My Star Teacher

Chapter 560: 560


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At the request of Yiyi, yeguang and liuchiyan took her to a movie.

I don't know which child in the school said that there was a cartoon that was particularly good-looking, so she was shouting to see it.

Cartoon or something, to tell you the truth, luminous without love.

No, to be exact, it should be the cartoon of the world, luminous without love.

I don't know why the level of animation production in the world still stays at the orientation of children's watching movies. Most of the cartoons are also poorly made and have no ornamental value.

It's not that the technology can't be achieved, but it seems that the concept hasn't changed at home and abroad, and no one has made great efforts to develop animation in this field.

Otherwise, with the current special effects technology of foreign Hollywood, if applied to animation, plus good story and production, we can still make excellent animation.

Yiyi is more intelligent and mature than other children of the same age. Usually, she doesn't watch many cartoons. When she is at home, she watches TV dramas or variety shows with luminous and Liu ChiYan most nights, and seldom watches cartoons herself.

To sum up, it can be said that Yiyi has little interest in animation.

I don't mention the name of this cartoon with Yiyi tonight. In a word, it's boring. Let alone luminous and liuchiyan, even Yiyi is bored.

After a bucket of popcorn and a glass of juice drink, Yiyi sleeps on the night light.

Noctiluca and liuchiyan can't resist the boring time. Three people get together and have a sweet sleep.

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This is also a miracle, a family of three came out to see a movie, actually all fell asleep.

At the end of the show, the audience stirred up the movement of night light and liuchiyan, Yiyi also woke up, still sleepy eyes lying in the arms of night light.

"Come on, go back."

The night light hugs Yi to get up, Liu ChiYan takes a dress to cover Yi.

Out of the cinema, Yiyi murmured in the arms of luminous, "I will never believe XiuXiu again."

XiuXiu is Yiyi's deskmate. She is a lovely girl. She often sees Yiyi when she is picked up by night light. Maybe it's because she told Yiyi that the cartoon is good-looking, so Yiyi wants to have a look.

Luminous smile, said, "can't think so, XiuXiu is your friend, treat friends or trust, you don't like this cartoon, but maybe XiuXiu like this cartoon? Everyone's preferences are different. Just like you like Taijiquan, you can't just let XiuXiu like Taijiquan, right

Yiyi blinked and thought.

Luminous continued, "you can't use your own standards to ask others, understand?"

Yiyi nodded, "Oh, then I just don't believe he said good-looking cartoon."

"Luminous smile," if you like, wait for a period of time is not so busy, I make a cartoon you like to show you

Liu ChiYan chuckles and thinks it's the night light playing with Yiyi.

Yiyi looked at the night light and said, "I don't have any cartoons I like."

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Luminous, "nonsense, don't you like journey to the west? Do you like monkey king? I'll make you a cartoon of journey to the West. "

Yiyi's eyes brightened, "really?"

Luminous, "of course it's true. When did I cheat you?"

"Yes Yiyi ran in the arms of the night light, "I want to see the great sage of Qi Tian, I want to see the monkey king."

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light, "are you serious?"

"Night light," Ang, otherwise

Liu ChiYan, "I thought you were just..." Liu ChiYan didn't finish what he said, but he understood what it meant.

Luminous smile, looking at Liu ChiYan, zhengse way, "I don't know how other parents education and coax children, but, I think, as a parent, the most should not cheat is the child, also can't break faith in their children."

Many of our parents, always like to coax their children, to the children that some can not fulfill the promise, or directly can be said to be cheating.

For example, if you take your child to the hospital for injection, you have to tell your child to take him to the amusement park.

I told my child that as long as you finish your meal, I will take you to play at the weekend, but what? Can you really cash it as you said?

Many parents can't!

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Then when the children who have kept their parents' promises in mind, because of their unfulfilled promises, all kinds of trouble, the parents feel that their children are not good and make trouble, and then they start to punish and scold.

In fact, is it really a bad child?

Children's world is relatively simple.

Their world outlook is being established. They can't think rationally like adults, and can't tell which words parents say to them are true or false.They can only remember that you promised me, or you cheated me.

Once parents cheat and break their faith in their children, it will be impossible to estimate the impact on their physical and mental growth.

As an adult, don't you hate being cheated most?

Liu ChiYan Leng Leng, and then nodded a smile, "you're right."

The cinema was not far from home, and yeguang and liuchiyan didn't drive over.

Holding Yiyi, night light and liuchiyan walk back slowly.

It's late already. On the way back, Yiyi lies on the luminous body and falls asleep again.

Back home, the night light light lightly put Yiyi on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

After washing, the night light and Liu ChiYan are ready to rest.

Lying on the bed, Liu ChiYan pillow luminous arm, embrace luminous neck, exhale like orchid, whispered, "husband, happy birthday."

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Night light stroked Liu ChiYan's hair and said with a smile, "no sincerity, I have a birthday with Yiyi. Why does Yiyi have a gift? Happy birthday to me."

Liu ChiYan looked at Liu ChiYan and said in a soft voice, "I've given you everything I have..."

luminous smile. He was just joking before and went to kiss Liu ChiYan on the head. Luminous held Liu ChiYan and said in a soft voice, "I know, thank you."

Liu ChiYan said, "it's good to know, so you should always be good to me, and I will always be good to you."

Luminous, "Why are you more than me?"

Liu ChiYan, "because I love you more than you love me."

The light of night sprinkles a smile, Liu ChiYan occasionally talks about love words with him, always can let him sweet to the bone.

Luminous, "that's not necessarily, maybe I love you more than you love me?"

"No way, I must love you more." Liu ChiYan insisted.

"Well, you didn't even get me a birthday present." The night light laughed and joked again.

Instead of arguing with him, Liu ChiYan raised his head slightly, looked at the night light with a hot face, bit his lip and said in a soft voice, "in fact, I have prepared a gift for you...

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