My Star Teacher

Chapter 571: 571

Jiang Fengxian is blowing downstairs.

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The night wind really wakes people up.

As soon as he touched his pocket, Jiang Fengxian felt a packet of cigarettes, which Liu Tianwang had given him during the day.

After lighting one, Jiang Feng took a sip and leaned against the pole, waiting for the night light and Liu Tianwang to come down.

Five or six men came out of the KTV and walked past Jiang Fengxian. One by one, they were walking a little bit. Obviously, they had drunk too much, and they were still shouting and bragging.

A woman came slowly under the dim street lamp and met the five or six men.

"Oh, this girl is very nice."


"Tut Tut, this figure, nice!"


a man whistled frivolously at the woman coming.

"Miss, it's so late. Where are you going?"

"I have a car. I'll see you off."

"Little sister, do you have a boyfriend?"


a group of men blocked the way of the woman and began to tease her wantonly.

The woman who was molested was Jiang Xin who came to find yeguang and Jiang Fengxian.

Jiang Xin looked at these drunkards in disgust and said, "hooligans!" Then I want to walk around a few people.

But a few drunks quit.

"Who do you call a rascal?"

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"Why are you a hooligan?"

"Dare you call us hooligans? Do you know who we are? "

"Believe it or not, I'll show you the real hooligan!"

"We'll have nothing to do with you and my brother. Do you believe it?"


sometimes wine is really bad. Look at these men, they don't look like bad people in their clothes. But after a few cups of horse urine, they lose their heads. They are able to tease good women in the street.

What's more, they don't know who their surname is. Before drinking, they were just ordinary Nanchang people. After drinking, it seems that Nanchang has become their family.

I don't want it.

Jiang Xin didn't want to entangle with them. She drank, "get out of the way! I'll call people if I don't get out of the way

"Shout, you shout to break throat, nobody will come to save you."

Why? Why is this conversation so familiar?


a drunk was kicked to the ground.

It was Jiang Fengxian, who was smoking on the pole not far away, who kicked him over.

Jiang Fengxian smokes a cigarette and hears the news here. He looks here and sees these drunkards molesting a woman. When he sees that the one surrounded by the drunkards is Jiang Xin, he is angry and runs to kick one.

"Jiang Xin, are you ok?" Jiang Fengxian pulls over Jiang Xin who is a little shocked and asks with concern.

Jiang Fengxian's sudden appearance, Jiang Xin is very surprised, looked at the eyes at this time, do not know whether it is because of drinking too much, or angry head red eye Jiang Fengxian, Jiang Xin shook his head, "nothing."

Several drunkards, some of whom were kicked over by Jiang Fengxian, certainly refused to give up. They immediately stared at Jiang Fengxian fiercely.

"Who are you?"

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"To die!"

"I've been drinking too much and my skin itches. No, my brother, you dare to move!"

"Are you looking for a fight?"

A couple of drunkards are about to start.

Jiang Fengxian protected Jiang Xin behind him and drank some wine. He didn't know what it meant to be outnumbered or afraid. He stared at Jiang Xin with a fierce look on his face.

"Come on!"

Jiang Fengxian didn't know whether it was because he had more courage in front of Jiang Xin or because he had drunk too much wine. Facing several strong men, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he took the lead in launching the attack.

It's a pity that Jiang Fengxian is not luminous. He doesn't know kung fu, and his physique is just the physique of ordinary people.

It's only three seconds.

In the end, he was outnumbered. Jiang Fengxian, who wrestled with several drunkards, became the target of being beaten in an instant.

Jiang Xin is anxious, pulling a few drunkards on one side and shouting anxiously, "don't fight! Stop fighting! Come on

At first, the drunkard, who was kicked to the ground by Jiang Fengxian, was the most ruthless. He gave a hard blow to Jiang Fengxian's head.

Although Jiang Fengxian had just been hit, he could still stand askew. But after the blow, he fell down and became unconscious.

