My Star Teacher

Chapter 649: 649

The next awards are more interesting.

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Best feature film award, master Feng kaimou award, luminous Mermaid nomination.

Best small and medium cost feature film award, 30 days of lovelorn night light award.

Best art award, luminous Mermaid.

Best screenwriter, luminous Mermaid.

Best director award, master Feng kaimou award, luminous Mermaid nomination.

Best editing award, 30 days of lost love.

Organizing committee special award, luminous Mermaid.

Looking at the luminous award again and again, again and again on stage to receive the award.

The audience is going crazy.

What kind of trouble is this?

Are there any awards like this?

In other words, is this Golden Rooster Award for luminous?

Luminous also helpless ah, all kinds of nominations, he does not want to go up, OK, but what can he do? Is it really hard not to get it?

When receiving the third trophy, it is reasonable to make a speech after receiving it. However, the night light has said it twice in front of us. If we have another speech, what else can we say?

At that time, luminous could only smile and say, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know how to win so many awards, I didn't prepare a few acceptance speeches, I really don't know what to say..."

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the audience and artists all burst into laughter.

When the fourth award of luminous was born, Keling opened the envelope and saw his name. When he read it, he wiped his sweat.

Ren Keling, "must, or you, hurry up, don't sit."

Noctiluca sat on the seat with a bitter smile.

Yiyi suddenly cut in at this time, "I'll get it for you."

The night light was a little stunned.

Liu ChiYan said on one side, "Yiyi, don't make trouble."

Luminous smile, touch Yiyi's head, said, "OK, Yiyi take it for me."

Yiyi's eyes brightened. "Is that really OK?"

Noctiluca, "yes, let's go. I'll take you there."

With that, the night light picked Yiyi up and walked towards the stage.

However, the night light is not on stage, hold Yiyi to the steps, let Yiyi on stage to receive the award.

Yishan looked at the night light let Yiyi on stage, but he stood under the stage, said with a smile, "I dare bet five cents, night light let Yiyi little cute to accept the award, must be don't know what to say."

The audience laughed in good faith again.

Luminous standing under the stage also can't help smiling.

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Yiyi came to the stage to receive the cup and certificate, Ren Keling squatted beside Yiyi and said, "Yiyi, if you accept the award for your father, you can also say a few words of acceptance for your father."

With that, Ren Keling put his microphone on Yiyi's mouth.

Ren Keling didn't let Yiyi speak on the platform. Yiyi's height can't reach the height of the microphone on the platform.

Yiyi doesn't know what to say.

The side head slightly thinks, Yi says, "I haven't thought well, I'll go down to think for a while, I'll talk about it when I win the next prize later!"

Ren Keling was stunned, then said with a smile, "Yiyi, do you think you can still win the prize later? Your family has all won, um... Five prizes. Should we also give some to others? "

Ren Keling played a joke with Yiyi, and the audience also laughed kindly.

As a result, Liu ChiYan has won the best actress, and luminous has been on the stage three times. In addition, Yiyi's family has already won five awards.

It can be said that such an award-winning, Golden Rooster Award has never appeared in the history of decades, and it is almost soft to win the award.

Yiyi is a serious reply, "I think I can still take it."

Can you still win the prize?

Of course, it's not impossible. It's just that luminous alone has already won back four awards. Isn't it too much to win them again?

Ethan, "it seems that Yiyi is very confident in the director of luminous, so let's wait and see, and look forward to Yiyi's next speech on stage to receive the award."

Yiyi got off the stage.

After a song and dance performance, the awards continued.

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For the next series of awards, there's nothing wrong with luminous.

Best recording award.

Best Photography Award.

Best music award.

Lifetime Achievement Award.


among a series of awards, two films of luminous are still nominated, but they have not won.

In fact, if luminous has not won too many awards before, the nominations behind may also have his awards. However, since he has won so many awards, the organizing committee has to consider various factors. Can't this Golden Rooster Award really be like luminous's special show?

In addition, it is worth mentioning the lifetime achievement award.The lifetime achievement award belongs to Feng kaimou.

Director Feng kaimou is old. Not long after directing the Olympic Games, he announced his retirement.

The Olympic Games became Feng kaimou's last work, and the film master also became his last film.

Feng kaimou has devoted most of his life to the film and television industry, bringing countless good works to the audience.

Now Feng kaimou's retirement means the end of an era.

There is only one nomination for this year's lifetime achievement award, that is, Feng kaimou. It can be said that after the shortlist is announced, the winner of this award has been confirmed.

However, no one questioned the Organizing Committee and felt that it was unfair.

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This is the curtain call for the glory of a generation of veterans, and Feng kaimou deserves it.

In his speech, Feng kaimou said a lot.

He is one of the people who spoke most on the stage tonight. He not only spoke about the award-winning speech, but also talked about many things about movies. It seems that he wants to take this last opportunity to impart some of his experience to these younger generations.

At the end of his speech, Feng kaimou mentioned luminous.

"I've always been trying to do a good job in Chinese film, and let the Chinese film industry grow and go to the world. I've been working hard for this, and many old guys like me are also trying to do this."

"I wanted to work for a few more years and then retire, but I lost my strength, so I couldn't do it."

"It's a good thing that we've lost our strength! Because this is my hope to see Chinese movies. "

"At the beginning of last spring, there was a miraculous film, as you all know."

There was a loud response from the audience, "yes, master!"

When Feng kaimou spoke on it, the audience certainly thought that he was talking about the master of his director.

However, Feng kaimou shook his head with a smile and said, "no, I'm talking about the mermaid directed by luminous."

"The appearance of the mermaid has really given a boost to the movies in mainland China. Before that, we only dare to think about such box office results in our dreams, but he really did it!"

Feng kaimou's words are full of middle air and have a strong voice.

The audience clapped.

The cameras on the field also cast light again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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