My Star Teacher

Chapter 689: 689

Is China hard to do? Yes, it's hard to do, but it's not hard to do.

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For others, of course, it is difficult to do, but for luminous, it is not so difficult.

Because luminous has a great advantage, that is, he has seen the full version of China on the tip of the tongue, so he does not need to shoot materials everywhere like the original Chinese creative team on the tip of the tongue, and then edit them into programs.

He only needs to refer to China on the tip of the tongue of the dream world and shoot some lens materials that need to be used. Moreover, he doesn't need to search for character stories and food stories aimlessly all over the country, because the food on the tip of the tongue of China, night light knows where it appears, although there are differences between the dream world and the real world But if you know where it is, it will be easier to find it.

After confirming the production of China on the tip of the tongue, luminous spent a day writing a copy, formulating the research direction, as well as the preparatory work for the program, such as the character story and food story.


Night light also found two leading directors, gashan and xiahai, who were immortal at this time. They set up a total of 20 photographers and divided them into five teams. They were assigned to five different directions all over the country to shoot materials.

Luminous also personally led a team to set out.

China on the tip of the tongue, officially began recording.

First stop.

Yunnan Province, Shangri La.

Luminous team, accompanied by Liu ChiYan and Yiyi two people.

China on the tip of the tongue doesn't need star actors to leave the country. Therefore, in this shooting, luminous and Liu ChiYan have no shooting task. Besides luminous, they also work as directors. Liu ChiYan and Yiyi are just when this is a tour, and their luggage is also according to the way of travel.

Oh, Yiyi is not a tour, but a journey to find delicious food. She is looking forward to the delicious food mentioned by luminous.

Shangri La in Yunnan Province is a tourist destination.

Shangri la is located in the southeast edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the north end of the southern section of Hengduan Mountains, and the hinterland of three parallel rivers. It forms a unique landscape of snow mountains, canyons, grasslands, alpine lakes, virgin forests and ethnic customs. It is a multi-functional tourist scenic spot.

Staying in the city for a long time, one can't help but feel relaxed and intoxicated when he comes to this beautiful resort close to nature.

Here, it seems that you can feel the sky and white clouds above your head. The fresh grass fragrance is mixed with the morning air. People can't help but indulge in the beauty of nature.

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As soon as Liu ChiYan and Yi arrived here, they were like birds out of the cage. They became very happy. Their big beautiful eyes kept looking east and West, trying their best to look at the beautiful scenery in front of them.

However, this time, it's still a mission. The main purpose is to make China on the tip of the tongue.

However, the night light seems to have forgotten the purpose of this trip. They let the two people play freely, did not assign any work to the accompanying crew, and told the big guys to play as they should, as if they were leading a team to travel this time.

The crew is a little puzzled. It's a good thing to play. Who doesn't want to have a good time in such a beautiful place? However, it's really good to say that it's a show, but it's a tour?

Of course, it's not true that night light didn't do any serious work. It took a camera and occasionally turned on the camera to shoot a few shots. Sometimes, it asked the camera brother of its peers to shoot a few short shots.

But can it be called work? In other words, even taking photos with your mobile phone as a memento is much more time than turning on the camera.

After playing in Shangri La for three days in a row, night light seemed to think about work. Then he took a few camera brothers and found a small village. He found a pretty little girl in the village. He followed her up the mountain and went to the market. Then he took some pictures like a mess.

After all, they agreed to come out to work, but they have been playing for three days with public funds. They have had a good time eating and drinking, and nothing has been done yet. They feel strange in their hearts. They are thinking that as soon as luminous orders the work to start, they will try their best to do the work well.

However, a few camera brothers just felt that they had just started, and they didn't shoot anything, so they waved their hands in the glow of night, "it's done, it's over! Find a place to eat delicious food! "

All of a sudden, the crowd was dumbfounded.


End of work?

When did it start?

Even in recent days, Yiyi, who has enjoyed the local special food, can't help saying, "luminous, doesn't it mean there are still programs to shoot? I've eaten a lot. You'd better work first and take me to eat after shooting. "

The night light laughs and says, "it's finished. Let's go. We'll have a good meal. We'll have another stop tomorrow, and then we'll eat, drink and play... Er, no, we'll go on shooting."Liu ChiYan also laughed and joked, "I saw you shoot several scenes without thinking all the way. Can I watch this program?"

A member of the same crew joked, "yes, night consultant. Now we seriously doubt that you cheated Guorun of the advertising expenses. In order to get out public funds for eating, drinking and playing, ha ha."

When luminous was in the company, he had no airs all the time. Except for two of the camera makers who came to the company later, the rest of them were immortal elders. They had a good relationship with luminous and spoke at will.

These days, I've been eating, drinking and having fun all the time. With the team led by night light, I've been wandering around and looking for special food everywhere, which makes Yiyi feel great.

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But sometimes, without contrast, there is no harm.

Luminous side of the party complacent, how happy to have more fun, work and play the same.

However, it is not so easy to assign a few teams from other places.

A team, "this time back, I have to sleep for three days and three nights, this is too frustrating, tired dad."

Team B, "it's just the beginning. I didn't expect that it's so hard to shoot. How can I live in the future?"

Team C, "it's been on for more than 20 hours. Should it be almost done? I feel like my leg is not my leg anymore. "

Team D. "In the future, if I can push the work of sending people abroad, I will certainly push it. If I come here a few more times, the immortals will not be able to bear it."

