My Star Teacher

Chapter 670: 670

Kung Fu, which is shown in China, and journey to the west, which is shown abroad, have been released from cinemas one after another.

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The box office of Kung Fu is similar to that expected by luminous. The final box office is 2.2 billion yuan, and the overseas box office of journey to the West animation movie is 710 million US dollars.

The box office of domestic journey to the West animated films totaled 4.87 billion yuan, which is not much different from that estimated by luminous.

Journey to the West animation film, plus the domestic box office, the total global box office, as high as 9.4 billion yuan!

According to the current exchange rate, converted into US $1.47 billion!

And this miraculous box office, let alone entering the top 100 of the global box office list, has directly entered the top 10 of the global box office list, ranking eighth!

Luminous, with its own efforts, forcefully pushed the Chinese film, which was in the middle level in the framework of global film and television construction, directly to the high-end position!

Although it's just a cartoon, there are almost no movie makers in Hollywood or other countries who haven't heard of luminous fame.

For the first time, luminous, a young Chinese director and Chinese film, has surprised the global film circle.

As a result, luminous has gained another title. He is called the miracle son of Chinese film and television industry by international filmmakers.

Of course, if they know enough about luminous, the title of the miracle child will not be limited to the film and television industry.

Because of the popularity of journey to the West animated films in the world, the word of mouth burst. Suddenly, countless filmmakers and film directors focused on animated films.

Fast action, has begun to imitate the production of the same type of excellent animation.

Journey to the West animation film also really, at this moment, opened a new era of global animation!

These days, night light and youxianqi have received many invitation from overseas.

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Invite him to a guest movie, or invite him to a variety show, and so on. The most popular invitation is to invite luminous to direct and shoot cartoons.

In addition, there is also a very special and heavy invitation.

Noctiluca received an invitation from another Hollywood film and television giant Diman film and television, Diman film and television invited Noctiluca to participate in a science fiction blockbuster to be produced - Dr. esoteric.

Diman film and television of Hollywood is very powerful. Most of its main movies are superheroes. It has a number of popular IP's, such as the armored man, the captain of the United States, the giant, the shadow bat, the justice woman and so on.

This time, Dr. Arcane is a new superhero IP of Diman. They invited him to take part in the role of kung fu man, which is not a small role or a dragon set role, but a male No.2 with a lot of parts and a superhero identity.

After the investigation and understanding of luminous, he knew that luminous knew kung fu and was a kind of Chinese Kung Fu called Tai Chi. In order to express his sincerity, Diman even changed the name of kung fu man to Tai Chi man.

I have to say that it's really sincere to invite luminous to participate in this film.

However, no matter what the movie role, TV variety show, animation director's invitation, he all refused, including Dr. Diman's invitation, all refused.

When Diman decided to invite Noctiluca, it seemed that he was very confident and had the chance to win. He announced the news that he was going to invite Noctiluca to take part in Dr. arcane.

In their view, although luminous's journey to the West animation film has made such a great achievement, it can be called a miracle, but for a long time in the past, they have a high attitude towards the film and television people of other countries, and did not put luminous in the same level as them.

In their opinion, I invite you to make our film. This is to give you face. Can you come?

Yes! Just can't come!

Luminous refused.

After the news spread by Diman film and television, luminous didn't have any reaction. At that time, he just thought, just don't refuse. He didn't think too much.

But the domestic public and luminous fans are excited.

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"Yedaxian, it's going to be international!"

"Amazing, my night fairy, even Diman invited him to film."

"There's nothing wrong with Diman's invitation. The key is to look at the role. This time, we'll let yedaxian play male No.2! Cow

"Kung fu man, oh no, Tai Chi man! Yeda fairy cow force

"Night fairy v587!"

"Night fairy 666!"

"What a wonderful night! My Wumao party! Immortal night! For generations to come


Noctilucent this also what reaction did not have, the netizen was excited first on.

In the eyes of netizens, it's absolutely a good thing that luminous can be invited by Diman to play doctor of esoteric arts, which means luminous will enter the international film and television circle.For a long time, domestic filmmakers and netizens have been hoping for Chinese films. Can Chinese filmmakers step onto the international stage?

However, luminous fans and netizens have not been happy for long, and then luminous issued a statement.

"Thank you for your support, but it may disappoint you. I hereby declare that I have not accepted any invitation from overseas movies, TV dramas, variety shows and other forms for the time being, and I will not consider accepting overseas invitation in the near future. Thank you."

Once a statement is made, a stone will stir up a thousand waves.

The audience didn't understand.

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Why not accept it?

What a wonderful thing.

If you don't accept anything else, won't you accept the invitation of Diman film?

This is one of the big three in Hollywood!

Let you play the role of a serious superhero. Maybe you will have a chance to play your own single chip in the future!

Why did you just refuse?

This player, I'm afraid you haven't sorted out what you refused, have you?

This is not only an invitation, but also an excellent opportunity for you to step onto the international stage and go to the world!

How can you just refuse!?


It's so willful!

Domestic netizens and luminous fans, suddenly have a kind of hate iron not steel mentality.

After many netizens think about it carefully, they think that luminous is suddenly confused. No, they can't let him be so confused. They have to educate him! Wake him up!

Even if it's abusive or abusive, you have to wake up the goods!

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The audience has high hopes for the night light.

As a result, after luminous's statement, countless luminous fans and netizens began to comment under luminous's statement to persuade him.

"Night fairy, think twice!"

"Why do you refuse, luminous? What a chance

"Don't refuse to promise Diman. It's a good chance."

"Don't be confused. If you miss such a good opportunity, you don't know when you will have it again."

"Luminous, are you gone with the wind?"

"Are you floating? Or do you think we can't use the knife? Hurry to give me honest promise! Otherwise, don't blame me for sacrificing my 40 meter sword! "

"Goddess Liu, take care of your husband."

"Yes, goddess Liu, take care of the goods quickly. You can't let her be so willful!"


Liu ChiYan also made a response to the thousands of calls from netizens.

"/ cry / cry / cry. Instead, he practiced family law, whine ~ "

he did not control it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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