My Star Teacher

Chapter 76: 76

Night light didn't expect that the obstacle in Yiyi's heart was so big that it extended the story of ugly duck to mom and dad.

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The night light slid down and looked at Yiyi, saying softly, "ugly duck is not poor. He has mom and Dad, but he didn't stay with mom and dad at the beginning. Just like you, you also have mom and Dad, but mom and dad are still in other places. Now they can't stay with you, but one day, they will come back to you, No matter what others say or think, you are Yiyi, a little princess and unique. You should be patient and believe in yourself. One day, you will become a beautiful white swan like an ugly duck, and your parents will come back to you. "

Yiyi was very sad and said with a crying voice, "but I've never seen my parents. Other children have their parents. I don't have them."

Luminous heart some bitter, gently stroked Yiyi's head, "you also have parents, they will come back, believe me, you just need to be patient and wait for them to come back, don't think so much, don't think you don't have anything, think about what you have, you have grandfather, grandmother, aunt, also have me, we will love you like a princess."

Yiyi was in a better mood and murmured, "there's too much grandfather."

Yeguang: "yes, and my grandfather, Yiyi is already very happy. If you look at me, I don't have grandfathers or grandmothers. " Luminous's grandparents passed away when he was very young.

It sounds like the night light is worse than her. Yiyi is much better.

Yiyi: "luminous, tell me another story."

Luminous: "still talking? It's getting late. It's time to go to bed. "

Yiyi shook his head. "No, the last one."

Luminous, "OK, I'll tell you."

After taking a bath, liuchiyan watched TV in the living room. It's been a long time since he went to Yiyi's room. He didn't see him come out. He got up and went to have a look. He pushed open the door and saw that a big one and a small one had fallen asleep on the bed. Liuchiyan laughed and didn't wake them up. He crept over to help them mend the quilt. Then he turned off the light and went out to help them close the door .

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Liu ChiYan said to himself, "I'm quite good at taking care of my children. Later on, my children..." Liu ChiYan suddenly turned red and said, "spit, I won't give birth to him..."

the next day, the night light felt a itch on her nose. She opened her eyes vaguely and woke up. Little princess Yiyi was holding a handful of her hair to do harm to the night light.

"Well, you make fun of me early in the morning and see how I can deal with you." Noctiluca said maliciously.

Yiyi is quick. As soon as he got out of bed, he ran and yelled, "aunt, please come to help me. Luminous will bully me."

Liu ChiYan is making breakfast, smiling at the chase and fight between the big one and the small one.

When I came to the company, the staff of the studio gathered around before the night light came into the office.

"Mr. Liu, good morning, little princess."

Everyone said hello to Liu ChiYan and Yiyi.

Luminous wonder, why say hello without me? I'm so unpopular?

"Night consultant, Congratulations, Congratulations!"

"Yes, night consultant. Congratulations."

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"Night consultant, you have to treat."


the crowd congratulated the night light, but the night light was confused, "Congratulations, what? What happened? "

Xia Hai: "night consultant, don't you know?"

Luminous: "what do I know?"

Yu Xuejia excited way, "night consultant, you report, report!"

The night light is still at a loss.

Shen Xuewen added, "newspapers, the ones we interviewed yesterday!"

Luminous suddenly realized that it was something. Luminous was a little excited and asked, "what about newspapers? Do you have newspapers? Show me

One of the three brothers handed him several newspapers.

"Here, here." Yu Xuejia points to a plate.

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Nanchang daily.

Recently, a building hopping incident happened in NC city... According to our reporter, the rescuer was the general consultant and vice president of youxianqi entertainment. He was only 24 years old. The reason why he was appointed as the general consultant of youxianqi entertainment was that he was talented....

a report with hundreds of words was basically the same as that of yesterday's interview It's almost the same. Some of them have been deleted and modified, but fortunately, they are impartial and truthful.

After reading the night light, he opened another newspaper.

JX daily.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world

People's daily.

"Young people are under great pressure and despair of society has become a new social problem"

modern talent daily.

Four newspapers and four reports published yesterday's interview. The difference is that they have different emphases. Nanchang daily mainly focuses on describing the whole process of the event of jumping off a building, as well as some words that night light said during yesterday's interview. JX daily and people's daily both discussed the depth of the event through jumping off a building This paper analyzes the social problems of young people's disappointment in life, and the modern talent newspaper's jumping off the building door incident is just a few words, mainly referring to several poems of night light, among which the key one is difficult to travel, which was completely published in the newspaper.Noctiluca is really happy to report it. Nowadays, although the communication of traditional newspapers is not as good as that of the Internet, traditional newspapers have always been more solemn and authoritative in people's subconsciousness compared with the Internet communication. They are not as multifarious as the Internet communication. Many people scoff at some news on the Internet, but if the same news is changed to the newspaper, they will be convinced No doubt.

"Night consultant, congratulations."

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"Yes, yes, the night consultant remembers to treat."

The night light smiles and just wants to promise, but suddenly realizes that he has no money now. Yesterday, he took Yiyi out to play for a while and spent a lot of money. His whole body is less than 200 yuan. What's the number 20 in the studio, please? Would you like a bowl of fried noodles for each person?

That's enough. Nanchang fried noodles are really good, but can you have this for your treat? It's better not! It's not Ji'an fried noodles. Daji'an old watch likes to treat guests. (Ji'an's fried noodles are excellent. People in Ji'an almost have to order fried noodles when they invite friends from other places. Of course, they can't eat authentic ones now. If you are interested, you can baidu Ji'an fried noodles by yourself.)

Luminous forced to put away his smile, pretended, "just see a newspaper, many things! Anyway, we are also an entertainment company, and Tianhou liuchiyan is still our boss. When is it that we are exposed to the media all the time? One by one, you are all old employees. For such a long time, facing the media is not once or twice. Don't make a fuss when you see a newspaper. All right, all right, let's go back to work! "

The employees were scolded in their hearts.

The trough! Who are these people? We come here with good intentions to express our congratulations. We don't get any benefits. Instead, we are punished!

Liu is always Liu Zong, can you compare? And general manager Liu is generally exposed in the entertainment industry. Good! Unless there is a major event, otherwise in addition to entertainment newspapers, traditional newspapers can't be published easily!

Brother, are you clear about the concept of newspaper? Besides, one of them is people's daily! People's daily, Hello! One of the most authoritative newspapers in China!

Don't be so mean!

Luminous also helpless ah, know that doing so will offend people, but how can he do, no money ah. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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