My Star Teacher

Chapter 785: 785

The members of the convoy quickly carried out Xu Fei's instructions.

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Big fish also drove the car, Xu Fei and several members of the convoy with luminous and tAsia quickly get on the car.

The presence of an assassin in this place indicates that it is no longer safe. For tAsia's safety, the convoy must take her to evacuate.

However, luminous did not get on the bus.

"Sheep, get on the bus and evacuate!" Xu Fei said.

"Night light," you go first, my daughter-in-law and children are still above, I am worried about their safety, I have to go to see! "

The assassin can touch the residential area where Noctiluca lives, which means that there is no absolute security in the residential area without knowing whether there are other assassins. Although they are for tAsia, Noctiluca and tAsia are together, and it is difficult to ensure that liuchiyan and Yiyi will not be involved in any accident.

Now is not the time for mother and mother, Xu Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Liuzi, you follow the night light, other personnel, evacuate!"

Liuzi of the escort team got out of the car quickly. Xu Fei also closed the door quickly, and the accelerator of the car went out quickly.

Luminous also worried about liuchiyan and Yiyi, ran to the building.

For a moment, the front just experienced a short gunfight outside the building, suddenly calm, leaving only the dead windbreaker man lying outside the corridor.

Before the gun rang, but there are community security and some curious residents, began to come here.

Night light and six son quickly upstairs, night light open the door, see liuchiyan and Yiyi are safe in the living room, this just relieved.

"Liu Er, Yiyi, come with me." Noctiluca while greeting, while quickly to embrace Yiyi.

Liu ChiYan didn't know, so he asked, "what's the matter?"

The night light stretched out his hand to pull her out and said, "there's no time to explain. Go quickly."

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Liuchiyan saw the appearance of luminous, knew that something was wrong, and did not ask more. He followed luminous down the stairs quickly.

In the elevator, night light finally has time to explain the situation with Liu ChiYan.

"TAsia's under attack. Now we need to move to safety."

Liu ChiYan was surprised, "attacked? Is she all right? "

Luminous, "it's OK. It's transferred. I'm worried about your safety, so you'll leave with me and move to a safe place."

I went downstairs.

The man in the windbreaker outside the building is still lying on the ground, and the security guard of the community and some residents are watching.

"What's the situation?"

"What's the matter?"

"I'm scared to death."

"He was shot to death, wasn't he?"

"How can such a thing happen? Call the police immediately."


many residents are talking in a low voice with a melancholy look. There is a shooting case in the residential area and some people have died. This is not good news for the residents. I'm afraid many people have to be on tenterhooks for some time.

Night light and his party, when they went downstairs, had vaguely heard the sound of the police siren. Before Xu Fei, they had already called the police, and the police came.

There are many people outside, night light holding Yiyi, protecting liuchiyan, quickly go out, Liuzi in front of the road.

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Someone recognized the night light and liuchiyan.

"Isn't that night light and liuchiyan? And Yiyi. "

"Why are they here?"

"Night light and goddess Liu live in our community. I know that, but I don't know the number of that building."

"Teacher luminous, goddess Liu."

Some residents said hello to luminous and liuchiyan.

Yeguang and liuchiyan did not say a word. They were on guard and went straight ahead. Yeguang also pressed Yiyi's head on her shoulder to prevent her from seeing the windbreaker man lying on the ground.

These people outside, luminous look familiar, he has never forgotten skills, many of them met in the community more than once or twice, said hello, remember, but at this time, luminous is afraid to take it lightly.

Although the assassins are aimed at tAsia, who knows whether their family will be involved, and whether any of these people will suddenly burst out and hurt others?

Through the crowd, luminous quickly to drive, a step on the accelerator, Ma Liu left.

Many residents are still puzzled.

"What's the matter? Playing big? "

"Usually it's not like this."

"There's one dead on the ground. It's normal for people not to want to say hello. Who has the heart to be polite when something like this happens?"

"Go so fast, can't this person's death have something to do with them?"

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"What are you talking about? That's not to be said. "

"Rich people cherish their lives. They should know that they are dead and feel bad luck or unsafe, so they rush to leave."

"No wonder I'm in such a hurry. I want to go too. I've been shot to death for no reason. I'm really scared.""Well, I'll take my daughter-in-law to live in my father-in-law's house for two days. I'll come back when the police find out."

"Yes, I'm so worried. How can this happen? It's not safe."


the people gathered in twos and threes, watching towards the windbreaker man and whispering.

The police came very fast. When driving out in the night light, they happened to pass by the motorcade driving into the community.

Liuzi keeps in touch with Xu Fei all the time. Xu Fei is on his way to a military region in Nanchang.

It's no small matter that tAsia is attacked. Although tAsia is safe, the situation is very serious when Princess ruiguo is attacked in China.

At this time, the safety of tAsia must be absolutely guaranteed, and the best place to ensure tAsia's safety is the military region.

Unless the attackers can really go to heaven and earth, it is a dream to enter the military region and launch another attack.

With this incident, tAsia's trip to China can also be announced to be over. It is impossible for her to continue to travel leisurely in China. It is estimated that tAsia will be escorted back to China in these two days.

Night light did not immediately go to the military region, but first Liu ChiYan and Yiyi sent to their parents' home.

TAsia was attacked. Normally speaking, she had nothing to do with the luminous family. However, for the safety of liuchiyan and Yiyi, the luminous family took them away from their home and sent them to their parents. It should be no problem.

He was the guide of tAsia's trip to China. He was also present in the previous attack. It was too late to go around. Therefore, he had to go to the military region.

Mom and dad should not be at home at the moment, they are still in the shop. Mom and Dad don't know that luminous is back today. Just in time, they don't need luminous to explain to them. They send liuchiyan and Yiyi to mom and dad's home, and luminous and Liuzi leave.

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When he came to the military area command, luminous met tAsia.

When she was attacked, she was still a little frightened, but now she has recovered. After seeing the light in the night, she has a look of joy on her face, which is like seeing her relatives.

Yes, in the final analysis, tAsia is just a princess. Although she has a broad vision and broad knowledge, it's probably the first time that she has been assassinated. It must be a girl who is afraid and insecure.

Although there are so many people protecting her now, except for a few members of the guard, tAsia is a little familiar, and she has no one to rely on.

When she saw the light in the night, tAsia felt as if she had found the backbone, and her uneasiness eased quickly.

"Don't worry, tAsia. It's absolutely safe here."

Tacia nodded and said, "well, thank you, Mr. Noctiluca, for your protection. I'm very relieved, but I didn't expect this to happen."

Tacia had some worry in her face.

Luminous is not very comforting, and I don't know how to comfort tAsia at this time.

To tell you the truth, sometimes, being a high princess is not as comfortable as being an ordinary rich family. You should pay attention to every move. It represents the face of the royal family. When you travel, you have to guard against attacks. How can ordinary people worry about that.

TAsia looked at the night light and said, "Mr. night light, I'm really sorry, because my relationship has put you in danger."

The night light shook his head and said, "tAsia, don't say that. It's my duty to protect you. Besides, we are not friends."

TAsia smiles and says, "yes, my friend, thank you, Mr. luminous."

That night, luminous also lived in the military region.

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