My Star Teacher

Chapter 746: 746

On the other side.

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The two shows are still going on at the same time.

On the Internet, many netizens are calling to see singing for their dreams. All of a sudden, there is an explosive news from the voice of China.

"Li Qing! It's really Li Qing

"The voice of China! Li Qing is the last teacher

"No mistake, it's Li Qing! I haven't started singing yet. It's Li Qing! "

"Li Qing! oh my god! Ah, I'm going crazy

"Li Qing is back, the queen of song is back, Wu Wu Wu."


at the moment when Li Qing appeared on the stage, after the audience was shocked, the news quickly spread to the Internet.

No one yelled to see the voice of China. Most of them were amazed at Li Qing's return and expressed their shock.

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But, see this news netizen, where still need to shout them to see China good voice?

I'll rush by myself, OK.

Li Qing, that's Li Qing, the singer who is praised as the most promising to enter the international music world and has numerous fans, but suddenly quit when his career is booming!

As long as you know her, as long as you've heard her songs, know what she used to sing, and stand on the stage again, who doesn't want to see it the first time?

A large number of netizens switched to Jiangxi satellite TV to watch the voice of China.

No matter which channel they were watching at that time, singing for their dreams, watching variety shows of other stations, or watching TV series they were chasing, many netizens immediately switched channels when they saw the news.

Li Qing was the last tutor of the strongest voice. During the recording of the program, there were rumors on the Internet. Many audience who went to the scene had already put the news on the Internet, which also caused a lot of heated discussion.

However, later, Xianqi deliberately conducted public relations and confused the news.

Some netizens also released high-definition pictures of Li Qing's live shooting with the strongest sound. Huang Bin, he Xing, ye Guang and Liu ChiYan were also sitting in the director's seat. In addition, some "paparazzi" showed the pictures of Li Qing playing with his children in some place recently. There are pictures and the truth.

In this way, the news was suppressed. Most of the netizens just saw that Li Qing's joining the voice of China was just a rumor and a hype.

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Shangshan and youxianqi have made great efforts to create this amazing explosion point.

Now it seems that the effect is really good.

Li Qing, because he quit the entertainment circle, retired for a long time, and suddenly returned, can really produce a huge topic, and also drive a huge audience rating. This is a trump card, a trump card that can lay a victory foundation for the voice of China in this contest!

Far away in the Coal Management Bureau to sing for the dream of the spies, at this time some can not believe their eyes.

In front of us, the voice of China, singing for the dream and the ratings curve of various TV stations are changing rapidly.

At the same time, the ratings of all satellite TV stations, including Zhejiang satellite TV, which is playing the song for the dream, are obviously declining. Only the voice of China of Jiangxi satellite TV, which has been singing all the way, is rapidly expanding.

In just a few minutes, I pulled the audience rating to 5.1!

5.1, what is the concept?

At present, in the world, the domestic variety show ratings record, ranking first is luminous run bar, the second season, ratings 3.79, however, is such a hot variety show, also failed to impact to another height, ratings did not break more than 4.

But now? Voice of China, the first program, actually jumped the 4 rating barrier which people can only look up to, and reached the appalling height of 5.1.

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It's horrible!

The scout, who sings for the dream, really can't believe the data he sees. He weakly asks, "is this something wrong?"

Not to mention that he can't believe it, but the staff of the Coal Management Bureau at this time can't believe it. Although they are very confident in their own system, over the past ten years, they can count the mistakes with one hand, and the error rate is very low, but there are still some, right?

So, seeing this data, the staff of the Coal Management Bureau are not sure. It's really strange. This curve is too scary.

"I'll try to restart it, and then check it again." The staff said.

The staff on duty really murmured in their hearts. What kind of program is it? No matter how good it is, it can't be like this? 5 or more ratings ah, normal programs, he did not see! Also thinking, will the system be hacked? Someone modified the data?

We asked the technical department to investigate urgently. However, in a few minutes, the technical department gave us feedback. Everything was normal, and there was no sign of invasion.The staff restarted the system and looked at the data again. The audience rating of Jiangxi satellite TV has reached 5.3 at this time.

Frowning, the staff used their mobile phones to look at the Internet, and then Leng Leng, said, "the data should not be wrong."

The strongest voice of the spies, "really right?"

The staff gave him a look at the mobile phone and said, "Li Qing, the voice of China that Jiangxi satellite TV is broadcasting, appeared on the stage. Li Qing, the singer who has been out of the music world for several years, Li Qing."

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When Xu Wei receives the latest data reported by the spies, he is struck by lightning.

"How can this happen, Li Qing? It's really Li Qing, isn't it a rumor? Does Li Qing have such a great effect? "

Deputy said on one side, "director Xu, don't worry, don't worry, before we are not better than their ratings, it shows that the audience still like our program, Li Qing is really a hot spot, no one can imagine, luminous can say that she asked to go out of the mountain, her return on the stage, can really attract a lot of audience to see the past queen."

"However, she is just a hot spot. After a few days, when the heat is over, there will be no effect. At that time, the two programs will be competing for the content, and it's possible who will win or lose."

Xu Wei nodded, "what you said is reasonable, but many audiences have the habit of watching. I'm afraid... I hope the next issue will be OK. Tonight, it's no show, alas."

Viewing inertia, a simple explanation, is that many people, watching a work or watching a TV play, actually do not like the TV play much, or even scold while watching it. However, they still go after the play every day, not because of how much they like it, but because it has become a habit. A plot stuck in the middle will make people want to watch the following plot, which is not easy This is true of everyone, but it is a common phenomenon.

At this time, singing for dreams and the voice of China are also applicable.

Why is it that singing for dreams should be broadcast one day ahead of time? It's because they want to grab a part of the audience first, and let the audience watch their programs, and then they have the viewing inertia.

It can be said that if the quality of the program is almost the same, the first broadcast will have a great influence on the audience rating of the following programs.

And today, there is no doubt that the voice of China has won the first broadcast! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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