Jiang Xin was so anxious that she screamed and went to check Jiang Fengxian's condition.

"Wake up, brother Jiang. Wake up. Don't scare me. Wake up." Now Jiang Xin is crying.

Several drunkards were surprised to see that Jiang Fengxian had fallen to the ground and didn't wake up. They didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and they were half awake.

"Go, go, go."

A drunk urged, and then several people ran away.Night light and Liu Tianwang also went downstairs at this time.

"What about old Chiang? Where is it? "

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Noctiluca looked around, and then saw and heard Jiang Xin squatting beside Jiang Fengxian, who had been crying.

"Sister Jiang?"

Night light meal, and then photographed Liu Tianwang, the two quickly ran toward Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian.

"Lao Jiang, what happened to Lao Jiang?" Noctiluca asked eagerly.

Jiang Xin, seeing the light of night, was calm. "Xiao Ye, hurry up, call an ambulance. Brother Jiang just had a fight with someone and hit the head. Call an ambulance quickly."

Liu Tianwang quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed 120 emergency call.

Luminous also looked at Jiang Fengxian's condition, and then a little relieved. Fortunately, it seemed that he just fainted.

Luminous looked at Jiang Xin and asked, "sister Jiang, what's the matter? Who is Lao Jiang fighting with? "

"A couple of drunkards, running that way." Jiang Xin pointed to the direction of several drunkards, but there were no more people in sight.

Jiang Xin said, "I'm afraid you can't go back after drinking too much, so I want to come and see you. When I got here, I was blocked by some drunks. Brother Jiang just saw me and rushed to fight with some drunks."

Luminous, "how many people?"

"Five." Jiang Xin, "I can't hold it on one side. Someone hit brother Jiang on the head, and then he fainted."

The night light sighed, "Lao Jiang is too impulsive. He shouts a few words to scare them away. There are five people who rush up and do it. This is not to send sandbags to people."

It wasn't long.

The ambulance came with a siren.

Luminous and others went to the hospital with the ambulance.

The medical staff was very surprised to see luminous and Liu Tianwang.

It's really no surprise that the two stars, night light and Liu Tianwang, are actually calling for an ambulance when they are on duty at night.

Jiang Fengxian was taken to the hospital by ambulance and examined.

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Fortunately, nothing happened, just the head was hit, passed out in a coma, some slight concussion, nothing else.

Liu ChiYan and Fei Er also arrived at the hospital.

Fei'er is here to take Liu Tianwang home.

Liu ChiYan heard that Jiang Feng had advanced to the hospital. He came here specially to have a look, and also came to pick up Jiang Xin by the way.

"Sister Jiang, it's late. Let's go back first and let the night light be there at night." Liu ChiYan said to Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin sat beside Jiang Fengxian's bed, looked at Jiang Fengxian lying on the bed, and then shook his head, "no, Chi Yan, you and Xiao ye go back, I'm here to take care of him."

Liu ChiYan said, "sister Jiang, let...

" please, sister Jiang. " Liu ChiYan's flowers were suddenly interrupted by the night light, and then he made a look at Liu ChiYan, indicating that she would stop talking.

Yeguang stretched his waist and said, "I've drunk a lot today. I'm afraid I can't take care of Lao Jiang any more. Now I'm so dizzy that I'll trouble you. Sister Jiang, I'll go back with Liu Er first."

Jiang Xin nodded, "well, it's OK. You can go back and have a rest."

Noctiluca nodded and pulled Liu ChiYan out of the ward.


Out of the ward, Liu ChiYan asked night light with concern.

Luminous shook his head, "do not faint, has sobered up."

"Then you still let sister Jiang watch the night. There's a girl. How do you mean?" The smoke in Liuchi turned white.

"Night light hey a, rubbed to rub Liu Chi Yan's hair," you today how so stupid? Can't you see that? "

"See what?" Liu ChiYan asked.

The night light laughs and pulls Liu ChiYan out, "Lao Jiang, I'm afraid it's going to be a blessing in disguise this time...

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