My Star Teacher

Chapter 702: 702

He was later trying to explain with Wutong.

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But the explanation doesn't make sense.

What he Xing said is reasonable. He said that he was just an ordinary friend who had a cup of coffee together. Then he met a Rainstorm on his way back. They were wet, so they came to the hotel, took a bath and dried their clothes. Nothing happened.

Objectively speaking, this explanation is feasible.

However, he Xing's failure is that he said her sister is just his ordinary friend.

ho Xing did not know that Wutong was known, or was aware of his learning sister, and knew he had had a history with her.

Wutong Wutong and Wutong are both born in the same class, studying in the same Art Institute, but mistress is smaller than he Xing.

But both of them have some acquaintances, some friends in the school.

Wutong Wutong has a very good friend, just the same class, he Xing, when he was chasing flowers, Wutong was also right, he Xing had such a meaning, so began to explore all aspects of Xing Xing.

, the classmate of Xing Xing, is naturally the object of Wutong's first inquiring.

Then from her mouth that he Xing had a girlfriend, is his sister.

Wutong's friend did not know where to find the photo of the star, and gave a look to Wutong.

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so, when Hua Wutong entered the room that day, he recognized her when he saw her.

at that time, Wutong was indeed misunderstood, but in fact there were some jealous meanings in it.

then, when Xing Xing explained to her, he never mentioned anything about this school girl, but only a friend. This made Wutong feel that he was deceiving him.

first impressions are strongest, Wutong has already identified that Xing Xing is cheating him. What reasonable explanation does nature give to Star Wars? It is also impossible to do Wutong here. After that, Wutong did not give

Xing Xing his face.

Wutong has taunt Wutong for many times, trying to explain this misunderstanding, but he is not listening to it, and is often making a lot of abuse and cynicism.

in the course of contacts, Wutong Wutong is a man, and he is not without temper. He feels that the flower tree is a bit of a big deal. He has been angry with others for a while. Then, when he tried to communicate with Hua Wu Tong again, the two men had a heated quarrel and broke up.

After that, for a long time, there was no contact between them.

yesterday evening at the noctilucent home to eat, drink more Xing Xing, drunk to the Wutong call this phone, is the two people after breaking up the first contact. Wutong love

, but he actually has no expectation of Wutong, he is what he can afford to put.

Like a person, even like each other, but does not mean that you can come together, God also like to joke, like to tease people, life will not let you so smooth.

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but Wutong did not think that Wutong came when he made a phone call to the flower tree.

What's just a drop in?

he Xing is very clear, this is just an excuse, probably is his vomit on the phone can not, let the flower Wutong worry, so it only specially rushed over.

To tell you the truth, at that moment, he Xing's heart, which was about to calm down, suddenly came back to life.

Wutong Wutong went out with the boss around. He was very rude to hxing, but he couldn't hide his care.

He Xing can feel it.

Therefore, he Xing decided at that time that he could not let this woman run away any more. Even if he used some bad means, he had to take her back.

When I went back to the hotel, half of he Xing's drunken appearance was pretended.

he Xing said to Hua Wutong, let her marry him, really not joking, he is very serious.

he Xing is not old enough to be old, but he is not prepared to get married. He is not ready yet. In fact, sometimes he thinks he will have some irritability when he thinks of marriage. But he doesn't know why. If he wants to marry with Wutong, he will not feel what he feels.

So, if she wanted to, he would have married her.

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the next day.

He Xing went to luminous's house again, took his bag and had another meal by the way.

but let him feel very strange that there are always some gossip about the night glow. This time, she did not ask her anything about Wutong.

Didn't they see the clue?

He Xing thinks it's impossible. These guys are all human spirits.

So when he went out, he Xing looked at the night light and asked himself, "are you really not going to ask something? I'll leave without asking. "

The night light laughed and said, "when you want to say it, it's natural to say it."He Xing also smiles and says, "wait for my good news."

Luminous smile, he Xing didn't say it through, but it is also a disguised way to understand everything.

"Ma Daogong, wait for your good news!" The night light patted he Xing on the shoulder.

He Xing nodded and said seriously, "wait, it won't be long, there will be good news!"

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on the tip of the tongue, China has been broadcasting Xianqi videos continuously, and the TV copyright has been sold. It is CCTV channel that bought the copyright, and now it is also broadcasting.

When the Chinese copyright on the tip of the tongue was sold, with the consent of luminous, Jiang Fengxian packaged and sold a documentary project.

Because of the fire of China Documentary on the tip of the tongue, CCTV is ready to shoot a documentary and invite luminous to be the director.

General planning, CCTV side has given the luminous, after watching, nodded agreed, but, additional requirements is planning by him to do.

For this point, CCTV naturally agreed, luminous talent is well known, he can help do planning, this is a good thing, no reason to refuse.

However, CCTV also requires that the core issues and framework should not be changed.

In fact, the documentary that CCTV is going to make is not a temporary idea. It's just that the fire in China on the tip of the tongue accelerates the schedule of this project.

As a matter of fact, as early as last year, the documentary was approved by CCTV, and a special production team was set up to shoot and collect a lot of material.

The documentary of CCTV is not a drama, but a documentary.

The title of the film is also given, which is called "Great America China". However, after getting the plan, luminous changed the name of the documentary to "awesome, my country! 》 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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