My Star Teacher

Chapter 819: 819

Gashan became popular, and along with the hot movie "lost way", it has been on the microblog hot search list for three days in a row.

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Its popularity, at this time, is no less than that of Ning Zheng, director of last year's sudden rise.

However, it is somewhat unexpected that with the red rush of GA mountain, there is a person with red, Xia Hai.

When netizens are digging the resume of gashan, Xia Hai naturally can't hide it. As the veteran directors in the immortal team, no matter what project or work Ye Guang is doing, even if they don't take them with them, they will inevitably take one person as their deputy.

It's mainly because, after such a long time of running in, night light has a very tacit understanding with them. Therefore, in almost all night light's works, the name of the director is either the name of night light and gashan xiahai, or the name of one of them.

When the netizens dug their resumes, they found that in the works of luminous, if there is no name of gashan in the assistant director or co director, the name of Xia Hai will inevitably appear. If there is no name of luminous in the director of the works with luminous label, the names of gashan and Xia Hai will inevitably appear, such as voice of China.

Good voice is a work with a strong luminous label. Almost all the audience habitually think that this work is directed by luminous. However, after this exposure, many netizens were surprised to find that the program of good voice, luminous, has not even been named as a director, only gashan and xiahai.

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As a result, gashan and xiahai are on fire, and Noctiluca is regarded as the night immortal by netizens, while gashan and xiahai are also given a title by netizens, two general of hem HA and two general of hem ha.

The popularity of gashan and xiahai is also of great help to their recent films. If they are popular, they will not be able to get around their recent films. The popularity of the films is high, which means that the box office is good in many cases.

As of July 18, the cumulative box office of "lost track" was 1.5 billion yuan, still ranking the first in the same period, and the second place was "fantasy world" with a cumulative box office of 1.3 billion yuan. Netizens predict that the box office of "lost track" is expected to exceed 2 billion yuan.

However, luminous and gashan are not very confident that the film will exceed 2 billion yuan. On the one hand, the box office of the film has entered a weak period, and the box office growth is slow. On the other hand, the second wave of centralized summer films will be released soon. When the new films are released, they will have a great impact on the first batch of films, and will have a great impact on the box office .

This is the result of too many films, too many strong rivals and fierce competition. If the competition is not so fierce and there are not so many strong rivals, it is not difficult for the box office of "lost road" to exceed 2 billion.

July 18 is also the day when you Xianqi's second film will be released in the summer. Xia Hai's film "live again" will be released on July 18.

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Xia Hai and GA Shan have been on fire for several days, and the movie has not been on fire. He doesn't need to worry about his box office on the first day, because the box office of pre-sale movie alone has exceeded 100 million.

Sure enough, after the first shot of "lost way" in the summer season, Xia Hai's film "live again" has also lived up to the expectations of the public and handed in a very good answer to the domestic audience.

On the first day of release, the box office of "live again" broke through 200 million, also ranking first in the same period, once again topping the Hollywood blockbuster "magic boy" released in the same period.

The box office of the magic boy was 110 million yuan on the first day of its release, and the result was already good. However, I didn't expect that he still failed to win the first day championship. This film, and "thunder Pacific", which was released on July 1, were produced by the same Hollywood film giant Humen film. These two films are the highlights of Humen film this year.

Humen film and television also has the idea of making a big impact in the summer season and winning the box office champion in July. Therefore, the film arrangement time of the two films is very close. However, I didn't expect that the two films both ran into immortal works and lost one after another.

To tell you the truth, Humen film and television is a bit depressed. If they had known this, they would not have chosen to release both films in July. Since the opening of the foreign film import policy, the form of foreign films has been very good. From March to June, which Hollywood blockbuster has not achieved a lot. Among the many blockbusters, China's local films have made great achievements, Basically can't stand out, a Hollywood film and television company, is both fame and fortune.

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But when we get to Humen, how can we be suppressed one after another? If there is only one film, the two films have been suppressed. This is very hard for Humen film and television to accept, because Humen film and television has been ridiculed by many Hollywood film and television companies.

This July belongs to youxianqi, gashan and xiahai.

In July, youxianqi was a good fight for domestic films. In the face of foreign films, youxianqi played a perfect block in July.

But also because this time, many foreign film and television companies and filmmakers have focused their attention on youxianqi. A small number of people suddenly realize that China's film market is not a doll without any resistance, and that Chinese filmmakers are not unable to produce popular films.Although, in their opinion, the two films released in July by youxianqi are not as good as their own films in terms of quality and production, who wants them to fight locally will be able to sell well at the box office?


At a reception, many Hollywood filmmakers, directors, producers, directors of film and television companies gathered.

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An old acquaintance of Noctiluca, Bob, with a glass of red wine in his hand, is communicating with a man named Allen, the director of Hollywood Humen film and television.

"Alan, I heard that your company's two films released in China this year have been blocked one after another." Bob said, shaking his glass.

"Bob, are you here to laugh at me? If you laugh at me, you are not qualified. " Allen was a little displeased. "Although our two films, thunder Pacific and magic boy, didn't win the box office champion of that month in China, the box office performance is still good, and the global box office performance is also very good. These two films are generally successful. I don't think there's anything to be ridiculed about these two films. "

Bob waved his hand and said, "no, no, Alan, you misunderstood me. I'm not here to laugh at you. Your two films are really good at the global box office. They are two successful films. However, what I want to say is that when many Hollywood film and television companies enter the Chinese market, compete in the Chinese film market, and all of them are very successful, it's only you Don't you think it's hard to lose face? Outside... About the evaluation of your Humen film and television, this time is not very good. "

Alan's face changed, and he looked at Bob with an unhappy look.

Bob quickly said, "Alan, don't get me wrong. I don't mean to laugh at you. I mean, are you willing to lose one movie after another in China? In fact, it would not have been like this...

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