My Star Teacher

Chapter 879: 879

If there is an afterlife, can you find me first?

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This sentence, let originally feel heartrending general night light, the heart is like being crushed by stone general pain.

This sentence is probably what Cheng Xi wants to say all the time.

Cheng Xi said a lot, let luminous don't sad, let liuchiyan don't sad, let them well.

She told luminous that she should not be sad, because no matter whether she lives or dies, even if she dies, she is just the same as before. She no longer exists in luminous world and will not disturb his life.

She and Liu ChiYan said, let her not cry, said Liu ChiYan does not owe her anything, said that this is Liu ChiYan's own fate, she used her life to pay the rent, the breeze is like doing a simple deal in general, in order to make Liu ChiYan feel better, can let Liu ChiYan feel owed her will be less.

If there is any fairy in the world, it must be Cheng Xi. She is an immortal woman. At the end of her life, when she faces the man who lost him and the sister who robbed her lover, she knows that they have guilt for herself. What she is doing is trying to help them resolve the guilt.

She seems to be thinking about others all the time, considering their feelings.

After waiting for so many years, the person who has to wait has already married his good sister. How sad.

Are you willing? Not really.

But she didn't do anything. When the night light and Willow Pond were lucky and happy, she endured suffering and loneliness alone, and the green light was always with her.

She doesn't want to disturb their life as a third party. Instead of three people suffering, it's better to complete the happiness of two people. The most important thing is that she knows that luminous is happy and happy. It's enough to have a good life, even if it doesn't bring him these things.

The first ray of light at the dawn of the night is called Noctiluca, also called Chenxi. She is Cheng Xi.


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The siren whistled.

Serious police and ambulances finally arrived from a distance.

However, Cheng Xi in the arms of the night light, consciousness is more and more lax, she has no way to speak, vision is also more and more blurred.

The night light roared like a mad beast, and then roared again.

"Luminous, you save her, you save her!" Liu ChiYan cried, "if you can cure me, you can save her. Please save her."

The night light is fierce of one Zheng, some lose souls of Nan Ni wear, "yes, I can save, I certainly can save."

System, wishing pool, items that can save Cheng Xi.

The wish pool didn't respond.

Why not? Why not?

No, it's an order. It's not right.

A medicine for bringing the dead back to life.

This time, the wishing pool offers options.

Vitality powder: the price is 50 million, no matter how many injuries, it can keep vitality.

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Dahuandan: it costs 100 million yuan. After use, it can greatly improve physical fitness and repair any physical trauma.

Xuming pill: it costs 100 million yuan. No matter how serious the internal injury is, it will bring the dying back to life and prolong life.


the system gives out the drug options that can cure Cheng Xi, but to the despair of luminous, he can't change any of them!

Let alone dahuandan and xumingwan, they can't even afford to change Shengji sanluminous. Now, luminous's reputation is only 10 million.

It turns out that because of the hacking incident, Noctiluca has been using its lucky halo all the time, and its reputation value has almost been consumed. After the dust settled down in Beijing, Noctiluca did not continue to use the lucky halo all the time, which could save more than 10 million reputation value.

"How could it be, how could it be!" Luminous some crazy, "there is a way, there must be a way... By the way, big also Dan, there must be small also Dan, don't need to cure at one time, as long as now don't die, there must be a way to cure!"

Search, xiaohuandan.

Sure enough!

Xiaohuandan's option appears in the wishing pool menu.

Xiaohuandan: it costs 10 million yuan. It can keep breath for seven days after use.

That's it!

There's no time to think about anything else. Xiaohuandan can keep breath for seven days, that is, it can hang life for seven days. Moreover, the reputation value of luminous is just enough to exchange for a xiaohuandan.

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He immediately exchanged xiaohuandan, and the reputation value of luminous also reached the bottom, leaving 200000.

If you feed xiaohuandan into Cheng Xi's mouth, xiaohuandan will quickly melt in Cheng Xi's mouth. Most of the drugs produced in this system will melt in the mouth. Otherwise, Cheng Xi may not be able to eat such a pill the size of a marble at this time.

Feed Xiao huandan to Cheng Xi, and the medical staff of the ambulance also gathered around them. All night light knew was that there was a lot of noise around them. There were police and armed police officers everywhere, and the medical staff on and off the ambulance kept shouting, saying something, but now night light can't hear clearly.His consciousness also gradually blurred, maybe because of excessive grief, or maybe because he had been shot several times before, bleeding all the time and losing too much blood.

When the night light woke up again, it was the next day in the hospital.

"Cheng Xi!"

The night light on the bed suddenly bounced up.

"You're awake." Liu ChiYan, who was accompanying her on the edge of the hospital bed, said, "how do you feel?"

"I'm fine." Noctiluca grabs Liu ChiYan's hand, "Liu Er, what about Cheng Xi? How about Cheng Xi?"

Liu ChiYan, "sister Xi, she..."

"how is she? Is she still alive?" Luminous excitedly asked.

Liu ChiYan, "you have injuries. Don't get excited. Sister Xi is still alive, but... She is not out of danger. Now she is in intensive care unit."

Still alive.

The night light suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally calmed down a little.

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"Liu Er, I want to see her."

Liu ChiYan said, "sister Xi is now in intensive care unit. She can't visit. Moreover, you still have injuries. You should have a good rest first. I'll tell you what happens."

Luminous shook his head, "no, I'm going to have a look now. My injury is OK."

Said, luminous directly pulled out the drop needle inserted in his hand, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Liu ChiYan couldn't beat him and knew that he would not be relieved if he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he led the night light.

"The patient's situation is not optimistic. After two shots, the shoulder wound is not a big problem, but another shot hit the lung, which caused great damage to the lung. To tell you the truth, it is a miracle that the lung is still alive after such a big damage. The patient is not out of danger now. The specific situation depends on the observation in the next few days."

This is what Cheng Xi's attending doctor said to luminous outside Cheng Xi's ward.

Is it a miracle to be alive?

No, it's not a miracle. It's xiaohuandan.

Xiaohuandan can only hang Chengxi's vitality for seven days. If Chengxi can't get better after seven days, and luminous can't find any other treatment, I'm afraid it's really hopeless.

Standing outside the ward, through the small glass frame on the door, looking at Cheng Xi lying unconscious on the sickbed in the ward full of instruments, wearing an oxygen mask, his luminous face sank into the water, with a firm look in his eyes.

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