My Star Teacher

Chapter 8: 8

Time passed quickly, and it was eleven o'clock in the evening. It's almost live time again.

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Lao Liu and the staff in the group are making preparations early.

Lao Liu is sitting in the studio looking at the manuscript.

At eleven twenty-five, the program is in final preparation.

All staff are in position. Noctiluca followed Chang Wu, wearing earphones, looking at Lao Liu through the glass wall, waiting for the program to start.

All of a sudden, Lao Liu, who was holding the manuscript for final collation and verification, was holding the manuscript in his hand and covering his stomach. The pain became shrimps.

"Miss Liu. Miss Liu, what's the matter with you? " The sound insulation effect of the broadcasting room is very good. The attendant asked through the microphone.

Lao Liu endured the pain, made a gesture, the group staff rushed into the studio.

Ma Tao, Lao Liu's assistant, helped Lao Liu up and asked with concern, "Miss Liu, how are you?"

Lao Liu's sore lips turned white and could not speak. Luminous also rushed forward to help Lao Liu.

"Come on, call an ambulance." Ma Tao yelled.

"No!" Luminous said, "it takes a lot of time to call an ambulance back and forth. I'll take Mr. Liu to the hospital directly."

"Good!" Ma Tao nodded.

"Well, what about today's program..." a female staff member said timidly.

Yes, the program is about to start. The host suddenly has a problem at this juncture. What about the program?

"Call Xu Rui and let him do it." Ma Tao said.

"It started in three minutes. Xu Rui can't fly even if he has wings." A staff member said.

"Let him go." Lao Li bit his teeth, forced to endure the pain, pointed to the light of night and said, "let... Night... Go up."

People looked at the night light with some surprise.

Let the night light shine? He's only been here a few days. Can he make it?

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Luminous was also a little surprised, and said: "Miss Liu, I'm not very good..."

Lao Liu opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He was really suffering from abdominal pain. His lips trembled and didn't say it. He bit his teeth and finally jumped out two words: "you... Go!"

"All right!" Ma Tao cried, "Xiao Ye, teacher Liu asked you to go up and read the manuscript. No problem!"

"OK, I'll go." Up to now, there is no other way, night light had to answer.

"Lao Wang, I'll take Mr. Liu to the hospital. Look at that!" Ma Tao is facing the old king of field affairs. With that, he and another staff helped Mr. Liu go.

"Xiaoye, you can do it. Don't worry. Just read the manuscript. I will control the audio and equipment for you." Wang said. "All of you are in your places. The live broadcast will start soon. "

The staff all quickly ran back to their posts and were in their places.

The live time is approaching, and there is a heavy atmosphere inside and outside the live room.

Luminous sat in the position of the host. Put on headphones. Cough twice, clear throat. Then it was found that...

the horizontal trough. Where's the manuscript?!

Where is the manuscript? Lao Liu has been dragging the manuscript. Everyone has been concerned about the issue of who Lao Liu is going on the show with, forgetting the manuscript Lao Liu is holding.

What can we do?

"Ding, task release: good adaptability is the necessary ability of the host. Please solve the current live broadcast crisis. In order to make the host have a better live broadcast experience, the system has improved the difficulty of this live broadcast. Mission punishment: three days of serious illness. "

The trough!

What's the matter with the system jumping out at this time? What's the matter with luminous's depression and how to improve the difficulty of live broadcasting? How come there's no more explanation? Hello!

There's no time to think about anything else. The countdown has already started. Stick to it!

"Countdown, five, four, three, two, start"

live broadcast starts.

"The world is really small and small, like a turn around, you don't know who you will meet; the world is really big and big, like a turn around, you don't know who will disappear

starry tonight, at this moment, you are missing who, or, you are meeting who, what kind of story is starting or ending.

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Good story for you.

Hello, everyone. This is JX radio's late night story meeting. I'm the host of today's night light. "

There are not many late night audiences, but some people still listen to it. Some people like Lao Liu's late night story show and listen to it on time every night.

"Well, how did you change people. What about August 1? "

"Sounds like a young man. Can he tell a good story?"

"Wow, that's a good voice."

"Gunduzi, I don't know what host to change. Hum! I won't listen. "

The outside audience has been talking about it, of course, the night light does not know about it.

The night light calms the mind. He lowered his voice."Today, the story Xiao Ye told you is called" the ghost blows the lamp! "

"Brother Wang, no, it's not like this." Luo Zhiyuan, a Flathead male editor beside Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang said. He is responsible for the typesetting of today's manuscript, so he has some impression on the content of the manuscript.

"No!" Luo editor exclaimed, "Xiao Ye, there is no manuscript on his desk!"

Because of the equipment shielding, Lao Wang's standing position can't see the working table of the studio. Editor Luo leaned over to the studio, only to find that the luminous platform was empty.

