My Star Teacher

Chapter 656: 656

It was also after careful consideration that luminous decided to make the film Kung Fu.

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The movie was in his choice, but he didn't make up his mind.

Yesterday Yiyi said so, just let luminous decide.

First of all, it's very important to live up to the expectations of the audience.

It's hard to say about luminous at the box office. After all, it's not a good thing to say. Luminous is not sure. If you make a movie, it will sell well at the box office.

Therefore, in the several choices before the night light, they are all high reputation or high box office movies, because they must have a point to cater to the audience.

Even if it can not fully meet the expectations of the audience, but at least not let the audience down.

It has to be said that sometimes it is not a good thing for people to be praised too much.

The great success of the mermaid made luminous stand on the crest of the storm. Everyone looked at him and looked forward to him.

He can't ignore the expectation of the audience and make a similar movie.

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Maybe that movie belongs to the category of good movie, but if it can't compare with the mermaid, or the difference is too much, in the huge expectation, it will be classified as a failure.

It's really a bit like lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot.

Luminous finally chose Kung Fu, first of all, because it is a film that can almost make people laugh from the beginning to the end.

Spring Festival, this kind of family reunion, jubilant day, as the new year's festival show, can make people laugh comedy, most of the time more popular.

This film, do not know how to describe its good, because you think carefully, you may, really can't say anything about its good, so come, because you seem to grasp a point to praise it. And finally can only be merged into a simple word, good-looking!

Then, persistent think it looks good! That's it.

This movie, has a simple plot description, but does not mystify. The characters with distinct personality, the lines with advanced humor, the creative special effects with unrestrained style, and the emotional depiction with warm blood and warmth are all highlights. The only thing that may be flawed is that the emotional line is a little pale.

Black and white intertwined in the film, the little man's counter attack is full of sadness and joy. Even if it sneers at all the ugliness in the world, it still retains a warm hope.

This is a movie that can make you laugh, but when you watch the whole movie, your smile may be accompanied by some melancholy and meditation.

In this movie, the sadness in the laugh is so natural that everyone always forgets that the core of humor is sadness.

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Night light is very optimistic about this film, new year's Eve selected this film, night light thinks, even if there may be insufficient box office, can not meet the expectations of the audience, such as breaking a record or something, but, at least, if it is this film, the audience will not be disappointed!

Do what you say.

On the same day, the script came out, and the two of them, monk mountain and Xia Hai, discussed and set up the production team.

It's convenient to have your own crew. It's not like in the past, if you want to set up a crew, you have to recruit people everywhere in advance.

The crew began to work hard to make preparations. Yeguang and liuchiyan were busy choosing roles.

In addition, there is also a problem, that is, the problem of shooting land.

In kung fu movies, the main scene is to build one by yourself. It's definitely too late, so we can only try to find a suitable venue.

Night light advocates shooting in Nanchang. It's close to home, and the manpower and materials are all here. It's also convenient to shoot. Therefore, in the past half a month, night light has made preparations for film shooting. At the same time, night light has also assigned a lot of manpower to find suitable shooting land in various districts and towns of Nanchang.

I found some places, but after seeing them one by one, I was not very satisfied. Finally, I chose the centralized bungalow area in a small town around Nanchang as the pending area. If I really can't find a suitable place, I'll choose here.

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However, luminous is really lucky.

More than ten days after the site selection, he had not found a satisfactory shooting site for luminous. As luminous was preparing to make do with the original alternative centralized bungalow, it was a coincidence that he found a particularly suitable place.

It was yeluoxi's mother's birthday and luminous's aunt's birthday. She invited her relatives in Nanchang to have dinner at home.

Night light that night after work, with Yiyi and liuchiyan to go with his parents to the leaf home dinner.

When a large family eats, they always talk and laugh at the dinner table, but they don't talk about any special topics. Most of them talk about what they say.

As the most promising person in the family, luminous always talks more about him.

When the relatives asked about what luminous was doing these days, luminous also said, and told the relatives about the recent search for land for filming, so that they could also help to pay attention.

Yeguang's uncle was very interested in this, and he really found it.Luminous's uncle works in building construction, interior decoration and so on. Now the decoration of the building is contracted by luminous's uncle.

As a contractor, uncle Noctiluca has a wide range of contacts. Moreover, he knows people in the circle of mixed construction, engineering teams and demolition teams.

As a result, he really found such a place when he made a great effort to inquire about it.

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This place is in Nanchang County. It's less than an hour from downtown Nanchang.

This place used to be a centralized worker's apartment with four floors, three sides and a courtyard in the middle.

This apartment has been old for some years. Due to the planning of the new city, the current address is a little far away from the downtown area. Now no one lives in it. It was abandoned two years ago and is now vacant for demolition.

Luminous's uncle also heard from the demolition team that there was such an old-fashioned public house. He went to have a look and found that it was not much different from luminous's description, so he immediately informed luminous to have a look.

Luminous came to the scene and was very satisfied with it. Although it is still different from the original Kung Fu, it's not easy to find something so similar. Some differences are certain. It doesn't matter. It's impossible to find the same one according to local conditions.

Another thing that night light likes most about here is that the place is vacant. As long as the landlord is willing to borrow the land, then he can start shooting by himself and arrange it, which saves a lot of trouble.

However, there is still a problem for luminous to capture this place for shooting.

This old centralized worker's apartment belongs to the state-owned construction land. If luminous wants to rent it, it has to submit an application to the local government department. All kinds of procedures are troublesome. Moreover, it is said that this place may be demolished in ten days.

So, if you want to take this place, you have to grasp it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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