My Star Teacher

Chapter 831: 831

China, since ancient times, is not a country with a strong desire to attack. We are better at guarding than attacking. We pursue the doctrine of the mean.

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However, once national honor is involved, once thousands of things are twisted into a rope, the effect of cohesion can not be estimated.

In the afternoon of that day, the biggest ticket refund accident in the history of China was staged in cinemas and courtyard lines all over the country.

Countless audiences who bought magic animals, as long as the movie tickets can be refunded, ask for a refund one after another, and those who can't, also shout for a refund one after another.

According to incomplete statistics, the magic animal movie tickets have been purchased on the same day, and the number of refund requests is as high as 5 million.

Because of the large number of ticket refunds, and even triggered the supervision mechanism of China's film box office, the Coal Management Bureau, on the national day off day, urgently arranged notaries to supervise fairly and thoroughly investigate the box office data, in order to prevent malicious ticket refunds caused by vicious commercial competition.

However, after several thorough investigations, there is no problem with the box office data. Although there are a large number of ticket refunds, up to five million people, they are spontaneous and normal, and there is no malicious refund problem.

If there is really any problem, it is that magic animals are boycotted by the people. Is this malicious competition and refund? It's a matter of saying or not.

Finally, as China's government agencies, the Coal Management Bureau made a conclusion, the box office is normal! Refund is the normal behavior of the people!

Five million people ask for refund. What concept means that magic animals will directly reduce the box office of 180 million films in China, and this is just the beginning.

Of course, it's not too early to be happy. Compared with the box office output of magic animals, China's share is not very high. Even if we lose the Chinese market, the box office output of magic animals in the world can't be underestimated.

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That day.

Warwolf 2 and magic animals are still playing normally.

However, after a busy morning, he didn't pay attention to the two films today. He did all that he could and should do. The rest is for the market and the lovely audience.

Today is October 2, Liu ChiYan's birthday. Even if she doesn't do it in a big way, she has to accompany her, cook a meal and eat a cake with her.

Liu ChiYan's birthday this year didn't do much. His parents went to buy local chicken early, cooked a pot of chicken soup in the evening, and cooked a table of good dishes. The whole family had a happy meal. This birthday is almost over.

Night light ordered a cake, after eating, a family of five turned off the lights, lit candles, Yiyi sang a birthday song to Liu ChiYan.

"Come, make a wish and blow out the candle." Luminous said with a smile.

Liu ChiYan with a paper crown, closed his eyes with a smile, hands together, made a wish, and then blew out the candle.

At the weekend, when the candle goes out, the light in the living room lights up immediately.

"Happy birthday this weekend, ma'am. I wish you all the best."

Liu ChiYan looked at the weekend and said, "thank you for the weekend."

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Weekend, "you're welcome, boss told me."

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light with a smile.

Dad, "the weekend is really amazing. If you put on clothes and cover your face, you really think he is a real person."

Mother also smile, looking at Liu ChiYan, said, "Chi Yan, happy birthday." While talking, my mother took out a small box from her bag, handed it to Liu ChiYan, and said, "my mother doesn't know what to give you. She went to the temple and asked for a peace talisman for you to protect your safety."

With that, mom opened the box, took out a peace charm and handed it to Liu ChiYan.

Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "thank you, mom."

Luminous, "what's your wish?"

Liu ChiYan, "can't say, say it doesn't work."

Luminous smile, looked at Liuchi smoke, said, "you don't say I can guess."

Liu ChiYan, "guess, guess, anyway, can't say, by the way, the gift, mom gave me a gift, what about yours?"

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Noctiluca, "and presents? I'm not ready...

Liu ChiYan took a look at the glow of the night, then laughed again and said, "no, no, I'm very happy with you and my parents for my birthday."

Yiyi interjected, "there's me, there's me."

Weekend also said, "weekend also accompany wife birthday."

Liu ChiYan, "yes, and you, thank you Yiyi, thank you for the weekend."

Yiyi nodded with satisfaction, "that's right. If you don't want to thank me, I won't thank you when you celebrate my birthday."

All of a sudden, the family burst into laughter and the atmosphere was very happy.

After laughing, the night light looked at Liu ChiYan, took out a box from behind and said, "Nuo, gift, ready for you."

Liuchi yanyixi, "there are gifts, villains, but also cheat me."Said, Liu ChiYan quickly took the box, happy to open the box, the box is a wood carving, Liu ChiYan's appearance of wood carving, wood carving is not only Liu ChiYan a person, there is a villain, not Yiyi, but Liu ChiYan holding a baby still wrapped in swaddling clothes, wood carving Liu ChiYan, looking at the arms of the child, smiling, emitting maternal light Hui.

Liu ChiYan took the woodcarving and looked at it for a long time. When he looked up at the night light, his eyes were full of tenderness. Regardless of his parents and Yiyi, Liu ChiYan leaned on the cheek of the night light and said, "thank you, husband."

The night light is happy for a while, say, "like good."

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"Yes, very much." Liu ChiYan said, and looked at the wood carving in his hand, and then whispered in the luminous ear, "I made a wish."

"Well." "So, it's going to win!"

"Mom," you mutter, "yes

Night light, "the movie thing, and people PK box office, I said we will win."

Mom and dad usually don't surf the Internet and pay little attention to the Internet.

Smell speech, mother yo a, "and people PK box office ah? It's OK, son. I believe you. You won't lose. However, son, we should be more calm and do our own work well. Don't pay too much attention to win or lose. It's not important to win or lose. Don't be busy working all day long. Spend more time on your family. It's more important for you to have a good life than any box office win or lose! "

I'm afraid my mother doesn't know how important this win or lose is for luminous and Liu ChiYan. If my mother knows, maybe this box office PK has something to do with whether she can hold her grandson. I'm afraid she won't say that it doesn't matter whether she wins or not. It's estimated that she has to go to the cinema alone, and it's monthly.

Then her mother said, "Chi Yan's birthday is a great day. Today, let's not talk about movies or work. Come on, eat cake. Chi Yan, you are the birthday star. You cut it."

"Aunt, cut the cake quickly. Cut me a big one!" Yiyi also urged the way.

Luminous, "we're all together, and the rest is yours."

Liu ChiYan's birthday was spent in the laughter of his family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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