My Star Teacher

Chapter 822: 822

You have to fight if you fight. You have to fight if you don't fight!

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But how to fight? What kind of war? It's obvious that they want to cheat you.

Liu ChiYan was very angry about it. "It's too shameless. We can't be led by their nose and can't accept their challenge. The big deal is that we open our mouth to the masses and tell them that this is a trap of Humen film and television. We are trying to prevent our global development while thinking about our challenge. How can we have the ability? Don't play with this method. It's obviously digging Let's jump in a pit, and only a fool will jump down! "

Liu ChiYan said this in the morning and night light. In the afternoon, a fool updated his microblog.

"October 1st, battle!"

It's time for the challenge.

For a moment, Chinese people were boiling, netizens' momentum was rising, as if they had won the victory, and the voice of support and encouragement for the night light was also pouring in.

A group of people who know how to deal with such a simple challenge of luminous is also quite puzzling. They all know that it's a pit. How can they be so stupid... No, luminous just jumps in like this?

Liu ChiYan said, "what do you think? You don't know. It's their trap. Do you really go inside? "

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Jiang Fengxian said, "at this time, it's better to take a step back. If the global distribution doesn't go smoothly, it should be too small."

Liu Tianwang said, "Alas, Xiaoye has been put on the shelf. However, it is really impulsive. We should see if there is any safe solution."

The light of night smiles bitterly.

"What else can I do? I know it's a game, but this time, I can't help shrinking back."

Noctiluca is not stupid. He is not the hot-blooded young man who was ignored by the hot-blooded people. Although he is childish now and then, he is also very mature in thinking. In this situation, Noctiluca certainly knows that he can't be impulsive and can't just step into the opponent's game.

However, he can't help but answer this challenge.

For one thing, the night light is indeed on the shelf. The box office battle, to a large extent, already has some flavor of national war. At this time, if he withdraws temporarily, no matter what the reason is, even if he clearly tells the public that this is a trap, and even if most people can understand it, the reputation of night light will inevitably decline Chinese people's enthusiasm for the rise of domestic films, for example, will be greatly reduced.

This is the reason for standing in a big position. It's not only the reason for luminous to step into this pit, but also the reason why he has to step into this pit.

There has been less and less sense of existence, and luminous has become more and more dependent on the system. Suddenly, a task was released.

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Yes, task. If the system prompt sounds suddenly and releases the task, luminous will almost forget it. As a child, this kengdai's system was plagued by various tasks. However, since the system was upgraded to a higher level, luminous has almost never heard of the system in recent years. Now, the most popular application of his system is the storage bar of the system.

Even the lottery, which used to be a pleasure for luminous, is seldom paid attention to now. His reputation has accumulated to a terrible number, one billion.

In fact, according to the normal accumulation, the reputation that luminous can gain is far more than that. However, I don't know what's going on. After the reputation value of the system has accumulated to one billion, it can't go up any more. It has stayed at this value all the time. Luminous has been puzzled for some time. After studying it for a while, it doesn't care about it.

But this time, the system, which has been silent for a long time, suddenly released a task to let luminous accept the challenge.

At the same time, the system also gives the reward and punishment for the success and failure of this task.

About the task success reward, the system gives a detailed description. If the task is successful, the system will be upgraded. After the upgrade, the system function will be fully upgraded, and the lottery function will be canceled. Instead, luminous will be able to exchange reputation for any skills, abilities and items that the system can produce.

It's not hard to understand. For example, if luminous doesn't have excavator skills and needs excavator technology, luminous can exchange equivalent reputation for excavator technology.

Now luminous has accumulated a large number of skills, but he doesn't know anything. Many times, the skills extracted by the system are repeated, and only the skill level can be increased. Some of the skills luminous wants to acquire have not been extracted.

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For example, it can cure Liu ChiYan's infertility.

I don't know what's going on, whether the luminous hand is too black or the system has no medical skills at all. The luminous lottery has been held countless times, but none of them can win even the lowest level of medical skills.

As a matter of fact, if you can draw, then luminous can directly pile up itself into a miracle doctor by buying skill upgrade balls with reputation. But, no, luminous has never drawn any medical skills.

If the system is upgraded, it means that it will be easy for luminous to acquire medical skills or other skills he wants. It only needs to pay the equivalent reputation value to be directly exchanged from the system.Medical skill is the ability that Noctiluca always wants to acquire. For no other reason, it's just for liuchiyan, in order to have a child with liuchiyan.

This is a great temptation for luminous.

The failure penalty given by the system is not the punishment of humanity destruction or making luminous lose a few pieces of flesh. It's just a light sentence. After the task fails, the trigger rate of the system upgrade task is reduced to one in ten thousand. The theory can't be upgraded.

Theory can't be upgraded... Under normal circumstances, it's not unacceptable for luminous. In fact, luminous's dependence on the system is getting smaller and smaller. Moreover, luminous has always been in awe of this magical existence. Therefore, many times, luminous will subconsciously let itself get rid of the dependence on the system.

Now the system, for luminous, is enough. Although luminous is respected by netizens as the night immortal, luminous is an individual, and he has always positioned himself as an ordinary person. He has never thought that with the help of the system, he can really become a supernatural being like an immortal.

However, if the system upgrade can cure liuchiyan, it will be different.

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If you can exchange skills and items at will after upgrading, as the system says, it will be easy for luminous to acquire the medical skills or items that can cure Liu ChiYan.

Now the night light also has confidence in the treatment of liuchiyan. However, he can't guarantee that he will be able to cure liuchiyan. Even if he keeps drawing prizes, what if the secondary system really doesn't have the medical skills and articles to solve liuchiyan's problem? Even if he went to study medicine by himself, how dare night light guarantee that he can cure Liu ChiYan's infertility problem, which was basically sentenced to death, by self-learning medicine?

He has confidence, but he is afraid to gamble and can't afford to.

If there is an opportunity to cure Liu ChiYan in front of his eyes now, but he failed to grasp it for various reasons, then in the future, if he really can't solve the problem of Liu ChiYan, he will not be able to pass.

So, knowing that it was a game, luminous responded.

For his popularity and reputation, for the expectation of Chinese people, for the rise of Chinese film, for winning honor with the country, for many, many.

But most of all, for Liu ChiYan's sake, this is the most important reason, and it is also the reason for him to die without regret! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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