My Star Teacher

Chapter 611: 611

The next day.

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Yeguang and liuchiyan stay at home with Yiyi, and they don't go anywhere.

During this period of time, Liu ChiYan has been very busy. It is common for him to go to work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Today, the night light stopped her at home, let her have a good rest for a day, also contracted all the housework in today's home, including cooking.

When the night light was making lunch in the kitchen, Liu ChiYan came over and looked at the night light and said with a smile, "how is it so good today?"

Night light looked at Liu ChiYan, "I'm usually not good?"

Liu ChiYan, "it's not a festival, it's not a memorial day. How can I be willing to cook in the kitchen today?"

"Night light," see you say this, as if I usually have how lazy, and you in every day, are memorable

Liu ChiYan looks at the night light and cuts it gently.

"Why are you hanging up here?" Liu ChiYan said, pointing to the mobile phone fixed on the wall.

"This one." Luminous smile, "I live ah."

Said, luminous will take down the mobile phone, the camera to Liu ChiYan, "and everyone say hello."

"Live?" Liu ChiYan curiously took a look and saw his picture from the screen.

There are still many flowers, fireworks, sports cars and other gifts on the screen.

All over the screen are comments about 666, goddess Liu is so beautiful, goddess Liu I love you, and luminous daughter-in-law.

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light, "are you cooking live?"

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"Night light," Ang, can't you? You Xianqi video has opened a live broadcast section. I have also opened a live studio. It's the first live broadcast today. "

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light and said, "so, you are shouting to cook for live broadcast today?"

Before the night light could explain, Liu ChiYan hummed, stamped his foot and feigned anger, "liar!"

Then he turned and walked away.

At this time, the comments really exploded.

One by one, I can't see it.

"Hahaha, goddess Liu is angry."

"Goddess Liu is so angry."

"Before the night light, I told goddess Liu a love story. Now the lie has been exposed."

"Goddess Liu, let the goods kneel on the washboard."

"Yes, let him washboard!"


Noctiluca looked at these comments, some speechless, "you guys, you have no sense of loyalty and gloat. Believe it or not, I'll show you every minute."

Many viewers of the live broadcast have another chaotic and joyful comment.

The gift on the screen is also a wave.

night picked several ID, old fellow, shouted thanks, and began to continue to direct the dish.

Night light's cooking is really not built.

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Yearning for the life program continues to hit, and the luminous cooking, is also the audience relish.

Today night light live cooking, while cooking and chatting with the audience, but also let a lot of audience watch with relish in his live room.

Live broadcast is a very magical thing. When you don't watch it, you think it's just that. It's meaningless. However, once you watch it, it's easy for you to fall into it and watch it for a long time unconsciously.

There are only half a million people in the studio.

The signboard of Xianqi video live broadcast has not been started yet. There are still few people who will go to watch the live broadcast, and even know that there is such a thing. It is not easy to have so many people live on the first day of luminous.

It's just because the live broadcast has just started, so when I'm free, I want to open a live studio to broadcast it, so as to give Xianqi video website a little popularity and traffic, and make the live broadcast work.

All day long, night light is almost live with a mobile phone or tablet.

Almost every move of the family was presented to the audience.

Liu ChiYan, who did not make up at home, went to the bedroom to put on light make-up.

Well, it's necessary to keep the beautiful goddess image in the eyes of the audience.

Yiyi is very curious from time to time to gather in front of the night light live camera to have a look, found nothing to look good, and ran away.

The audience also likes Yiyi very much. A large part of his fans are in the live studio of luminous, so when the live studio of luminous, the gifts are painted a lot.

And when night light plays with Yiyi, or Yiyi leaves the country, it is also the time when gifts are most concentrated.

In order to thank the audience for their support, luminous also specially let Yiyi play a set of Tai Chi for the audience.

All day long, the night light studio has not been closed.

Even in the afternoon night light wanted to go to sleep, night light didn't shut down the live room.Instead, she left the tablet to Liu ChiYan and asked her to play it for herself.

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Live broadcasting is a new thing, and Liu ChiYan is also very interested in it. He takes a tablet computer to live for luminous.

In fact, the live broadcast of Liu ChiYan is more attractive than that of the night light. The whole process of the night light is just chatting with the audience. After one day's broadcast, he just sang two songs to the audience.

Liu ChiYan was different. He asked the audience what songs they wanted to listen to and sang seven or eight songs to the audience.

After singing tired, Liu ChiYan also played, mischievously took a tablet computer to the bedroom, and then began to live to tease the sleeping night light, which made the audience very happy.

There are more and more people in the studio. Many fans of luminous and Liu ChiYan came to watch the live broadcast.

By the afternoon, the number of people in the night light studio had reached more than 1.3 million.

In the evening.

It's still a meal made by night light. Mobile phone mobile phone

fixed the table, night light fixed phone in the next to Yi, and the phone live broadcast screen, "old fellow iron, to broadcast to you what is called the big stomach king."

Then, Yida Weiwang started her performance.

It's no secret that Yiyi can eat the life he yearns for.

However, the program will be edited, and usually the meal scenes will not be put into the program from the beginning to the end. After all, the program time is limited, and the audience does not look too intuitive.

Today, however, it's live. The audience can see every bite of Yiyi's food clearly.

Also really feel, what is called a small belly big, what is called the real big stomach king.

It's really delicious.

In the second half of Yiyi's meal, it seems that gifts don't need money. All kinds of sports cars, yachts, rockets and other gifts are constantly brushing on the screen. There is a craziest wave of brushing gifts in the whole day's night light live broadcast.

Yiyi has conquered countless audiences with his own appetite.

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In this regard, luminous can only sigh and say, "it's really a blessing to be able to eat."

After dinner.

Liu ChiYan is in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks and the housework.

Luminous and Yiyi play for a while, and then began a normal basic do not do things.


Or live writing.

Luminous at home is usually not writing, at least will not make a special trip to write a few words.

Today's live broadcast, it's important to get something to show the audience. The family conditions are limited, and luminous doesn't want to get anything funny. So, write a few words.

There are all kinds of pen, ink, paper and inkstone at home. Liu ChiYan prepared all these things for him a long time ago.

Luminous writing is very ornamental. It's not just his beautiful handwriting. When writing, the momentum and master style of luminous itself is enough to make people addicted.

When luminous said that he wanted to write, many audiences were subconsciously stunned.

Then I thought,


this guy seems to be a calligrapher.

There are too many auras and identities on him. Most of the time, the audience will forget some insignificant auras on him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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