My Star Teacher

Chapter 79: 79

With Yiyi out of the police station, night light opened the residence booklet to have a look, the fourth page of the residence booklet has printed Yiyi's identity information, handed the residence booklet to Yiyi, "you see, now you also have an account."

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Yiyi took the residence booklet, carefully looked, she can't recognize many words, but her name she still knows, holding the residence booklet looked for a long time, "luminous, I will be the same as other children, right?"

Luminous smile, squat down, "no, you and they are not the same."

Yiyi has a flat mouth.

Luminous: "you are more beautiful and smart than them."

Yiyi immediately smile, "that is, I am the most intelligent, the most beautiful."

Luminous put away the household register, joked, "you are on my household register, after I even your father."

Yiyi glared at him, "it's not! You are not my father

"Night light," hum, no matter, you are on my household registration, in name I am your father

Yiyi kicked him and glared at his big eyes angrily. Mengmengda was very cute. "Luminous, you big liar! That's not what you said to me. I don't believe you anymore, liar

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The night light ha ha a smile, embrace to depend on, Ba Ji kisses one mouthful on her face, "ha ha, no matter, after anyway I say you are my daughter to others."

Yiyi wiped the saliva of luminous kiss her, while struggling in his arms, "luminous you big villain, big liar, you bully me! I'll tell my aunt

Night light holding Yiyi, laughing toward the parking space not far away.

Go home. On the way, night light found a copy shop to copy the pages of Yiyi and the householder. Yiyi wanted to go to school. I'm afraid it's useful. It's impossible to go home and steal the household register every time.

After going home, luminous put the household register back to the locked drawer. Yiyi's information had been printed. My parents found that it would be sooner or later. But luminous didn't think about how to explain it now. She had to hide it for as long as she could. Find a suitable opportunity to make it clear with my parents, and luminous will be there for a while I'm not afraid that my parents will find out. After all, every household has a household register, but they won't turn it over as long as they don't want to use it.

I hope my parents suddenly know that they've got a bargain, and my granddaughter won't blow her hair.

In fact, night light has made great determination to register Yiyi's household registration in its own household register. No matter how you like a child and how you treat him well, I believe you will still hesitate to let him register in your household register. This is a traditional concept in Chinese subconsciousness, a traditional concept related to blood family. Night light is a kind of traditional concept Light likes Yiyi very much. Yiyi's life experience is pitiful. Night light also touches his heart. He wants to protect Yiyi very much. He has a strong desire to protect her. Yiyi, who appeared in his world for two days, has already occupied a great weight in his heart. So, night light just made up his mind to put Yiyi on his family's account, but this matter is sure not to tell his parents in advance.

Dad is a family with a strong traditional concept. He is old-fashioned. He knows dad well. If he tells dad in advance, he will not agree with him. So he can only do it first and then! Fortunately, he has a high school classmate who works in the police station. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether he can do it.

Back to the studio.

Liu ChiYan: "where are you going? Most of the time. "

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"Night light hey hey a smile," temporarily keep secret. "

Liu ChiYan smile, do not ask him, "Yiyi, you tell aunt."

Yi Yi blinked and thought, "I'll keep it a secret, too."

Liu ChiYan said, "Hey, you two must have done something behind my back."

The light of the night.

Liu ChiYan did not continue to press questions, night light and Yiyi get along well, she is also very happy, "night light, you come here." Liu ChiYan greets luminous past, luminous approach, Liu ChiYan continues to say, "I'm going to make a TV play."

Luminous looked at her suspiciously.

Liu ChiYan: "what do you think of me like this? Can't you make TV series?"

Noctiluca: "no, yes, but why do you suddenly want to make TV series?"

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Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "the company has been in business for several days. Except for your advertising business, nothing else has been done. Although our entertainment studio has not been open for three years, we have just opened it. It's better for us to come up with some works as soon as possible. Otherwise, when people talk about Xianqi entertainment, they ask, what works do you have, Then we said that we had made two advertisements. How embarrassing. And I see that you are flustered day by day. I'll find something for you to do. You can play this TV play. "

Luminous: "ah? How about me? I have no experience in TV dramas, and I don't know if it's OK. "

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "what do you have experience in acting? You've done two commercials. You can't learn them. I'll teach you then, and I don't think you did very well when you did the commercials."

Luminous thought, "OK, I'll play it. No problem. Well, if there's a script, show it to me."Liu ChiYan shook his head, "there is no script. I just have the idea of making a TV play. I'm not sure about the script or the type."

Luminous Oh, "well, what do you want to shoot? What about investment? "

Liu ChiYan shrugged, "I don't know, but I have the intention to shoot sitcoms. Sitcoms are simple to shoot, and the cost is relatively low, and it doesn't need to expand the production team on a large scale. With the foundation of our studio staff, I'm looking for some field assistants and so on."

"Sitcoms." Luminous thought, "why don't I make a play?"

Liu ChiYan looked at him in surprise, "you? Would you? A TV play is not an advertisement. It's not easy. "

"Night light hey a," look down on people! Anyway, I'm also a novelist. The ghost blowing lamp is still playing now. "

Liu ChiYan: "really?"

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Luminous: "OK! Write it down and you'll know. "

Liu ChiYan nodded and said with a smile, "OK, then you can write."

The night light will turn on the computer to write the script.

Liu ChiYan: "now write, so quickly conceived?"

Night light haughtily a hum, "also don't see who we are, just a script, small meaning of it."

Liuchiyan smiles and leaves him alone.

Night light begins the journey of codewords.

Liu ChiYan said that when he was making a sitcom, luminous thought of a small investment drama in his dream world - "love apartment"!

In the dream world, the love apartment is undoubtedly a success. Once it is broadcast, the repercussions of this completely new director, new actor and small investment TV play are extremely enthusiastic. It has a profound influence on the contemporary young people, almost everyone knows. The play is full of lots of paragraphs and classic quotations, which can be described as full of jokes. This TV play was actually made by people The reason for the cost of production is that the production is a little rough, but it can't cover up the light it should have. Finally, it will become a drama in the heart of a generation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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