to focus on this plan.

In addition to the second special forces movie, which was planned by luminous before, TT video has launched two TV dramas, two online variety shows, and an online movie.

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The concept of this kind of thing, when no one puts forward and implements it, is an abstract existence. Once someone does it and succeeds in it, someone will follow suit immediately. This is inevitable. TT video can only take the lead and maximize its own interests.

It is believed that after the success of TT video, the domestic video platform's webplay webplay will spring up, leading China into the era of webplay.

The latest issue of running bar is about sports.

The National Olympic Games will be held this year, so Noctiluca has specially designed a program about the Olympic Games and held a running sports meeting.

There's nothing more to say about the content of the program. The routine is the same. Several competitive links of the game are integrated with all kinds of hilarious performances and scenes.

This program, in the eyes of the public, is the same as the original one. It's no different. It's full of laughter and joy.

However, there is such a person, after watching this program, surging waves in his heart, for a long time can not calm down.

Zhao Tao, head coach of national track and field team.

There is a 400 meter relay game in the program, and luminous is the third baton.

After the night light took the baton, he quickly ran to liuchiyan who took the last baton. There was nothing strange about his baton, and there was no laughing point, that is, fast, very fast.

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However, the speed of the night light, presented in the camera to the audience, just let the audience feel that he is faster, and there will not be too many other reactions. Everyone's attention is attracted by other laughing points in the game.

As a professional track and field team coach, Zhao Tao really noticed the speed of the night light, and noticed how many pieces there were in the night light.

Zhao Tao is busy training his team members. He doesn't have much time to watch a variety show on the Internet, but his daughter is holding her notebook on the sofa and happily looking at the running bar. When his brother is watching for a while, he just sees the baton of the luminous relay.

And then I was shocked.If you remember correctly, the scene of the just run in the glow of night is complete, without cutting, one shot to the end.

"Shanshan, play back!" Zhao Tao yelled fiercely.

His daughter Shanshan was slightly frightened, "what's the matter, dad?"

"Replay!" Zhao Tao repeated a sentence heavily.

Shanshan, "it's not that you don't like watching... Ah, Dad."

Before Shanshan's words were finished, Zhao Tao couldn't bear to snatch the notebook from his daughter's hand. Then he began to play back to the time when luminous hadn't received the baton, and looked at the time when luminous ran again.

After watching, Zhao Tao's brows wrinkled, and the video back, and his daughter Shanshan said, "go to my timer."

Shanshan saw her father Zhao Tao's serious face and didn't say much. She honestly went to bring him a timer, then sat beside Zhao Tao and looked at him sideways to see what he was going to do.

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Zhao Tao put his notebook on the coffee table, holding a timer in one hand, ready to press it at any time, and clicking the play button on the computer in the other hand.

At the moment when the light of night took the baton and started, Zhao Tao pressed the timer.

He calculated how long it took him to run the 100 meters after the night light took over.

The timer was finally set at 10.11 seconds.

Looking at the data on the timer, Zhao Tao couldn't calm down for a long time. This data really surprised Zhao Tao.

10.11 seconds is not shocking data. At present, the world's 100 meter race record is 9.58 seconds, and 10.11 seconds is nothing.

But, running, track and field, Zhao Tao is a professional, he can understand, in the program, luminous such a 400 meter relay run such a result means what.

How can Zhao Tao not be surprised that he can run so well without pedals, professional running shoes, correct running posture, or even full sprint in the end?

Is the distance of the luminous relay accurate 100 meters? Zhao Tao can't say it well, but according to his years of experience, even if it's not much worse.

In short, he has come to the conclusion that luminous is a sprinter genius! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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