My Star Teacher

Chapter 884: 884

Luminous really has some silly eyes. It turns out that tAsia was attacked this time. The killer didn't go to tAsia, but came to him. What's the matter?

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This is a princess of a country. Did she carry a pot for him?

The killer is probably very aggrieved. I'll just kill him. Why is he still with presidential bodyguards?

Thunderstorm, "the assassin has been brought to justice. In the near future, we will organize actions to clean up the remnants of the White Owl."

Luminous nodded and asked, "what about the other two waves? What's going on? "

Thunderstorm, "fake police is a professional reward killer, from the current point of view, it should be personal action, aimed at your reward, in addition, the two shooters who blocked you, the real and exact identity is not sure, but after investigation, Guoan suspected that it was sent by the rice side, but this matter has no evidence, can't draw a conclusion."

"Night light wry smile," want me to die of people really many

Thunderstorm, "so, this time you are on a mission, because you want to go abroad. Considering your safety, the organization recruited several special combat members from our team to protect your safety. I am the leader of the team."

After chatting with Thunderstorm for a few words, the party set out for luminous's mission site.

Where night light is going this time, um... Night light doesn't know where it is. When it gets there, night light doesn't know where it is. It only knows that it is in Africa.

It took two days and one night to arrive at the place of witness.

The witness was in the middle of a tropical rain forest in the mountains. I don't know the exact location. It looks like a small tribe on the surface, but after I went in, I knew there was heaven and earth in it.

The person in charge of receiving the night light led the night light into a bungalow built by the mountain, and then opened a wall against the mountain, revealing a passage.

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"This passage goes directly to the mountain. Our research base is in it. Come in with me. Chief engineer Liu is waiting for you." He said.

Luminous nodded, followed him in, kept looking around, looking at the research base which was completely different from the outside, full of a sense of science and technology.

Then someone led the night light to see chief engineer Liu. Few people knew his name. Even the research base knew his name, and there were less than a few hands. Everyone called him chief engineer directly. He was the chief engineer in charge of the global stealth satellite and also the project leader.

Turning left and right into an office, night light saw a man bending over a structural drawing on his desk.

"Chief engineer, here we are." He said.

"Oh, well, you go ahead." Liu chief engineer should be a, head also did not lift, still write on the drawing.

The man who led the night light didn't speak much. It seemed that he was used to it and turned around and went out.

After drawing several strokes on the drawing, chief engineer Liu finally raised his head and looked at the night light standing in front of his desk.

Then, the moment when the two men looked at each other...

the night light was stunned.

Chief engineer Liu was also stunned.

Four eyes opposite, two big men in the office eyes full of surprise, fell into a long silence.

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They looked at each other and were silent for a long time. They spoke almost at the same time.


"Liu Feng?"

"It's you."

"Why are you?"

It's really a surprise to see this man in front of you.

He has never seen this man before, but I don't know how many times he has seen the photo.

In Liu ChiYan's wallet, there are two photos, one is luminous, the other is the person in front of him.

He is Liu Feng, Liu ChiYan's brother who has disappeared for many years, and Yiyi's father.

Liu Feng sent Yiyi back ten years ago, and then he never showed up again. This disappearance is ten years old, and Yiyi is already ten years old.

Liu's family and night light all know that he is not dead, but on a mission. Um... That's what they were told.

However, no one knows where he is and when he will come back. Yeguang had thought about the situation and scene of the meeting with his brother-in-law, and even sketched the image of his brother-in-law who had never met before and had only seen photos.

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I wonder if when I saw my brother-in-law, he also had the resolute temperament of a soldier. He was big and strong, with sharp eyes. His skin was tanned, and his body was full of scars bearing meritorious deeds. Well, this is the image of my brother-in-law that night light once outlined in his mind.

But in a flash today, the image collapsed.

In front of him, this man with moderate figure, not burly, deep and soft eyes, fair skin, and some unkempt hair and dirty face, wearing a blue mechanic's suit, is really what Liu ChiYan said, his brother who is a soldier, is he a soldier's brother?

It's no doubt that Liu ChiYan is Liu ChiYan's elder brother, because although Liu Feng doesn't have the image outlined by himself, Mei Yu and his father are really like each other. Although they don't have the fortitude of a soldier, they are also like his father, with a touch of elegance.Looking at Liu Feng's reaction, I think Liu Feng also knows luminous.

Liu Feng is in charge of the global stealth satellite project. He has little contact with the outside world and knows little about the information from the outside world. However, he is still concerned about the situation of his family. Occasionally, he will ask his boss about the situation of his family. Liu Feng has known about Liu ChiYan's marriage for a long time. He has seen the photo of his brother-in-law, luminous, and asked about it Don't hear from him.



both spoke at the same time.

"You say it first."

"You say it."



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the night light coughed and said, "I have too many questions. I want to smooth them out. You are the eldest brother. You can talk first."

Liu Feng laughed and said, "I didn't expect to meet you in this way, so you are the doctor of Chinese Academy of Sciences sent by the organization this time?"

Luminous Leng Leng, and then think of it, he seems to really hang an honorary doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, nodded, luminous said, "did not send me to the wrong place, it should be me."

Liu Feng looked at the night light strangely, "they said that you provided the super cube technology which is 30 years ahead of time?"

"Well, my mission this time is also to assist you to carry part of the hypercube satellite technology on the stealth global satellite."

Liu Feng nodded, and then asked, "my leader clearly told me that you and Yan'er are in the entertainment industry. How can you do scientific research?"

Luminous smile, "blind toss, blind toss, I listen to Chi Yan say, you are a soldier, how... When chief engineer here?"

Liu Feng pointed to the military uniform hanging on the right wall and said, "it's a soldier. It's a serious rank of colonel."

Luminous turned to look at the military uniform on the wall, stunned.

Liu Feng seemed to know what night light was thinking and said, "who stipulates that soldiers can't engage in science and technology? Eighty percent of our base are soldiers with military titles, and the troops are not only training combat troops. "

He knew the truth, but the contrast was a little big, which made him confused. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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