My Star Teacher

Chapter 795: 795

During the meeting.

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Next, luminous discussed in detail with the spokesmen about the alliance, and at the meeting, he signed the alliance agreement and the confidentiality agreement.

Several major directors also spoke on the stage once and put forward some views and opinions on the future development of domestic films.

Unknowingly, the meeting lasted nearly three hours, and the alliance has been finalized. Because the alliance was initiated by luminous, and the subsequent film production is also linked with Xianqi, so the alliance is named Xianqi domestic film alliance.

And luminous, also popular, was elected president of the alliance, this position, dozens of people here, only luminous suitable.

He initiated the alliance, and youxianqi is his family's. later, the film production, investment, scripts, including the land for the film and television base of members of the alliance all depend on luminous and youxianqi. If he is not the president, who will be the president? Only the light of night is suitable. If you change someone else, people may not be convinced.

At the end of the meeting, we had finished what we should say, what we should set the rules and what we should discuss. At the end of the meeting, luminous stood on the platform again.

"Thank you for your support, then youxianqi domestic film alliance is officially established today. China's film market is growing rapidly. It's a big cake that everyone wants to eat. At this stage, the import policy of foreign films has just been opened up, and foreign films are coming. I hope that we can all unite, cooperate sincerely, make progress together, fight against foreign enemies, and work together To push the domestic films to a new peak, we must not let the foreign films underestimate us - market economy, cake, anyone can eat, but we want big head! "

The audience clapped their hands again.

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Luminous, "I had a plan before to deal with the attack of foreign films. Now that several people have formed an alliance, I don't want to hide it. I'll share it with you - ye ye, send the plan to the directors."

Leaf nodded, holding a stack of planning books one by one to the directors.

The plan book is printed and bound on A4 paper. It's very thick. It's about ten pages long. It's full of words. I can't finish reading it for a while and a half. However, the main content of the plan book is basically clear when I open the cover and look at the first page.

Several directors looked down for a few minutes, director Ning Zheng read faster, took the lead in putting down the plan book, and then looked at the night light with some surprise.

"Night guide, big hand." Ning Zheng exclaimed.

Zhou Xing also finished reading, then said, "it's really a big deal. I was surprised to see it."

Wu Ke, "either night light is night light, tut Tut, if this plan is done, it's really wonderful."

Wang Wei, "if you really do it, and you can do it well, domestic movies will really be able to make a comeback."

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Huang Weifeng said, "it's more than a turnaround. If this plan is done well, there will be a second Diman film and television in the global film industry. Maybe our Chinese film industry will really be able to enter the international and even the top ranks!"

Luminous laughed and said, "it's too early to say that. The plan was made. However, it's still unknown what the effect of this series of films will be, whether the audience likes it or not, and whether they can sell at the box office. Do your best. I believe we will succeed. In addition, director Huang just said that our plan has been completed, and there will be a second Diman film and television in the world. I'm a little familiar with that. Well, my daughter-in-law also said that to me. "

Luminous said, looking at liuchiyan, liuchiyan toward him with a smile, and then clear mouth way, "did say similar words, but not Diman, at that time I was talking about nano pie, at that time I and my family luminous said, the immortal gas is done, maybe can become China's nano pie - he refuted me, said..." said, liuchiyan looked at luminous And shut up.

Noctiluca understood, laughed, and then exclaimed, "one day, nanopie will become Hollywood's Fairy Spirit!"

For a moment, many of you can't help but be surprised, either because of the arrogant self-confidence in the tone of luminous, or because of the seemingly unstoppable temperament of luminous.

Nanopie, a top Hollywood film and television company, is in the top position in terms of strength and scale in the world. Diman has done enough, but compared with nanopie, it is a bit inferior.

In China, youxianqi has become a big company in the domestic entertainment industry. However, in China, youxianqi is not the top company. How can it be compared with nanogroup? Compared with Nanpai, youxianqi is just a child who has just learned to walk.

One day, nano pie will become Hollywood's Fairy Spirit!

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This kind of words, or this kind of ambition, the directors here are very touched, because even if they did not say similar words, they must have flashed this kind of fantasy in their hearts.

In particular, Wang Wei, Wu Ke and other senior members of the film industry, most of them have been involved in the film industry. They have witnessed the ups and downs of domestic films. They also dreamed that with their own efforts, they can carry the banner of Chinese films, go to the world and rise in the world.This is their dream and the dream of all filmmakers who make unremitting efforts for the development and progress of domestic films.

However, they have never said anything like what night light said when he stood on the stage, because it was too impractical and some of them were too arrogant. Not only did they not say it themselves, but even when they met the younger generation who were not afraid of tigers to say it, they would scoff at it. From the bottom of their hearts, they felt that it was arrogant, childish ignorance and fraud.

However, looking at the glow of night standing on the stage at this time, full of self-confidence, it makes these old people's heart beat irregularly, and their eyes burst out a strange look.

Maybe - if it's him, it can be done!

If it's him!

he Xing also slightly stunned, and then smiled and whispered to the side of the flower Wutong said, "look at the couple, blow a cow all sing together, the husband sang with the woman, click."

Wutong also smiled a little over her mouth, then looked at Xing Xing, twisting her waist, and said, "you look at the night and have many ambitions, and then look at you. Compared with him, you are a salted fish."

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He Xing, "compare with him? Compared with him, GUI CAI has no more self-esteem and shame. He is not a normal person. Whether this boy is a God or not, he must be the illegitimate son of a God or not! "

, and the Wutong tree came to him gently. "Do you say that about your brother?" Compared with him, you are also a salted fish. "

he Xing laughed and dry cough. He said, "how did I catch the salted fish? I clearly got on the move." you know how hard I worked - "

shut up in the eyes of the Wutong opera.

"Go on, go on. How hard do you work? Let's hear it. I'll let you talk to others. What do you want to talk to me about? I've been waiting on you for so long every day. What's your virtue? I don't know if it's Salted fish? "

He Xing sneered and said, "salted fish is salted fish. Even a salted fish is a salted fish who loves you."

Wutong has not answered, sitting on the other side of Xing Xing, a Mao Ning named Qi Xian Qi, who has coughed two times, and said, "you two have almost got it. Can you take care of the feeling of a single dog?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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