My Star Teacher

Chapter 714: 714

It's a very restless afternoon from three to six in the afternoon.

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It's great to see the gourd eaters on the Internet.

A document from the central government website also calmed down the storm.

A lot of people think that it's incredible that the state should support luminous night. It's hard to imagine. I haven't heard of it at all.

Has luminous's fame and influence reached this level?

In fact, it is not because of the fame and influence of luminous, nor because of the many halos on his head.

It's because he is one of the top ten outstanding figures in the country. This title is a nominal title, which seems useless. However, it has many invisible benefits. It's not just a title or an honor.

It can be said that obtaining this reputation means that you are a talent highly valued by the state, a driving force for national development, and listed as a category of strategic resources. Of course, the state will protect such talents.

It can be said that the rise of the luminous incident is puzzling, and the collapse of him is nothing. Moreover, after the truth is exposed, those negative comments are still going on. Under such circumstances, the state can not let it go.

Luminous patriotic, he believes in his country, so he is willing to do something for his motherland.

Luminous, he has the ability, he did not shirk, unconsciously, he has shouldered the prosperity of the national cultural and entertainment industry banner.

However, not everyone of us can stand on the crest of the storm. Most of us are ordinary people. We are patriotic, but we seem to have no ability to do something for our motherland.

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Not really.

In this era, patriotism doesn't need to go to war to kill the enemy. It doesn't need you to die generously.

You just need to be down-to-earth, do your duty well, do what you can, even as a simple taxpayer, even if you are simply working, you are also contributing to the motherland.

That is enough.

Just for us, the concept of the country is too big, you can't seem to feel that the country has any love for you. You always work hard for your livelihood, and you don't think it's good enough.

Not really.

Love at the national level, it is not the kind of all-round, as the mother exhorted general love.

The love of a country is great love. It's like the sun hanging high in the sky. You often ignore it, but it's always there, and you can't live without it.

The love of the country is that it can make the society stable, morality benevolent and justice, and law fair. It allows you to live and work in peace and contentment, to be free from war, to be free from wandering.

No matter when and where you are, you can feel that there is a big mountain that you can rely on at any time.

So you can live with dignity.

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What is patriotism.

Patriotism is never an abstract concept, it is the life of us and this land; patriotism is never a vague word, it needs the joint efforts of our country and our people, in order to finally achieve each other.

The greatest and most brilliant patriotic feeling in the world must come from the interweaving of these two great forces.

That is, we love our motherland deeply, and our motherland also loves us deeply.


A storm subsided.

This is a climax of the good play, but, the hero of this good play, luminous, but perfectly missed the most exciting part.

On this day, I went out to shoot the night light. At 2:30 in the afternoon, I was in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, preparing to fly back to Nanchang.

It takes three and a half hours to fly from Harbin to Nanchang, one south and one north.

So, from 3:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, which is the most frequent period about his reputation events, luminous perfect missed.

After getting off the plane, the night light didn't care about the situation on the Internet, and rushed home nonstop.

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I've been out for several days, and some of them miss their wives and children.

When he got home, night light heard Liu ChiYan talk about it. Then he went to the Internet to check the details of the matter. Only then did he know that so many things had happened this afternoon.

When Liu ChiYan chatted with luminous before going to bed at night, she said sourly, "sister Qingwen, for your sake, she's very angry. She's holding a press conference to correct your name, and she's taking pictures of the table. Tut tut. I don't have her ability. I can only stare at her. I can't do anything for her. "

The night light smelled a sour smell and asked, "what do you mean?"

Liu ChiYan's mouth was small, and he said in a soft voice, "maybe sometime, the position of my lady in the main palace will change."

"Shit." The night light lightly smoked Liu ChiYan's indescribable place for a moment, feigned anger and said, "what are you talking about? What kind of vinegar are you eating?"

Liu ChiYan took a look at the night light and said, "you're such a fool. Can't you see it?"Luminous, "see what?"

Liu ChiYan opened his mouth and said, "forget it, it's nothing. It just doesn't feel like it's going to help you any more. "

Noctiluca reached for liuchiyan, kissed her forehead and said, "I don't need you to help me. You've done enough for me. I can't pay it back in my life, so you don't have to do anything for me anymore. Otherwise, the more you owe, how can I pay your debt?"

With a sweet smile, Liu ChiYan looked at the night light and said, "well, what did I do for you? I'm your wife. I'm supposed to be your wife. "

"That's too much to count." The night light looked at Liu ChiYan and said, "you have given me all of yourself. Do you still feel that you haven't done anything for me? Liu'er, to be honest, I can't get to where I am now without you, and I can't go down without you in the future. "

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"Sweet talk." Liu ChiYan squeezed into the night light's arms, "I'm tired of listening to it."

I'm tired of listening, but what's the matter with the range that you can't pull down?

Hum, woman!

Always right and wrong.

The night light ha ha smile, then slightly prop up the body, condescending looking at Liu ChiYan, say, "Liu Er, don't you say you don't know what to do for me? In fact, there is one thing we can do together. "

Liu ChiYan was stunned and asked, "what do you do?"

Night light bad smile a body, bent down body, in Liu ChiYan ear gently spit out a word.

Suddenly, Liu ChiYan's pretty face turned red and said, "hooligan! I think about bad things all day. I'm dead. Don't touch me. "

It is said that you are not allowed to touch it, but you have reached out your hands to encircle luminous's neck and sent your red lips up. What's the matter?

Hum, woman!

Always right and wrong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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