In addition to the luminous team, the other four teams, including the camera crew and other crew members, were all in a hurry to complete the shooting task before the scheduled time. Everyone was very tired.

It's not that the tasks assigned by luminous to the other teams are heavier, or what? We are all the same.

If the luminous team is not led by luminous itself, the situation is no better than other teams. However, there is luminous in this team, and luminous is equivalent to a cheating device against heaven.

Just like a decryption game, everyone does not know the answer, only a little bit of breakthrough, play up, naturally tired.

However, luminous is different. He is the one who knows the answer.

Noctiluca knows what a Chinese film will look like on the tip of his tongue. He knows very well what kind of shots are needed to make this program. Therefore, he doesn't need to shoot a lot of lengthy material at all. He just needs to shoot a few specific shots according to the memory in his mind. It's OK and easy.

For others, it's a high-intensity, long-time shooting work, but for luminous, it's really a gourmet journey, shooting? It's just a pastime after dinner.

Time flies.


More than a month has passed.

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For more than a month, night light with liuchiyan and Yiyi, had a comfortable life.

It's the happiest day of Yiyi's life in the past seven years. However, you can eat haisai all the time. In the end, there are only two people, yeguang and Yiyi.

Liu ChiYan has always paid more attention to the amount of food. Although she is not fat, she can't ask for a strict amount of food to lose weight, but she still pays more attention to it. No matter when she eats, the amount of food doesn't play a big role. Generally, she won't eat until she is full.

At the beginning, the other members of the same group were the same as the night light and Yiyi. They ate five or six meals a day with Yiyi, not counting the snacks of the tooth ceremony and so on.

After a week or two, those who should be fat will be fat after all. The belly of several big camera brothers is obviously bigger. Despite what they say, the members of the same crew have gained weight.

Then, in order not to shoot a program... No, in order not to travel, eat, drink and have fun, we decided to take care of our own mouth after a circle, so we began to control the number and weight of meals one after another.

on the other hand, the other four shooting teams, all black circle, one by one withered, were sent out for more than a month, not to mention Eating fat, one by one is not thin is good.

Play enough, eat enough, the material also need to eat, drink and play in a good shot.

The party finally ended their gourmet journey and returned to Nanchang.

In fact, along the way, Liu ChiYan has always been curious about what kind of effect Noctiluca will have when it comes to China on the tip of its tongue.

For more than a month, although I spent most of my time eating, drinking and having fun, I didn't delay the work that I should do and the things that I should shoot. I just felt that the night light was shot casually, and there was basically no long shot, but I shot a lot of short shots, and Liu ChiYan also saw it.

Therefore, Liu ChiYan is very curious. What kind of China will luminous make this time? What kind of material can luminous make into a high-quality program?

After they returned to Nanchang.In the next two days, the other four teams came back one after another. The staff of Xianqi entertainment didn't feel anything when they saw the luminous group coming back. But when they saw the weather beaten appearance of the four teams coming back, they immediately felt strange.

Isn't that a show you're doing?

Not to mention that they have this question, the most puzzled is the staff of the other four teams.

Why do we all go out to shoot, why do we all do the same program, you eat so fat, we are so tired, we are so skinny?

So, for a long time, the team led by luminous accepted the deep resentment from the other four teams.

It took him two days to go through all the shooting materials. There were some flaws, but it didn't hurt much. On the whole, he was very satisfied with this level.

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See them all tired thin a circle, night light also generous big hand wave, this month bonus doubled!

For a time, we feel that all the hard work is worth it. It's not a waste of working hard for more than a month.

After finishing the material, Noctiluca edited the program in person. The editing work was done by Noctiluca alone. The quality of a work has a lot to do with the editing. Moreover, in China on the tip of the tongue, at the beginning of the program, the editing can only be done by Noctiluca, because only he knows what kind of effect to make Come on.

Many immortal people are also looking forward to the editing of the film. They want to see the effect of the film made from the two extremes, that is, one side is easy to enjoy the freehand brushwork while the other side is tired and weather beaten.

Gashan is the person who is most related to this film, because as a director, he is eager to know that, in his opinion, the planning of luminous is an ordinary food documentary. Moreover, he has seen the material from several shooting teams, and after seeing it, he thinks so.

There are no celebrities, there are no hot spots, there are no twists and turns of the story, look at the shooting material, is not to shoot some of the daily lives of people from all walks of life, different? It's not even a food documentary, is it?

However, the record of luminous is really brilliant. Although there are a lot of questions when it comes to Shangshan, I'm sorry to ask half a question before I see the film. I'm afraid I'll be beaten in the face.

When night light was editing, gashan basically accompanied the whole process. During the editing process, gashan still felt that it was nothing unusual, just like that. He couldn't see any flowers.

After the first season and seven episodes of the film were all cut out by the night light, Shangshan really went over from the beginning to the end, but he still couldn't see any excellence in this film. Is this kind of film really written by the night light? If this film is broadcast, I'm afraid it's the golden sign of the night light, won't it?

Shangshan also finally said out of the question for a long time, "night, you this film... Can fire?"? I look at it as if it's...

"ordinary?" Luminous asked with a smile.

Gashan nodded with a smile.

The night light looked at Shang Shan and laughed, "I haven't finished it yet. I'll look after it."

Gashan, "isn't it already cut?"

Noctiluca, "did you eat the dubbing? It's bad for dubbing. You can watch it when it's done. "

Shangshan YILENG, dubbing? Add a dub can make this ordinary film unusual?

Before seeing the effect, Shang Shan expressed his disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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