My Star Teacher

Chapter 562: 562

Luminous animation.

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There is still Xianqi and lilac to invest together.

In this investment, you Xianqi can't be as casual as before. In the end, you Xianqi is the product of luminous and Liu ChiYan. You can play whatever you want. But now, rectification is being carried out and there are more shareholders like Liu Tianwang. Therefore, you have to follow the normal procedure in the process of articles of association.

Lilac side also has a problem, that is no money.

Before the night light, they planned to invest all the funds of lilac. Now the lilac Foundation's small investment is OK. If the night light wants 300 million yuan, it must be impossible to get it out.

Helpless, luminous can only be feeling, or poor ah! Why is the money always insufficient?

In fact, people are all like this. At one stage, they have a stage of life and do a stage of things.

When you get 3000 yuan a month's salary, you don't think the money is enough. When you get 11000 yuan a month, you still think the money is not enough. In the end, when you are worth hundreds of millions, you will still be troubled by the money.

If the foundation wants to invest this time, night light can only be like shooting Mermaid. First, borrow some private deposits from Liu ChiYan.

In the evening.

Noctiluca tells Liu ChiYan about animation.

"Liu Er, this animation is a new attempt and a challenge for me. To tell you the truth, I don't have much confidence to make money or even lose everything, but... I want to have a try."

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Luminous said this seriously.

It's true. This animation is different from the past. In the past, the works of luminous, whether it's movies or variety shows, are based on the successful works and cases in the dream world, and they are improved. Standing on the shoulders of giants, he has full confidence.

However, animation, especially to make an animation that is completely different from the dream world in other aspects except the plot, is really crossing the river by feeling the stone, and what it will eventually look like is not clear to luminous himself.

Liu ChiYan didn't say much or ask much about the night light. Usually when he made such important decisions in the face of the night light, Liu ChiYan was always as gentle as water. He didn't pour any cold water on him and hurt the self-confidence of the night light.

Liu ChiYan has always spared no effort to support luminous, even blindly.

For Liu ChiYan, no matter what Noctiluca does, it's good to succeed, and she is also proud. However, even if she fails, Liu ChiYan doesn't care. Compared with success or failure, what Liu ChiYan cares more is that she can participate in a series of decisions of Noctiluca, and she can share the same boat with him regardless of success or failure.

Liu ChiYan gently leaned his head against the luminous shoulder and said in a soft voice, "if you want to do it, do it. Anyway, I will always be with you."


the next day.

A total of 600 million yuan has been put in place by youxianqi and the foundation.

Noctiluca also started another "loser" behavior after the foundation's crazy investment.

"Lao Jiang, look for teams in China who have animation experience and are able to do post special effects."

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Jiang Fengxian also knew that he wanted to do animation, and he did not say much about it, so he went to investigate. Then he gave the luminous investigation report after lunch.

"At present, there are quite a lot of special effects teams in China, and the technical and professional level are not very good to compare. However, according to the quality of works, I think these three teams are better. They are ball animation, Dix film and television, and dragon bone technology."

"What about the scale?" Noctiluca asked.

Jiang Fengxian said, "there are about 50 people in the ball animation team. Dix has the largest number of people, with 80 people. Keel technology mainly does post game and rendering, with fewer people, about 30 people. These teams have rich experience in animation or game animation."

Luminous nodded and said, "buy it!"

Jiang Fengxian was stunned, "what? Buy it? "

Jiang Fengxian also knows that it is not enough for luminous to make animation by itself and the studio. Therefore, it is inevitable for luminous to find a team from outside.

However, Jiang Fengxian has always believed that night light just wants to outsource its work and hire a team. But who knows that night light's mouth is a word to buy.

Jiang Fengxian, "buy the whole team directly?"

"Yes, buy it," night light affirmed

Jiang Feng first looked at the night light and said nothing more. "Which one do you want? Let me talk about it. "

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"Which one?" Yeguang looked at Jiang Fengxian with a smile, "I mean, buy all three."

Jiang Fengxian, "..."

JIANG Fengxian really feels that no matter how long he works with the night light, he can't adapt to this product. If you want to find the animation special effects team, we'll find it for you. It's no matter.

You said you want to buy it directly. Now youxianqi is developing vigorously. It's a good thing to buy an animation special effects team and diversify development.

But, you buy three at a time, is the money burning panic?Jiang Fengxian couldn't help it and said in a voice, "buy three at a time? More than 100 people, almost catching up with a crew! Even if the company wants to expand, you need to do animation, but you can't play like this. "

Night light looked at Jiang Fengxian, "even if you buy it all, it's only about 160 people. Is it more?"

Jiang Fengxian, "not much?"

Luminous smile, "OK, Lao Jiang, don't say, I know you are also for the company, but I also have a sense of propriety, this project is more difficult to do, if not bold, the probability of failure may be greater, and, this time, I want to do, not just a simple animation, but to make a revolutionary animation series, need to do We need more people, and the time cycle will be very long. It's better to set up our own professional team at the beginning than to outsource to external companies at a high price, and the quality of the products is uneven. "

"I know that sometimes some of my decisions are difficult for you to understand, but, Lao Jiang, I hope you can believe me and help me. In many places of the company in the past two years, I really can't play without you. This project is a challenge and a test for me. Lao Jiang, I hope you can help me overcome it together This is a difficult time! To tell you the truth, I have done so many projects. This time, it's the one I hope to do most. "

This time, it's really a project that luminous hopes to do successfully, because strictly speaking, this time, it's really a work created by luminous itself.

Luminous also wants to prove to himself once, even if it is separated from the reference of the dream world or plagiarism, he luminous can do the same!

Jiang Feng first saw the glow of the night for a few seconds, and then said, "it's good for you to have a sense of propriety. Xiaoye, you have talent, and I always believe in you. Sometimes I really can't understand your practice and decision, but you can rest assured that as long as I am still immortal one day, I will do my best to help you."

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"Immortal Qi is not only your immortal Qi, but also my immortal Qi, so you just fight in the front and give it to me in the rear!"

The night light looks at Jiang Fengxian, and Jiang Fengxian also looks at the night light. They look at each other for a few seconds and smile.

I don't know how.

All of a sudden, two big men inexplicably fan up love, this painting style changes too fast.

Luminous laughed, took out a contract from the drawer of his desk and handed it to Jiang Fengxian.

Jiang Fengxian took a look.

The title of the contract is: equity transfer of youxianqi entertainment.

The first line of the content: transferor: youxianqi Entertainment Co., Ltd.

The second line: the transferee: Jiang Fengxian.

Jiang Feng was stunned for many seconds, then looked at the night light in surprise, "what's this? ... "

luminous smile," not much, 2%, don't be too little. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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