My Star Teacher

Chapter 699: 699

A table of people joking, one by one are touting the luminous.

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Luminous was applauded and blushed. With a smile, he said, "if you flatter me again, I'll float out. What do you want to fight? What do you want to fight with other people? Other people's movies will be shown. I don't have anything yet."

"Then shoot it quickly." Zhong Jing said.

Lanbao, "Xiaoye, you shoot quickly, I'll give you a guest, free!"

Night light sipped a cup of tea and said, "besides, it's not something urgent for a while. There's no shooting plan for the moment."

After a cup of tea, the brothers sat chatting and farting for a while, and Yiyi almost wiped out the food on the table.

It's very late. There are no other activities in the evening. The big guy is ready to finish.

It's such a big place in night light's home. Unless we all have a living room with a floor shop, we can't sleep for so many people. So, the big guy should go home and go back to the hotel.

Just as the party was about to leave.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Liu ChiYan went to open the door.

saw some people outside the door. Liu Chi smoke had some accidents. "Oh, Wutong, why did you come?"

Wutong haven't met in a long time. "I've seen it for a long time," said the pond.

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"Long time no see. Come on in. Liu Chi smoke greeted Wutong into the house. When

entered the house, Wutong saw some people in the room with a little astonishment.

Wutong arrived, so that the big guys were surprised. After a moment of surprise, they greeted the flowers with Wutong trees.

"Wutong Wutong. What are you doing here? We should have come earlier. We're almost finished Lan Bao said with a smile.

Liu Chi smoke smiled and said, "Wutong hasn't eaten yet. I'll cook two more dishes and eat."

Wutong smiled and shook his head. "No, I have eaten it. I was in Nanchang today. I thought I would live here. I think you are living here. I'll come and see it on the way. I didn't expect everyone to be having a dinner party. I didn't disturb you."

Luminous said, "if you don't disturb me, I don't know you are in Nanchang, otherwise I'll call you early in the morning and ask you to come."

all around the Wutong, a burst of laughter, only he Xing looked at it, and never interrupted.

chatted a few words, Wutong said, "it's getting late. I should go back. I have to go to the theatre early tomorrow." Then, Hua Wutong looked at the noctilucent and Liu Chi smoke. "What we have is rather hasty. We have no preparation. We will pay a visit to the next visit."

The night light said, "look what you said. What else are you going to prepare for me? Next time you come, just eat with your mouth. "

Wutong smiled and nodded. "Then I'll go first."

The night light eh a, "OK, that don't leave you, next time have a chance to come to play at home."

big fellow also said goodbye to Wutong.

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"I'll go with you."

He Xing, who hasn't intervened, suddenly said, "did you drive here? It's not convenient to go back after drinking a little wine. If you take me by the way

Hua Wutong turned round and looked at ho Xing. He did not speak and turned his head, and went straight to the door.

he touched his nose and hurried up. He could hardly catch up with his brothers and hurried to follow the door of Wutong.

After two people go out, all the men and women in the room, you look at me, I look at you, they all see the look of doubt from each other's eyes.

, "what do you say, he Xing and Hua Wutong, will there be nothing wrong?"

"He Xing is just a little abnormal."

"the phone call that he would not play before was he called the Wutong?"

"To be reasonable, it's possible, but I haven't heard anything between them before."

"What else can I tell you?"

"That's also true. If I say it, maybe there's something wrong, otherwise he Xing can't follow him in such a hurry, saying that he didn't take his bag when he went home." With that, Liu Tianwang glanced at the satchel he Xing had left on the sofa in the living room.

"When he finds a chance to extort a confession, he will do everything."

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Wutong smiles on the side. "If I spend the last time, I think I am in the wrong line. I think if I go to the media, it must be the most fucking great matchmaker in the world."

Zhong Jing looked at the light of night and said strangely, "Xiao Ye, you are really God. I'm afraid that my brother's words about Hua Hua in the past few years will become true."

Li Fei Er asks curiously, "what words?"

Several brothers look at each other and smile.


the other side. Not to utter a single word,

Hexing followed chasing Wutong, and went down the stairs without saying anything.

"What are you doing here?" He Xing broke the silence and said, "did you come to me?"Wutong looked at him slightly, "you think more, just follow the road."

He Xing smiles, "are you worried about me?"

Wutong cut, "worried about you? I want to see if you are drunk to death. There are few disasters in the world

he Xing smiled bitterly. "Wutong, I'm sorry, it was I didn't..."

"shut up!" Hua Wutong interrupted Hexing's words. "I don't want to hear you, nor do I want to see you. Where can you stay cool? I didn't say I'd take you. Ah, you came up with yourself. Go back, and I'll go back first."

finished, Hua Wutong walked to the side of the car, pulled the door open and sat up. Wutong freely flowing style of writing,

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ignition, start, step on the accelerator, and the flowers of the phoenix trees are gone, and they are also carrying a car exhaust from the star.

See the car far away, he Xing wry smile, muttered, "really don't take me ah, OK, walk back to walk back."

He Xing has not left the residential area of luminous home yet.

However, it is impossible for him to return to luminous's home at this time. He knows very well that if he goes back now, he will have to face the three sessions of the public.

Compared with this, he Xing prefers to walk back to the hotel.

left the neighborhood and walked for about five or six minutes. The car of Wutong returned and stopped, and stopped at the side of the road.

"Get in the car, tell me where I live, and shut up. I don't want to hear you talk." When Wutong spoke, he did not see the star, a tall and cold look.

He Xing was slightly stunned, and then Maliu opened the front passenger's door and wanted to sit on it.

flowers Wutong twisted his head slightly, and gave him a homicide look.

He Xing sneered and said, "I sit in the back, sit in the back." With that, he Xing opened the back door and got on the car.

he Wutong told the Wutong after the address, and began to try to chat with the flower tree.

but the Wutong tree did not take care of him. He only looked at his car. He was forced to talk to her and was annoyed. He turned his head and glared at him, so that he could shut up.

Today I drank a lot of wine, and he Xing was a little bit drunk. He was a little bit drunk. He staggered in the car and fainted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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