My Star Teacher

Chapter 774: 774

After Xu Fei's first team finished breakfast, Cao Kang's first team of four came in.

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However, just as Cao Kang's first team was half eaten, tAsia and others woke up.

It was Bob who went downstairs first. As soon as Bob went downstairs, he saw so many people sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. He was stunned. Then his face changed and he cried, "what are you doing? Who let you eat here?"

Cao Kang and several other guards were stunned.

"Get out, all of you Bob waved in disgust as he spoke.

Cao Kang and other guards were embarrassed, so they stood up and wanted to go out.

"Wait a minute." Luminous came quickly. Before, luminous went to the bathroom. When he came out, he heard that Bob was in a hurry. At this time, luminous's face was not very good-looking.

"Sit down and ignore him." Luminous said to Cao Kang and others.

Cao Kang, "sheep, otherwise, we'd better...

" nothing. " Noctiluca stretched out his hand and put Cao Kang and several members of the convoy on the seats of the meeting, "continue to eat."

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Bob looked at the light and said, "what do you mean?"

Noctiluca turned and looked at Bob. "I made breakfast for the convoy and let them have breakfast. Excuse me, Mr. Bob, do you have any opinion?"

Bob, "this is princess tAsia's house. How can they come in and eat? Is there any rule? Let them out quickly."

Luminous looked at Bob, who was still standing on the stairs. He walked two steps and said, "Mr. Bob, what rules are you talking about? I'm sorry, we don't understand your rules. Besides, Mr. Bob, since you know this is princess tAsia's residence, I'd like to ask, Princess tAsia hasn't spoken yet. What do you want to say?"

It seems that Bob didn't expect that he was easygoing and unruly yesterday. Suddenly he was so impolite that he didn't know what to say. After two seconds, he was a little annoyed and said, "you... I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Let your people out quickly! Not everyone can come in here! They are only responsible for protecting our guards. How can they eat here! "

The night light stares at Bob and says, "listen to you, you still look down on my brothers? Mr. Bob, I'm afraid you have some cognitive problems. First of all, my brothers are ordered to guard Princess Talia, not you. You are traveling with Princess Talia. Out of humanitarianism, our brothers just protect you by the way. Remember, by the way, they are the guards who have served as the security guards of other heads of state It's just you, Mr. Bob. Do you think you deserve it? "

The tone of night light's speech was very calm, there was no fierce words, and he even called Bob Mr. Bob politely. However, this kind of tone, this kind of words, for Bob, was more unbearable than directly scolding him. It was like slapping in the face.

Bob was a little angry. He pointed to the luminous side and said, "you...

" what are you? " Luminous directly interrupted Bob's words, "Mr. Bob, I have to remind you, here, you don't count, you don't tell my people, they have no obligation to protect your safety, if you have been such an attitude, they have the right to ignore your safety."

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TAsia, Wilson and others also went out of the room. They came out late and didn't know what happened. Just as they went out, they heard the night light and Bob across the living room, one standing at the stairway and the other standing in the dining room. They quarreled.

Bob didn't want to argue with luminous, but he said, "unruly and mean yellow man."

The faces of several members of the convoy, including Cao Kang, changed, and luminous's face was cold.

"What did you say?" "If you can't control your mouth, I don't mind taking care of it for you," he said

There seems to be more gunpowder in the villa for a while.

Bob seemed to want to say something else, but as soon as he opened his mouth, she was stopped by tAsia, who was standing in the corridor upstairs.

"Bob, shut up!" Tacia's voice stopped Bob in time.

"I..." Bob looked at tAsia upstairs and saw her face warm and angry. He opened her mouth and said nothing.

TAsia stood on the second floor, looking at the night light, bowed slightly and said, "Mr. night light, I apologize to you and your country for Mr. Bob's impoliteness. Please believe me, Bob just made a slip of the tongue and said something wrong. We have absolutely no intention of discriminating against race or your country. Please understand."

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Even though he grew up in Liuli castle, he was also so keen in politics. Bob's words, at least, were unintentional words, but at the most, his entourage of a Swiss princess, in other countries, in front of people from other countries, had a great political impact.

So, Talia quickly stopped Bob, afraid that he would say more, and put down his position to apologize to luminous and others."Bob, you need to apologize to Mr. luminous." Said tacia to Bob again.

After listening to tAsia's words, Bob realized that he had made a slip of words and bit his teeth. Bob bowed slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

"Excuse me, Mr. luminous." TAsia saluted again.

The night light also made a gentleman's salute to tAsia downstairs and said, "Princess tAsia, don't be sorry. It's none of your business. Since Mr. Bob has apologized, it's nothing to do with it."

Tacia nodded, gave a little smile at the light, and then asked, "Mr. light, what's the matter, please?"

"Well, Princess tAsia, the brothers of the convoy were guarding in the cold outdoors all night last night. I got up earlier in the morning, so I made some breakfast and invited them in for breakfast. Mr. Bob probably thought that it was... Um, disrespectful and wanted to drive them out."

After a pause, the night light continued, "Princess tAsia, this is your residence. If you mind, I can let our people out."

TAsia, "I don't mind. Besides, I am also a guest here. You are the host. I should thank you for your protection and care. Let's continue to eat."

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Or a princess of a country. Look at people's self-cultivation. To tell you the truth, before the night light, I always thought that the princess should be a kind of unruly and unruly temperament. It must be very difficult to serve her. But after seeing tAsia, I realized that she was wrong.

People from the royal family have different upbringing. They have the superiority of the royal family, but they are not domineering. Their bearing is far from that of those upstarts who think they are aristocrats.

"Thank you, Princess tAsia." The light of the night nodded.

TAsia laughed and said, "Mr. luminous, you'd better call me tAsia directly. You call me princess all of a sudden. I'm not used to it."

The night light also smiles and nods, "OK, tAsia."

TAsia, "Mr. luminous, did you make breakfast yourself? anything else? I'd like to try Mr. luminous's craft, too. "

Noctilucent, "of course, tAsia, you don't want to give up."

TAsia shook her head. "No, no, that's great. I'll get ready. I'll come down and have Mr. luminous's breakfast." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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