My Star Teacher

Chapter 615: 615

The night light came back, looked at the leaves, reluctantly laughed, and then said, "it's OK."

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Leaf Oh, no words.

Noctilucent, "leaf, you play your bar, I want to be quiet."

If you put it in peacetime, the leaf will mischievously say, who is quiet? I told my sister-in-law to go.

But now night light a face of not happy, leaf also dare not mischievous, turn around to go out.

Night light suddenly called her, "ye ye, er... What you just heard, don't tell your sister-in-law."

The leaf looked back at the luminous one eye, then eh, turned to go out.

After the leaves go out.

The night light sat down for a while, then took out a packet of unopened cigarettes from the storage bar.

Luminous does not smoke, but the storage bar has become a small supermarket, not to mention cigarettes, even xiaoyuyi has many boxes of different brands.

Take apart the cigarette, luminous took out two, put them in his mouth and lit them together.

One is smoking by himself, the other is standing on the table clean, in the ashtray used as decoration.

Luminous remember, leopard, it was smoking.

Goodbye, comrade.

Goodbye, hero.

Goodbye, leopard.

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Liu ChiYan went out for a while.

After coming back, I smelled some smoke, looked around and saw two cigarette butts in the ashtray on the luminous table.

"Did you smoke?" Liu ChiYan looks at the light in the night.

Noctilucent, "no, light it."

"Light up?" Liu ChiYan looked at the night light, hummed and said, "no smoking! Don't be bad at learning from brother Liu. "

"Night light hey hey smile," don't smoke, don't smoke, promise not to smoke like brother Liu. "

Liu Tianwang is taking fei'er on a tour in Haishi. Enjoying the beach and sunbathing, he suddenly sneezes.

He touched his nose and muttered, "who's talking about me?"

Said, Liu Tianwang "pa", lit a cigarette in his mouth.

Fei'er came over and snatched the cigarette from Liu Tianwang's mouth. She said, "smoke again, smoke less. Why don't you listen to me? You also say you want a baby. You smoke and drink. How can you have a baby! Hum

Liu Tianwang sneered and hugged fei'er. "OK, OK, no smoking, no smoking, no smoking in the future."

Fei'er lay on Liu Tianwang and pinched him. "Hum, you said that last time, liar."

Liu Tianwang was a little embarrassed and laughed.

In the evening.

Night light contracted the work of making dinner.

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This Friday, there are only two people for dinner, yeguang and liuchiyan.

According to night light and Liu ChiYan, my mother called to let Yiyi go to her parents' home for the weekend, and night light picked up Yiyi and sent him to school.

Liu ChiYan did not doubt that he was there, and he also enjoyed the rare time. Only he and luminous were alone.

After a beautiful dinner, Liu ChiYan nestled up to the night light, hugged his waist, put his face on his chest, and said with a smile, "Why are you so good today? You even went to brush the bowl."

Luminous smile, "I usually not good?"

Liu ChiYan cut, "nothing to be gallant, you must have something to say."

Or it's night light's daughter-in-law. As soon as night light faints, Liu ChiYan knows what's wrong with the goods.

Luminous thought about it, and then said, "well, it's a little bit trivial."

"Go ahead." Liu ChiYan said.

"I may be out for a few days." Said the night light.

Liu ChiYan looked up at the night light, "out? Where are you going? What are you doing? "

Luminous, "something's up."

Liu ChiYan, "what's the matter?"

Luminous, "is something, just go back in a few days."

Liu ChiYan said, "what can I do for you? What's the matter with you that I don't know? Come on, I won't let you go until it's clear. "

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After thinking about it, luminous did not let her worry about lying to Liu ChiYan, and told her the truth to Liu ChiYan.

Then, in the end, he chose to tell the truth.

If you say who is the last person that luminous wants to cheat, it must be Liu ChiYan.

Although sometimes a white lie is for the good of the other party, luminous doesn't want to lie to Liu ChiYan.

However, to tell the truth is to tell the truth, there are skills in speaking, such as avoiding the heavy and taking the light, being vague, saying what can be said, not saying what can't be said and so on.

Yeguang said, "well, my former military training unit has a recent operation and lacks an interpreter, so I was temporarily recruited to be an interpreter."

"The army?" Liu ChiYan Leng Leng, and then immediately said, "no way!"

Liu ChiYan can't say two words very decisively, without a trace of hesitation, and the reaction is also very big, people directly sat up, with a face can't look at the night light.Luminous, "Oh, what? I'm just going to be a translator, not on the battlefield. It's OK. Why are you so excited?"

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light, "no! Can't they find another translator? Do I have to look for you? "

Noctiluca said, "I'm not very good at it. There are not many people who can speak the language of that place. I just know it, and my skill is good. I can keep up with the speed of the March. Besides, I've never been in that army before. It's reasonable for people to find me first."

"No, I can't go!" Liu ChiYan said firmly.

Luminous, "it's OK. I know you're worried, but it's OK. I'm just going to be an interpreter and I'll be back in a few days."

Liu ChiYan said, "no! You can't go! I won't let you go! "

Liu ChiYan said, words are a little excited, eyes are covered with some water mist.

This makes the night light a little dazed.

What's the matter? What's the big reaction?

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Noctiluca thought that he had already avoided the important things and said that he would be a translator with the army. According to Liu ChiYan's general nature, even if he was not willing, he would not be so excited to stop Noctiluca.

Looking at Liu ChiYan's crying expression, the night light softened. She put Liu ChiYan in her arms, gently stroked her hair and comforted, "OK, OK, it's OK. Don't say it, it's OK."

Liu ChiYan buries his head on luminous shoulder and says in a coquettish tone, "promise me you can't go."

"Night light wry smile for a while," good, I promise you, good, almost thirty, such a big person, how still with a child, always want to shed tears. "

Is that comforting?

It's about night light. It's called diversion and consolation.

At least, Liuchi Yanyan's attention has been successfully diverted, and he has successfully grasped the key point in the words of "almost thirty, such a big man"

"hum!" Liu ChiYan let go of the night light and glared at him, "do you think I'm old?"

Night light a Leng, a face muddle force.

"When do I think you're old?"

Liu ChiYan said angrily, "hum! You just think I'm old! "

Luminous, "..."

No, how did you suddenly turn to the question of whether you are old or not? When did you say that?

What is this woman thinking?

I feel that sometimes I can't keep up with their thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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