My Star Teacher

Chapter 887: 887

Liu Feng's eyes were deep, staring at the small cake on the table. His eyes were a little dull and sad.

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At the beginning of the night light is listening quietly, and then the more you listen, the more wrong it is, the more frightened it is.

If you can eat, your strength will increase, your fever will not subside, and you will not wake up.

These symptoms, in Yiyi, don't they all happen?

According to Liu Feng, we can basically judge that when Fang Tong was radiated, Yiyi in her stomach was also radiated at that time.

Yiyi once had a high fever and was in a coma. The hospital couldn't find out the problem all the time. Finally, it was night light who saved Yiyi with a big pill.

The night light suddenly behind some hair cool, some fear, if at that time did not have the luck to burst the shed to draw a sky high price big also Dan's words, according to, can still wake up?

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Night light looked at Liu Feng, thought about it, and then said, "Yiyi also had these symptoms."

Liu Feng Meng's one Zheng, pupil one shrink, some nervous of see toward night light.

Luminous even hurriedly said, "don't worry, Yiyi has nothing to do. A few years ago, Yiyi had a high fever and was in a coma, and the hospital was helpless. At that time, I had a magic medicine. A Taoist priest gave it to me, and he taught me a lot of things. In desperation, I gave it to Yiyi Go down, Yi Yi also woke up, the body has not appeared again in recent years what problem

Unable to explain the system, night light had to move out of the illusory Taoist.

Luminous continued, "I have studied some medical theories. I didn't know why Yiyi was different from ordinary people. Now I hear you say that when my sister-in-law was pregnant with Yiyi, Yiyi was also radiated, and there were some abnormal conditions in her body. These abnormal changes are not all bad. For example, Yiyi consumes a lot of energy when she eats more, The increase of strength should be attributed to the benign biological evolution of the body after radiation. "

"As for the persistent high fever and coma, I think it should be caused by the body's inability to withstand the energy generated by mutation in the process of human evolution."

Liu Feng, "depending on her, will she...

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" probably not. " Night light said, "I still believe in the nature of that medicine. Even if there was any hidden danger in Yiyi's body, it should be improved by that medicine. Yiyi is still able to eat now, and has great strength. At first, it worked well, but it can't be controlled, but now it can be controlled easily. If I'm not wrong, Yiyi is now able to bear the energy generated by the evolution of the body, and can control it freely. There will be no coma caused by the inability to bear the energy generated by the abnormal changes of the body. "

There is no exact basis for luminous's inference. It's like comforting Liu Feng, but luminous is not aimless. In order to cure Liu ChiYan, he had seen a lot of medical skills, mainly in gynecology and obstetrics, supplemented by some other methods. He also saw many such rare medical cases, such as gene mutation, biological mutation, degeneration and evolution.

There are many cases of abnormal changes in human body caused by biological mutation, degeneration and evolution, or gene mutation, but our medical research is not mature enough to explain and study this phenomenon.

For example, one of the symptoms of gene mutation is called werewolf syndrome, which is a human atavism phenomenon caused by gene mutation.

For example, the cold resistance of Inuit is very high, and normal people can't adapt to living in cold conditions for a long time, but Inuit can fall asleep in cold environment, and sleep very well. This ability of Inuit to resist cold is a kind of biological gene evolution based on the influence of environment.

For example, some people were able to see things at night. This kind of local organ of human body has mutated and evolved, which is also a typical biological evolution.

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Night light continued, "Yiyi, you don't have to worry too much. This little girl can eat and sleep. She is very skinny. In addition, I taught Yiyi a Kung Fu called Tai Chi. I told you before that this Kung Fu has a very good effect on strengthening the body."

Liu Feng heard so much about the night light, looked at it, and suddenly stood up and bowed to it.

"Oh, brother, what are you doing? I can't stand that." Night light went to help Liu Feng.

Liu Feng pushed away the night light and said, "no, I can stand it. If I were not your elder brother, I would kneel down and kowtow to you! Really, Xiaoye, you will receive this gift anyway. "

With that, Liu Feng bowed to the night light.

Luminous some helpless, however, did not stop strong, after Liu Feng bowed, quickly took him up.

Liu Feng said, "Xiaoye, thank you very much for taking care of Yiyi. I'm not a good father. I didn't fulfill my obligations and responsibilities as a father. I'm sorry for Yiyi and her mother. I didn't take care of her. If I didn't have you and you to take care of her, raise her and treat her, I would die and have no face to see her Mom

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"Night light," brother, don't do that, take care of Yiyi is what I should do, I always treat this child as a daughter, originally also thought to deceive this little girl to call my father, ha ha, but this little girl still calls me all day, I'm used to it, if she really calls me father, I can't adapt to it, but now it's OK, wait At the end of our project, you can go home soon, so as not to be embarrassed. You are her father. "Liu Feng said, "no, Xiaoye, you are her father. It's you and ChiYan who brought her up so big. When she grows up in the future, she should be filial to you and ChiYan. As for me... Ten years, ten years I don't want to take care of her and raise her. I don't even have a hug or a look at her. I have no face to say it's his father, and she won't want a father like me. "

The night light patted the sad looking Liu Feng on the shoulder and said, "brother, don't be sad. You also have a reason. Yiyi is very sensible. If he knew that his own father was such a great man and engaged in such a great work, she would understand. When we go back, you spend more time with her, and she will accept you. "

Liu Feng some not self-confident ask a way, "really can?"

"It must be!" Luminous said with a smile, "I know that girl. I'll teach you a few moves later. I promise you that you can coax that girl to be close to you in three or five days. It's really no good. I still have a trump card!"

Liu Feng a Leng, "what Assassin's mace?"

"Cut off her rations!"

Liu Feng, "...."

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