My Star Teacher

Chapter 631: 631

Night light and fan Qingwen are on the morning flight.

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But it didn't arrive until the afternoon.

The reason is very simple. The road is long and the ground is partial.

Yantou village is a mountain village. In the valley, the traffic is underdeveloped. In some sections, cars with lower chassis can't get in. It's very difficult to walk on the bumpy mountain roads.

Even in the last section of the road, the car couldn't get in. Finally, the villagers drove their motorcycles to pick up the group.

Motorcycles, in fact, work better than cars in such places.

The school in Yantou village is small in scale and basically belongs to the smallest school in lilac school construction plan.

A wall, surrounded by a piece of open space, paved with cement, there is a small playground, there is a flag on the playground, and then there is a three storey teaching building, which is all of the school.

However, such a school is a luxury for this area.

This Yantou lilac hope primary school will absorb children from villages of all sizes within a five kilometer radius.

In fact, it is still a difficult task for villages far away from Yantou village. Children still have to walk for half an hour, an hour or even a lot of time to go to school.

However, there is no way. It is impossible for luminous to build a primary school in every village, which is unrealistic.

It's hard to go back, but as long as you can go to school, it's a good thing and a hope for this area and children.

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This is also the reason why both yeguang and fan Qingwen named the funded primary schools as clove hope primary school.

They may not bring much change, but they can bring a glimmer of hope.


it's just a matter of a while to come all the way to this mountain village to participate in the celebration.

The principal went up to speak for a while, an official of the local government went up to speak, a leader of the local education bureau went up to speak, and then the night light went up to speak.

Well, it's over.

When luminous spoke, there was no long speech, passionate, impassioned speech.

It's just a very formal way to encourage children to study hard, and to make continuous efforts in public welfare education.

However, even if it is like this, night light thinks that it is easy to doze off when sitting down. The children and parents sitting on the playground with their stools are listening attentively one by one, and they give the most enthusiastic applause.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand these people's thirst for education. Therefore, they also respect and revere the people who are speaking today and who bring them the light of hope for education.

To tell you the truth, at that time, the night light looked at the children's eyes on the playground, which was very touching.

Also let him more firmly believe that they do these, worth, these pay, worth it!

For nothing else, no return, just because of this pair, was ignited the eyes of hope, all this is worth it!

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After a small celebration, people took photos as a memento. Then, luminous and fan Qingwen also ended their short trip to the mountain village.

On the way back, fan Qingwen was sitting in the car, looking at the scenery through the window.

It has to be said that after staying in the city for a long time, when you come to the high mountains, the unique scenery will really make people pay attention.

Fan Qingwen, "it's really beautiful. In fact, it's good to live in such a place."

Luminous smile, said, "the scenery is good, but really want you to come here to live, you're afraid you're not used to it, the scenery here is good, but there are also unknown bitterness."

Fan Qingwen nodded, "yes, we are always used to seeing what we don't have, but we don't notice what we have."

"Oh." Luminous said with a smile, "sister Qingwen's realm is so high recently. She deserves to be a female doctor."

Fan Qingwen smile white night light one eye, "realm what ah, you ah, all married people, or so like poor mouth."

The night light laughed, then looked at fan Qingwen and said, "sister Qingwen, it's time for you to find someone."

Fan Qingwen Leng Leng, and then looked at the night light, whispered, "there is no suitable."

Luminous shrugged and said, "yes, sister Qingwen, you are such a good person, such a good cabbage, few pigs can arch."

Fan Qingwen, "no, how can I feel so twisted when I hear you praise me?"

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Night light ha ha a smile, "green Wen elder sister, really can't, put the request a little lower Bai."

"What can I ask for?" Fan Qingwen said, "just don't want to find a person who doesn't like to make do with it."

Night light, "say, what kind of green Wen elder sister do you like?"

Fan Qingwen, "I don't know."

Luminous, "sister Qingwen, you haven't been in love yet, have you?"

Fan Qingwen didn't speak and blushed with embarrassment."No way!" Night light exclaimed, "Qingwen elder sister, you look so beautiful, no one chasing you?"

Fan Qingwen white night light one eye, "chase me, I will fall in love with him?"

Luminous, "also right, that Qingwen elder sister, have you ever liked anyone?"

Fan Qingwen was stunned again. She took a look at the night light and didn't answer.

Luminous, "say, don't be embarrassed, you tell me, I'll help you to tie him up!"

Fan Qingwen puffed a smile, then said with a smile, "I like you, you tie up, tie up, come to my palace tonight!"

Luminous power when fan Qingwen is joking, with a laugh, said, "come on, Qingwen elder sister, I this virtue, how can match you, ah, Qingwen elder sister, it seems that your life is really difficult, match you, probably only some countries prince."

Fan Qingwen gently smile, and then said to the night light, "you are very good, otherwise Chi Yantang national queen, also can't marry you, isn't it?"

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The night light smell speech, PA se way, "er... So say, quite reasonable, ha ha."

Fan Qingwen leaned her head against the window and muttered, "Chi Yan is very lucky...

" what? " Luminous did not hear too clearly, "Qingwen elder sister, do you think I am lucky to marry Chi Yan? I think so, too

Fan Qingwen grinned slightly, then said, "I'm a little sleepy. I'll squint for a while. When I get to the place, you call me."

Night light well a, "OK, Qingwen elder sister you sleep."

Fan Qingwen closed her eyes and began to take a nap. She didn't know why, but the corners of her eyes were moist.

I have people I like, but I can't like them.

Sometimes, nature is really funny.

If I could meet you earlier than her, what would it be like...

or if I didn't meet you, could I be more free and easy...


Even if I know that I can't like you, even if I can only hide this love in my heart, even if I can only endure the suffering myself, even if I know that I can't afford to spend my youth, even if I look at you and her sleeping together, my heart is too painful to breathe...

but I still don't regret that I like you , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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