"And the manuscript?" Field service old Wang some anxious, "manuscript where?"

Editor Luo thought about it and said, "Miss Liu! Mr. Liu has been holding the manuscript in his hand. "

"Come on, go and get it back!" said Wang excitedly

Editor Luo: "it's too late. This meeting has long gone away!"

Then Wang asked, "what about the manuscript? Find the manuscript and print it again

Editor Luo nodded and said, "the manuscript is OK, but it will take seven or eight minutes to reprint it. What should we do during this period?"

Lao Wang frowned. The live broadcast has already started. You can't play music to the audience just at the beginning of the live broadcast. If you really do this, it will be a serious accident of the program. "There's no way. It's just like this. Let's watch Xiaoye. It's up to fate." Lao Wang sighed.

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At this time, the night light began to talk about the ghost blowing the lamp in a slightly low voice:

"Introduction - Tomb robbery is not sightseeing, not poetry, not embroidery, not so elegant, so leisurely, silent, so heaven and earth King's teacher. Tomb robbing is a technology, a technology of destruction...

all these deeds must start from my grandfather's remnant book "sixteen character Yin Yang geomantic omen secret skill". For some reason, the second half of this remnant book was forcibly pulled away, leaving only the first volume of geomantic omen secret skill. Most of the books mentioned in the book are unique skills to interpret the geomantic omen pattern of tombs... "

Noctilucent voice slightly low, slow, enunciation clear, eloquent.

When I found that there was no manuscript, I was in no hurry. Then night light thought of the ghost blowing lamp and tomb raiding notes of the world fire in my dream.

These two novels are all about tomb raiding, some of which are weird and thrilling, so they are very suitable for late night files.

Moreover, in the dream world, these two novels are also out of the audio version of the novel, the market response is very good, deal with this live broadcast should be no problem.

Ghost blowing lamp and tomb robbing notes have their own merits, and both of them are very popular. Compared with ghost blowing lamp, the text is more refined, the structure is more rigorous, and the sense of the times is also very deep. Readability and sense of substitution are stronger. Moreover, relatively speaking, ghost blowing lamp is more suitable for telling, so, finally, night light chose ghost blowing lamp!

In the night light dream, everything in the world is clearly remembered, and with the skill of never forgetting, the ghost blowing lamp seems to be imprinted in his mind.

In addition, he has the skills of eloquence, so he can recite the whole story word for word even without manuscript.

The story goes on.

"The field service old Wang long called out a breath," seems to say is not bad. "

It wasn't long before editor Luo came with the newly typed manuscript, and met the old Wang who was fascinated by the story.

Editor Luo: "brother Wang, the manuscript is ready."

Lao Wang thought about it and said, "wait a minute. Xiao Ye's story is pretty good."

The first section of the live broadcast is finally over, followed by an advertisement and music. The night light made an OK gesture to Lao Wang outside the glass wall, and then took off the earphone.

"Come on. Small night, drink water Mr. Wang came into the studio with a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you, brother Wang." The night light took the water, twisted it off, and Gulu Gulu filled half a bottle.

"Xiaoye, it's you! Great talent, Mr. Liu is right about you. Thanks to you The old Wang of the field service patted luminous on the shoulder with a smile.

There was no manuscript in luminous, and the staff in the working group knew about the live broadcast. As soon as the first quarter ended, they all gathered around.

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"30 minutes, the whole process. My God. "

"Yes, yes. Xiaoye, you are so good. "

"It's a good story, too. I'm fascinated. "

"Xiaoye, how did you do it? It's amazing!"

The staff swarmed over and said.

Luminous smile for Gongshou: "too much, everyone too much."

"Brother Wang, little night." Editor Luo gestured with the manuscript, "this manuscript?"

"Xiao Ye, do you want this manuscript?" he said with a smile

Luminous looked at the manuscript, hesitated for a moment, said: "brother Wang, I also want to go on with the story just now."

Lao Wang: "can you do it?"

Luminous nodded confidently: "OK!""Yes! Then you go on Wang agreed without hesitation.

Just 30 minutes ago, he witnessed the amazing ability of luminous to get rid of manuscripts. Now he trusts luminous's ability. Moreover, he also wants to listen to the follow-up plot.

"Yes, yes. Just now that ghost blows the lamp to say is too good, does not continue to say the words are very pitiful. I want to continue listening. Xiao Ye, I'll talk more about it later. " A girl with a loud voice said.

"Yes, Xiaoye's talk about ghost blowing lamp is really great."

"After listening a little, I didn't dare to listen. I was a little afraid..."

"by the way, Xiaoye, where did you find this story?"

Noctiluca touch nose, shy smile: "I think about it in a hurry."


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