My Star Teacher

Chapter 67: 67

Yiyi is really a eater, and he has a big appetite. He ate all the desserts that luminous bought for him.

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On the way back, Yiyi didn't take two steps, but suddenly stopped. Then he looked at liuchiyan on the left and luminous on the right, "who, luminous, you carry me! I can't walk any more. "

Liu ChiYan: "walk by yourself, just full, walk for a while to digest!"

Yiyi didn't go, "no, I'm tired. When I get off the plane, I'm tired. You can't hold me. I've been enduring it all the time. Moreover, I've just had enough to eat. I've gained a lot of weight, and I can't walk any more. No matter what, I want him to carry me."

Liu ChiYan is helpless and angry.

Night light is not reluctant, squatting down with a smile, "OK, Yiyi, I'll hold you to go."

Yiyi shook his head, "no, you can only carry me, grandma said, girls can't let men hold."

Luminous a Zheng, this words Prelude how so familiar? Then secretly took a look at Liu ChiYan, well, it's obvious that he inherited a pulse! Night light can't help thinking, what did your cheap mother-in-law say, and what did she teach her daughter and granddaughter?

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Little girl is not heavy, night light back is very relaxed, Yi Yi began to lie on his back has been humming singing, it seems to eat very happy, not for a while on night light back fell asleep.

Liu ChiYan: "back to the studio?"

Noctilucent: "do not return to it, Yiyi are asleep, go home."

Liu ChiYan: "aren't you in a hurry to make an advertisement?"

Luminous: "it's not bad for half a day. Besides, you've just arrived. Let's have a rest and go home."

Liu ChiYan: "OK! Listen to you. "

Yiyi fell asleep on the back of luminous. Originally, liuchiyan wanted her to hold Yiyi in the back, but Yiyi may be sleeping upright on the back of luminous. She has no sense of security. Her two little hands are tugging at the clothes of luminous. She has no choice but to drive. Luminous carefully holds Yiyi from the back to her arms, and does not wake her up. Then she sits in the back seat with her It's on.

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As a child grows up, it is easy to feel sleepy and sleep for a long time. After the night light and Liu ChiYan came home, Yiyi still didn't wake up and put her on the bed in the room. The night light gently closed the door and didn't shut her up.

Luminous: "this little girl is really a ghost."

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "no, I've already told you that this little girl is too smart. She doesn't look like a five-year-old child at all. How can a five-year-old child like her?"

Luminous: "cleverness is a good thing."

Liu ChiYan said, "what's good? You haven't seen her mouth. Sometimes you don't know how to take over what she said. Moreover, it's unruly and capricious. It's too frustrating."

Luminous: "it's very good. Anyway, I like her very much. She looks cute like a little princess, smart, lively and lovely."

Liu ChiYan said with a smile: "you're still protecting her. Wait. There will be times to toss you in the future."

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"Night light hey hey a smile," by the way, he should have been in kindergarten, middle class or big class? "

Liu ChiYan shook his head, "no, I didn't go to the kindergarten. Last year, I asked her to go to the kindergarten for a few days, and then I didn't go to the kindergarten any more. I said that the children in the kindergarten are too childish, they are not the same channel as her, and then I didn't let her go there any more. I always asked a tutor to teach her at home. My parents usually teach her when they have time."

Luminous: "she said she would not go? The kindergarten doesn't really expect her to learn anything. The main thing is to get in touch with other children, and how to be alone at home every day. "

Liu ChiYan nodded, "who said it's not, but you know this child, whose mother doesn't know, and my brother has no news. Other children's parents come to pick up every day, and only his grandmother or aunt comes to pick up. Do you think she can feel better? The child is pitiful and has a bitter heart. She is also sensible. She is much better than other children of the same year. Since she doesn't want to go to school, we won't let her go. It's good to ask a tutor to teach at home. She's also at ease. "

It's true that the child is so young that when she comes to kindergarten, everyone else has their parents, but she doesn't. what will the child think? It's really pathetic. Luminous is a little distressed.

Luminous: "is she here to take her to work every day? I don't go to school, either? "

Liu ChiYan looked sad. "I don't know how to do it. Moreover, even if I send her to school, I may not be able to go. She doesn't have a household registration book. A better regular school doesn't accept a household registration book."

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"Ah?" Luminous surprised way, "she does not have the household register?"? How could it be? "

Liu ChiYan said helplessly: "no, we are a red family. My parents are civil servants... Some are special. Although they are the third generation, they have to report to the organization to apply for Hukou when they have more people in their family. It's much more troublesome than ordinary people to apply for hukou. The foundation of the new population must be clearly written. It's more difficult to do so, according to the truth It's not impossible to apply to our family's registered permanent residence, but if it's not the parents who apply to the children's registered permanent residence and other relatives and guardians, the Family Planning Commission has a special investigation, but my brother... You know, the mother of the child doesn't know, so it's hard to explain these things clearly, so the application of registered permanent residence has been shelved. I'll think about it when I'm going to go to primary school next year The way is to get rid of my registered permanent residence and go to my registered permanent residence. " (this is nonsense because of the plot. Just look at it. Don't put it in the reality and write it blindly.)Noctiluca nodded. Although he didn't understand, he understood a little. It was said that Liu ChiYan's parents' ID cards were special, so it was difficult to get registered permanent residence at home. He really didn't know what Liu ChiYan's parents did. He only knew that he was a civil servant, but he didn't know exactly what unit he was in. Today, when Liu ChiYan said it, he understood that Liu ChiYan had no owner I told him that even if his parents are not small, they must not be ordinary civil servants. How can it be so difficult for ordinary civil servants to give their granddaughter a hukou? However, Liu ChiYan did not take the initiative to ask, and naturally he would not ask himself more.

Luminous: "household registration really need to be done quickly, how can not affect the children to go to school ah."

Liu ChiYan side neck, agree and some helpless said, "really is."

They chatted in the living room for a while, watched TV, and watched the time in the night light. It was already five o'clock. It was almost time for dinner. Yiyi had to go shopping and cook. There was a child at home, so naturally they could not go away. So he offered to go shopping by himself. Liuchiyan looked at the child at home and shamelessly asked liuchiyan for 200 yuan.

Liu ChiYan didn't know what he was up to. He gave him a hundred yuan. How many dishes can two adults and a child buy? This goods must be to secretly hide private money, Liu ChiYan heart door clear, give 100, 100 yuan, even if there is surplus, there is not much left, when reward him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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