My Star Teacher

Chapter 834: 834

"Support Ye Da Xian! Support wolf 2

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"Don't say anything. I'll go three times tonight!"

"It's 350 million! Give me a ball! On the first few days of broadcasting, which day is not more than 600 million box office, and on another day, it will surpass in an instant! "

"I've already bought the ticket. I'll take my parents to see it today!"

"I like the night light very much. I'm busy all the time. I don't have time to go to the movies. I'll organize all the staff of our company to see warwolf 2 today."

"According to the grapevine, one of my buddies in the army revealed that their military region seems to have begun to organize collective film viewing."

"If all the major military regions go to watch warwolf 2 collectively, it will be tens of millions more at the box office, which will increase a lot."

"Tens of millions are not enough. It's still up to the people. Comrades should make Amway to their relatives and friends, and let them go to the cinema to support warwolf 2 as much as possible."


Noctiluca's microblog really touched many Chinese people, especially his fans, as well as the people who enthusiastically support domestic movies and care about the box office battle. For a moment, netizens' voice on the internet calling for support for warwolf 2 rose a lot.

On October 16, the day after the release of Noctiluca Weibo, Canghai and the secret man, two films originally scheduled for release on October 20, were withdrawn.

These two movies are also the most anticipated domestic blockbusters in October. Because there are battle wolf 2 and magic animals in the national day show, these two movies are not fixed on the national day show, but are put on October 20, the weak period of the national day show, and are ready to take over.

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The directors of "Canghai" and "the secret man" are also well-known directors in China. The director of "Canghai" is named Liu Zhenzhong. He is one of the representatives of domestic self directing and self acting directors. He founded a film and television company and produced some works in recent years.

Liu Zhenzhong's film and television company is small in scale, and the company's revenue is not high. Therefore, in order to seek stability and not lose money, he didn't dare to put his new film on the national day show, because he was afraid of losing money in the double attack of warwolf 2 and magical animals.

Another film, the secret man, was basically for the sake of stability, so it was not shown on the national day.

It's a wise decision. There are six movies on national day. However, except for war wolf 2 and magic animals, the other movies can't appear. They have become the cannon fodder in the battle between war wolf 2 and magic animals.

Liu Zhenzhong, the director of Canghai, contacted the production company and the director of the secret man and proposed the two films to be removed. After knowing that the two films were removed, luminous was also surprised. This is good news for him. The two films are the domestic blockbusters in late October. Once they are released normally, the box office of warwolf 2 will be greatly reduced, The audience is influenced by the drainage and so on.

However, luminous is really strange. Why did these two films suddenly withdraw and delay? It doesn't make sense. They have evaded the National Day file. Shouldn't it be excellent to pick up the file at this time?

After thinking about it carefully, luminous seemed to understand it and gave a wry smile. Then he went to check the phone number of director Liu Zhenzhong and dialed it to express his thanks.

If you're right, the two movies "the sea" and "the occult" were suddenly withdrawn and postponed, which should be to make way for warwolf 2.

Sure enough, after the luminous phone call, the conjecture has been confirmed.

Luminous in the call with Liu Zhenzhong, asked a, why?

Director Liu Zhenzhong then laughed and sighed, "it's not just you who are working hard for domestic movies. Night director, your talent is obvious to all. Domestic films need talents like you. You are working hard for domestic films, and we are also working hard for the vigorous development of domestic films. We also hope that domestic films will get better and better. If domestic films can rise, it will benefit the whole industry. I can do so much. I wish you a successful return! "

At that time, the night light felt like a lump in the throat. It seemed that there were thousands of words in my heart, but I didn't know how to say them. In the end, it could only be summed up into a simple and sincere "thank you!"

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Yes, domestic films, not only luminous in the effort, not just luminous in the struggle for domestic films.

There are countless filmmakers and directors in China, such as retired Feng kaimou, Liu Zhenzhong, Wang Wei, Wu Ke, Zhou Xing, Ning Zheng and many other filmmakers who are still creating.

The rise of domestic films is not the responsibility of one person, but the expectation of one generation or even several generations!

They all ardently hope that the domestic film can rise, and make unremitting efforts for it!

This box office battle is the battle of luminous, but it is not just the battle of luminous alone.

He is not fighting alone!

"Canghai" and "the secret" make way for the two films. The Chinese people support the domestic production, and the voice of supporting warwolf 2 continues. Although there is no one-day high box office, it also makes the latter half of warwolf go very steady in October.October 20.

Magic animals have accumulated 6.9 billion yuan at the box office.

The cumulative box office of warwolf 2 is 6.7 billion yuan.

The gap is 200 million yuan.

October 25.

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Magic animals have accumulated 7.3 billion yuan at the box office.

The cumulative box office of warwolf 2 is 7.2 billion yuan.

The gap is 100 million yuan.

October 30.

Magic animals accumulated 7.56 billion yuan at the box office.

The cumulative box office of warwolf 2 was 7.51 billion yuan.

50 million!


It's almost there!

On the Internet, there is a big wave of voices for supporting warwolf 2. Many fans and audiences of Noctiluca began to make the fourth and fifth brush. Even many of them bought tickets and didn't go to the movies, just to contribute a box office and support warwolf 2.

Many people call their friends, just like MLM. In Amway, they try their best to pull their relatives and friends to the cinema to see wolf 2.

Some schools, hospitals and government agencies are also organizing people to go to the cinema to watch warwolf 2.

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Countless Chinese, as young as six or seven years old just sensible children, as old as 70 or 80 years old, they are in their own way, in this box office war, contributing their own strength!

On November 1, as of October 31, the latest box office statistics of the two films were released.

Magic animal box office accumulated 7.73 billion yuan!

Warwolf 2, cumulative box office: 7.74 billion yuan!

More than.

It's really more than that!

With the support and efforts of countless Chinese people, as of October 31, the last day of October, the box office of warwolf 2 has successfully surpassed magical animals and won the world box office champion in October with an advantage of 10 million!

World box office champion in October!

We are champions!

People are boiling!

The whole country is excited! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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