My Star Teacher

Chapter 895: 895

Three times as lucky, it's really bad!

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Noctilucent did not expect, lucky state, with a Sansheng lucky increase three times lucky, will appear this kind of result.

Instantly feel the value of that huge reputation!

This is simply the biggest artifact of the system!

The selection of medicinal materials does not mean that the prescription will come out. You know, a prescription not only depends on the medicinal materials, but also depends on the proportion of medicinal materials. The amount of each kind of medicinal material, often a little more or less, may affect the efficacy. Even if the proportion is wrong, it may produce toxicity or something, which is not impossible.

However, now luminous has enough confidence.

Isn't that how to put the proportion component?


Luminous fingers flying, two or three minutes, and wrote a new lottery program.

In this lucky draw program, luminous should first set a kind of medicinal material, and then randomly select any number between 0.1-250.

Set up, lark.

Lucky draw.

Lottery results: the first 10, the second 10, the third 10, the fourth 11, the fifth 10.

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Bramble weight confirmation, 10g.

Setting, dragon's blood.

Lucky draw.

Lottery results: the first 15, the second 15, the third 16, the fourth 15, the fifth 15.

Dragon's blood weight confirmed, 15 grams.

Setting, wolfberry.


Luminous a kind of medicinal materials for lucky draw, each kind of medicinal materials have been carried out for many times, confirm the value, so, with some effort, 23 kinds of medicinal materials proportion components all come out!

When we have the necessary medicinal materials and the ratio of medicinal materials, it means that we have the prescription!


Medicine is rigorous. Um... Although luminous has worked out a prescription in the least rigorous way, with a rigorous attitude, luminous has carried out the same operation for five times, and the result of each time is only slight deviation, which can be ignored directly. Luminous has also confirmed the prescription for the treatment of spider virus.

However, at present, this prescription is only a theoretical prescription that night light thinks is effective. Whether it can work or not, we have to say otherwise. We have to really test it before we know.

Unknowingly, it has been more than two hours since luminous instigated the prescription in the room. Looking at the time, it is already eleven o'clock in the night.

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The hospitals in the base also have some traditional Chinese medicine, but not too many. In the past few days when luminous went to the hospital, he also wrote down what kinds of herbs he had. Most of the herbs in his prescription are not available in the base. Therefore, if you need herbs, you have to dispatch them through Liu Feng.

Don't bother to disturb Liu Feng. Get the medicine early and confirm whether this prescription is feasible. If it is feasible, get the medicine for spider virus one day earlier, and many lives can be saved.

The night light immediately knocked on Liu Feng's door.

Liu Feng soon opened the door.

"Xiao Ye, I haven't had a rest yet. What's the matter?"

Luminous, "you haven't slept yet, are you still busy?"

Liu Feng said, "well, there's still some work to be done."

Noctiluca nodded, did not continue this topic, handed the book to Liu Feng, said, "quick, brother, contact Mr. Gu, help me prepare these herbs to send! The sooner the better

Liu Feng was stunned, took a look at the book, and then asked, "what medicine is this? What is it for? "

Luminous originally blurted out that it was a drug for the treatment of spider virus, but when the words came to my mouth, I thought about it and then shut up. Although luminous believed that it was the prescription for spider virus, it could not guarantee that it was. Moreover, if the effect is not known, it is still too early to say.

Luminous, "urgent! Brother, I don't know how to say now, but it's really urgent! Very urgent! It's urgent

Seeing the appearance of Noctiluca, Liu Feng looked at the Noctiluca with deep eyes and asked tentatively, "spider virus?"

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"Er..." luminous, "I can only say... Maybe, I'm not sure, so I need to verify the medicine."

Liu Feng eyes slightly narrowed, immediately nodded, "I understand, I contact now."

Said, Liu Feng in front of the luminous face, dialed a telephone in the room.

"Mr. Gu, I need a batch of medicinal materials. I'm in a hurry..."

"please remember the name of medicinal materials, bailing Herb..."

"not tomorrow. I want to deal with it immediately. This is very important!"

"Well, thank you, Mr. Gu. Goodbye, Mr. Gu."

Hang up the phone, Liu Feng looked at the night light, said, "tomorrow afternoon or so, medicine can be delivered."

Luminous excited repeatedly nodded, "Mm-hmm."

Liu Feng, "Xiaoye, are you sure this is... Are you sure?"For two seconds, the light of night said, "80%!"

Liu Feng's eyes widened a little, and he kept staring at the night light, as if he wanted to know him again.

For a long time, Liu Feng said slowly, "Xiao Ye, if you do, you will go down in history."

Noctilucent smell speech, pour is some embarrassed of smile a, touch nose, say, "I didn't think of these."

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Liu Feng, "you said originally that you came here because you had committed a crime and had been assassinated several times. But if this becomes true, as long as you don't touch the bottom line, no one in the world will dare to offend you openly."

Noctiluca, "er... Not so exaggerated?"

Liu Feng, "how can there be no one else? At least you can take off the hat of the world's most wanted criminal. Maybe they will give you a world peace prize."

Luminous shrugged and said, "who knows, when the medicine arrives and the experiment is over, I don't think about it. If it's effective, it can cure spider virus and save more than 500000 infected people, it's the most important thing. Nothing else, it doesn't matter."

Liu Feng nodded, "you're right. If the prescription is really useful, it can save two million lives, or even more, according to a conservative estimate." Said, Liu Feng patted luminous shoulder, said, "come on, I believe your prescription can, time is not early, go back to rest, tomorrow will work, technology carrying last day, don't go wrong."

Noctiluca nodded, said goodbye to Liu Feng, and then turned to go back to the room.

After going out at night, Liu Feng stood in the same place for a long time, and then sighed, "sister, what kind of brother-in-law did you find me?"

The next day.

Luminous enthusiasm to continue to put into the work of technology, at the same time, all day long he was full of expectations, looking forward to the arrival of medicinal materials.

Today's work is very smooth. At about 3 p.m., with a burst of applause, the work of carrying the hypercube technology on the stealth global satellite has been completed!

The rest is that we need to check again. If there is no problem, we can put it into use.

And in the afternoon more than four o'clock, an off-road vehicle also drove into the station.

Here we go! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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