My Star Teacher

Chapter 760: 760

New year.

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New year's day.

It's a happy New Year's day. Today is also the day when the four series of "heroic movement" is released.

The four movies, with the spirit of immortality, give the best viewing order of the four movies, which are respectively "the torch of the heroic movement", "the rebel of the heroic movement", "the spring warmth of the apricot forest of the heroic movement" and "the rest of the heroic movement, the police".

Of course, if you don't watch it in this order, it doesn't matter. Every movie has a series. The characters in the four movies are related to each other in several movies. However, each of these movies is a complete story. If you watch it alone or not in order, it doesn't affect the viewing experience.

Today, some movie theaters are full of people. Except for some service industries and public sectors, most of them have holidays. It's a happy day for the whole family. There are many people coming out to see a movie together.

In a movie theater, a couple with their children are sitting in the rest area waiting for the opening of the movie. The children are holding three movie tickets in their hands. The child is six or seven years old and can't read all the words.

All of a sudden, the child said, "Dad, can't you buy movie tickets for a dollar?"

The child's father laughed, nodded and said, "well, yes, but dad bought tickets online. You see, so many people can't buy tickets without buying them online in advance."

The child quickly said, "can return, can return, next door little sister told me, the police ticket as long as a dollar, can return money in the cinema, go, Dad, we go to refund!" Said, the child jumped out of the chair, pulling the child's father to the front desk to refund.

However, the child's father pulled the child back, picked it up, put it on his leg, scraped his child's nose, and said with a smile, "dad knows, but Dad won't go back."

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The child asked suspiciously, "why don't you go back?"

The child's father smiles, looks around, and points to a luminous Movie Poster not far away.

"See that uncle with short hair and a white shirt? It's the one on the edge. " Asked the father, pointing to the luminous light on the poster.

The child nodded, "I know, I know, he is luminous, at home we are not always watching his TV, but funny, and, also, our teacher told us about him, said he can be powerful, especially powerful." With that, the child made a gesture with both hands.

The child's father nodded with a smile and said, "well, he is a very powerful person, and also a very good person. So, Dad can't watch his movies for nothing and let him lose money. Do you understand?"

The child looked at his father and the night light on the poster, his head tilted, thought about it, and then nodded.

The baby's mother touched her son's head with a smile. "When the baby grows up a little bit, I will understand. Now the baby just needs to remember that we can't take advantage of others, especially the father is a policeman, so we can't take advantage of others, you know?"

So, the child seems to understand some, oh a, nodded, "well, mom, I remember."


Another cinema.

A couple bought tickets at the front desk of the cinema.

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"Hello, two tickets for Xinglin chunnuan movie. Do you have a couple?" Asked the handsome man.

"Lovers, just a moment... Well, I'll lock you up. Two tickets, a total of 78 yuan."

Man, "OK."

Then the man took out his wallet and wanted to pay. His female companion stopped him first. "Wait, it seems that doctors can buy tickets for one yuan, right?"

The ticket boy at the bar also said, "yes, four movies in the heroic movement series, teachers, police, firefighters, doctors and nurses. You can buy tickets for one yuan if you show your work permit."

The younger sister looked at her boyfriend and said, "do you hear me? I can buy tickets for one yuan."

Man, "don't use it..."

sister, "why don't you use it? I'll tell you how you can't live so well. Save it when you're in the province. Why do you spend the unjust money? Come on, have a look at your work card."

The man gave a wry smile, then opened his handbag, glanced at his work permit, and quickly pulled it back.

"It's a pity that I forgot to bring it. Let's buy it normally." Then he took out a hundred from his wallet and handed it to the boy at the bar.

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The boy at the bar took it with a smile and helped them to change their tickets.

The younger sister was quite sorry and said, "I didn't think about it when I came out. Otherwise, I'll remind you. Today, I'll see this one first, and there are four more. I'll come back and see. I'll bring my work permit with me at that time."

The man nodded on one side, "mm-hmm, OK, OK, I'll take it back."

The ticket boy at the bar, smiling at the scene, did not interrupt. Before, the man's handbag was on the bar. When he opened it, Yu Guang also spotted a card like a work permit. Although he was not sure whether it was or not, the man's reaction at that time was very likely, but he deliberately wanted to buy a movie ticket at a regular price.This situation, the bar ticket boy, has seen many times today.

Of course, not all people who can enjoy one yuan tickets do not enjoy this discount. Youxianqi launched this kind of discount activity to pay homage to the four kinds of professional groups, give them benefits and enjoy this discount. It's also natural, and there's nothing bad about it.

So, there are some cinemas, there are signs of this.

In a movie theater, a fireman showed his work card at the front desk. After buying the ticket for one yuan, it was the turn of a big brother at the back.

"The brother in front bought the ticket for one yuan, didn't he?" Asked the elder brother.

The bar conductor nodded, "yes, teachers, police, firefighters, health care, four kinds of occupation, can enjoy one yuan ticket discount activities."

The elder brother nodded, "well, I'll buy one more ticket. You can get me two tickets. One ticket is for the nearest show, and the other one is for me. After half a month, it's OK for the morning or evening show where there are not many attendances. You can set a corner at will."

The bar conductor looked at the elder brother with some doubts.

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The elder brother knew what he was wondering. He laughed, reached out and pointed to himself. He was quite proud and said, "I, wumaodang, the brother's ticket in front of me, I made up for yedaxian."

The bar conductor was clear, nodded with a smile, and then pulled the movie ticket for the elder brother. When the elder brother turned around and wanted to leave, the conductor quickly stopped the elder brother.

"Oh, big brother, walk slowly, and so on."

Big brother turned around and said, "what's the matter?"

The ticket seller took out a can of hot drink from the incubator and handed it to the elder brother. "He said," elder brother, I'm also a Wumao party. This drink is on me. "

Big brother a Leng, then ha ha a smile, also not polite, came forward to pick up the drink, "into, thanks brother."

The little brother at the bar picked an eyebrow with a smile, "you're welcome. The world's five hair family is close."


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