My Star Teacher

Chapter 618: 618

Luminous at this time of the people set up, is a strong buyer, to luminous acting skills, also acting like.

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With a sneer, Noctiluca looked at the black thin man and said, "talk business with me, just you? You don't deserve it

Then, luminous took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, "show me the way. All the money is yours."

The black thin man looked at the luminous, and then his eyes stayed on the money in the luminous hand, with some burning in his eyes.

"You can go to general Batar. You can get to his territory about 15 kilometers from here." The black thin man said, "however, I can tell you that general Batar is not easy to be provoked. You'd better really come to do business and eat a lot of food. Otherwise, general Batar may feed you wolves."

Luminous shrugged, "you don't need to care about this. These are yours."

Then, the night light casually threw the money in front of the black thin man. The money was not in bundles. Suddenly, the black thin man also squatted down and began to pick up the money in a hurry.

There are many villagers who have been watching the black skinny man and the night light not far away. A woman also ran over and quickly picked up the money with the black skinny man.

Luminous did not say anything more, along the direction of the black thin man, with the leopard and Blue Leopard forward.

Out of the village, the leopard whispered, "there's a tail."

Blue Leopard, "more than one."

Luminous, "there are people in the direction of five in the rear and two on the right."

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Thunderstorm in the headset also said, "the target has been locked, a total of two people, you close to me, we solve them."

The night light thought for a while, lowered his voice and said, "Lei Bao, I have an idea. Why don't we let them follow us? The three of us just go to the Batar general's territory to find out if we can find out the news of the White Owl."

Thunderstorm, "no, this is too risky, you only have short weapons, in case of fire, the risk is too big."

Luminous, "batars must have all kinds of visible and hidden sentries along the way. If we all lurk, we will enter their territory. We suddenly appear in their territory as unidentified people. Once we are found, it basically means fighting. Our goal this time is not batars, but to find out about white owls. There is no need to fight with them."

"The three of us, the local leopard and the Blue Leopard, are now under their surveillance. We need to relax our vigilance against each other. We will enter the territory of Batar as businessmen who do business with him. When we see Batar, we will find a chance to find out if we know about the white owl from him. Maybe it will be easier."

Thunderstorm thought about it in silence for a while, some of them couldn't make up their minds.

The leopard also agreed, "Lei Bao, I agree with the sheep's proposal. It's not easy to find the White Owl. Even if you sneak into Batar's territory and catch small miscellaneous fish, you may not be able to ask the whereabouts of the White Owl. Maybe you will scare the snake. It's more possible to obtain intelligence directly through Batar, a drug owl."

Thunderstorm thought about it again, and then said to the night light and others through the radio, "OK, action approval, we will follow in the lurking, if there is any situation, we will retreat immediately, we will give you support and cover at any time, remember, save ourselves! White Owl's news can be explored again, none of you can be busy! Do you understand? "

"I understand."

The night light, the local leopard and the Blue Leopard answered in a low voice, and then the three of them walked along the road in the direction of general Batar's territory according to their plan.

Other members of the Viper team, along with luminous and others, lurked through the jungle.

All the way.

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Luminous and others found a number of secret sentries.

But these secret sentries didn't come forward to interrogate several people, but originally only two people followed the night light and others, now, they have become four.

When they were on the road, the luminous trio had secretly disposed of the earphones in their ears. When they entered the territory of Batar, it was inevitable that they would close up. If the wireless earphones were found, they could basically define a few people as bad ones. It was hard to say what would happen at that time.

Entering the other party's territory, as long as the other party wants to kill them, it doesn't make much sense whether they are wearing earphones and whether they can communicate with Lei Bao.

A little further down the road, there is a guard post in front of us, with a few armed men with live ammunition and AK's main weapons.

In other words, why do gangsters like AK?

"Stop! Who are you Asked the guard.

The night light three people open their hands slightly and go forward, "we are here to talk about a big deal with general Batar."

The man at the head of the post looked up and down at the night light, then winked at some soldiers. Several soldiers came forward and began to search them.

They had guns and weapons, short pistols, sabres, daggers and so on, which were found by several soldiers.

When you go to a place like this, if you don't have anything on you, it's a problem.

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"Take them in."After the search, the team leader asked people to drive a jeep, carrying three people to Batar station.

The night light three people's hands were tied up, and their heads were covered with a black hood. They were sitting in the jeep, staggering for a while, and arrived at general Batar's residence.

Then the three were hooded and led into a wooden house.

About five or six minutes.

Noctiluca heard the sound of a group of people entering the house. Immediately, the black hood on his head was removed.

"Who are you?"

There was a bearded man sitting in front of the night light. There was a ferocious scar on his face, which started from his forehead and slanted across the whole face.

"Are you general Batar?" Noctiluca asked.

The bearded man leaned on his back and played with a dagger. "I'm Batar, boy. Answer my question. Who are you? Where do you come from? What are you doing here? "

Luminous smile, "general Batar, do you usually do business with others like this?"

Luminous stretched out his bound hands and motioned for a moment.

Batar looked at the night light and said, "boy, my patience is limited. You'd better not be slippery and answer my question, otherwise..."

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Batar said. He chopped the dagger on the table with a threat.

Luminous shrugged, looked at Batar and said, "well, let me introduce myself first. My name is ye Liangchen, leaf of leaf, beautiful day. I come from China. I'm here to talk with general Batar about some business." The night light stopped, "big deal."

Batar took a look at the night light, "big deal, oh, how big is it?"

As a matter of fact, it's not up to me how big the business can be. It's up to general Batar, if you can supply me with less goods, I can eat as long as you can

At this time, the night light, with an evil smile on his face, was very confident, and his temperament seemed to have a trace of evil. His superb acting skills made him not look like a good man at this time.

At the same time, the local leopard and the Blue Leopard, who didn't speak, were stunned.

They couldn't understand what luminous and Batar said.

However, we can also see the state of luminous at this time.

I can't help feeling that it's mixed show business.

This acting skill.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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