My Star Teacher

Chapter 608: 608

Three days later.

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The animation of journey to the West was broadcast as promised.

Countless young men and women are waiting by the TV to see this visual feast.

"Oh, son, why didn't you play games in the room today? I haven't seen you watching TV for a long time."

"Mom, come, come and have a look. It's going to start."

"What began?"


"Ha, how old are you and watching cartoons, son? What's the matter with you today? Have you lost your head playing games? They all told you to play less games, play less games... "

" Hi, mom, what do you say? This cartoon is different. It's made by luminous. You like it too. Come on, let's have a look. "

"Night light... OK, I have to watch it. We haven't watched TV together for a long time."


"grandfather, grandfather, don't watch this, OK, this is not good-looking, I want to watch cartoons."

"Ha ha, OK, good grandson, what cartoon do you want to watch? Grandpa will show it to you."

"I want to watch the cartoon of journey to the West. The students said that the cartoon is very good."

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"Journey to the west"? OK, Grandpa will show you. "


in the evening.

CCTV golden file, journey to the West animation two series.

My parents also had dinner early today, and then changed the TV channel to CCTV early, waiting for the broadcast of journey to the West animation.

Yeguang, liuchiyan and Yiyi also watch TV at home.

This journey to the West animation, the original intention of luminous production, was originally to make a cartoon Yiyi likes to show her.

So, when it's officially broadcast, how can the family miss it.

Journey to the West animation, Noctiluca Pro production, plot what he can not be familiar with, Liu ChiYan as an immortal boss, of course, more than once.

However, the three people watching TV on the sofa in the living room didn't feel bored at all.

It doesn't matter whether you have seen it or not. It doesn't matter what you see.

The important thing is, who is with you, your side, your closest family, or you alone.

Loneliness will make all the good are eclipsed, because a lonely heart, will all the good are rejected.

Noctiluca is not worried about the ratings of journey to the West.

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Journey to the west before the heat has been up, and, for journey to the West animation, luminous is also very confident.

This animation series, which costs a lot of money to make and broadcast, let alone in this poor animation world. Even if it is put into the dream world, luminous also has the confidence to make a blockbuster!

The general plot of journey to the west is not much different from the original.

In fact, in terms of plot, there is no need for luminous to make too much changes, because this is a very wonderful story.

This cartoon, its extraordinary, fundamental place is that it is different from the traditional cartoon.

In terms of production, Noctiluca's journey to the West animation is excellent and advanced, which is not too far ahead of an era.

Grand scenes, cool special effects, beautiful background pictures and exquisite character modeling are all the outstanding features of this cartoon.

This is an animated series, but in fact, strictly speaking, the production of this animated series is higher than the specifications and requirements of most film production.

If Noctiluca wants to, he can actually split and integrate the series into a series of films and take them to the cinema.

Sure enough.

Once the journey to the West was broadcast.

Not until the next day, that night, its reputation and popularity burst on the Internet.

Travel to the west is the most popular keyword in microblog hot search list.

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On the Internet, there are many social platforms, forums and people discussing journey to the West.

In microblog, social media such as circle of friends are full of impressions of journey to the West animation, as well as some exquisite screenshots with exquisite journey to the West animation.

Netizens almost gave one-sided praise to the journey to the West.

Admiration filled the whole network.

Numerous microblogs, big V, well-known figures, news media from all walks of life, and even some public organizations have published articles to support the journey to the West animation and call it.

Even the great director, Feng kaimou, wrote an article on his microblog praising the journey to the west of luminous, which was highly praised.

"I never thought that cartoons could be made like this. It's one of the best cartoons I've ever seen! Unexpectedly, we have always defined the children's viewing animation, after excellent production, coupled with cool special effects, coupled with blood boiling music, can make the picture become so ornamental, showing the visual effect, far higher than the traditional live movie. Luminous director really deserves to be a great talent, as a director, but at this time I have to admit that I am not as good as you, you taught me a lesson, also taught all directors a lesson, taught the whole animation industry a lesson. Friends, please remember the cartoon journey to the west, because it is a sign of the opening of a new era of animationFeng kaimou's evaluation is extremely high.

However, what he said is not wrong. In addition to bringing a visual feast to the domestic audience, Noctiluca's journey to the West animation was broadcast.

For film and television directors, it really gives them a vivid lesson.

I believe that after the journey to the West animation broadcast, there will be a lot of directors, entertainment companies, began to follow suit, began to make similar big production animation works.

CCTV is also in full bloom.

This time they picked up a big baby, journey to the west only broadcast the first day, after the next day's ratings statistics, it ranked first.

You know, this is the first day of broadcasting. Although many people expected it before, the audience still knew nothing about the quality of word-of-mouth before it was broadcast.

There's no way. The hype of Noctiluca is too good. It has accumulated countless popularity before it was broadcast. Coupled with the name of talent of Noctiluca, his works have never let the audience down.

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In a sense, the luminous label already represents the ratings themselves.

The next day.

There are a lot of people who smell the smell coming to the door.

There are TV stations, network video platforms, and all kinds of businesses that want to advertise.

As for the TV stations, they mainly want to talk about buying the second round broadcasting rights. In this case, luminous left it to Jiang Fengxian.

As for the network copyright, this time, luminous does not intend to sell.

Even if there is a rich video website, the price has been set to the sky high price of 5 million, luminous did not let go, directly killed the network copyright, temporarily do not sell.

If Noctiluca is willing to sell the network copyright, the production cost of journey to the West animation can be completely recovered at the price of 50 million episodes.

However, this journey to the West animation series, luminous did not intend to make money, the network copyright is also in hand, because luminous has other functions.

With the great expansion of the multi elements in Xianqi, the framework and scale are different now.

Under the framework of the company, it has also set up its own network video platform, which has been set up. As early as two months ago, Liu ChiYan led the market.

But because of the late start, the effect of video website is not good.

There is not much traffic. Most of the traffic comes from luminous, Liu ChiYan and Liu Tianwang, who are now the mainstay of Xianqi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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