My Star Teacher

Chapter 897: 897

Just as luminous wanted to explain to his brother-in-law, he suddenly felt a little chilly behind him and his hair stood up.

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I don't know what kind of intuition it is, and luminous doesn't know what happened, but for the first time, I jumped forward and pushed the control lever of the helicopter.

Suddenly, the helicopter tilted slightly, then, boom, came a huge shock.


Previously, an RPG came from below. Thanks to luminous's intuition, he immediately responded and pushed a joystick. No one let the shell directly hit the body. Otherwise, the three people on the helicopter with the pilot would have to go directly to GG.

However, it was a temporary escape, but the tail of the helicopter was still rubbed, the aircraft was out of balance, and the helicopter twisted in mid air.

"The balance is out of control. Prepare for a hard landing!" The driver yelled anxiously, "hold on!"

The night light looked down through the glass and said, "fly into the woods, you can buffer it!"

The pilot tried his best to control the helicopter, trying to stabilize the balance, but the whole plane, almost still in a rotating way, fell into a dense forest.

Yeguang and Liu Feng, when the plane crashed, also fell into a mess.

Fortunately, the plane crashed because of the buffer of trees and did not directly touch the solid ground to form an explosion. Luminous and Liu Feng were also alive.

At the time of the plane crash, the night light has opened a rock solid for himself. Therefore, on the whole plane, he suffered the least damage.

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Directly kick the door open, night light climb out from the fuselage, and will fall some confused Liu Feng to drag out.

Luminous, "are you ok? Is there a problem? "

Liu Feng coughed a few times and snorted a few times, but he still waved his hand to indicate that it was OK. He was OK. Just slow down.

But the driver was in a coma, fortunately, he was not dead, and the night light also pulled him out of the fuselage.

"Let's go! There will be pursuers coming soon. " Noctiluca will coma driver back up, looking at a little bit more slowly over Liu Feng, "you still ok?"

Liu Feng coughed again and nodded, "no problem, let's go!"

Three people quickly away from the crash site, deep into the woods.

"Who is the other party?" Noctiluca asked as she walked.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's not right."

It's not that people who come are not good at it. People directly use RPG to bombard you. How good is it.

Liu Feng, "the other party will definitely come after us. We have to hurry. Anyway, we have to send the hard disk home safely."

Noctiluca gave a sound, and then asked, "can I get support?"

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Liu Feng helplessly shook his head, "when the crash, the mobile phone accidentally thrown out."

The night light didn't say anything more, carrying the driver and Liu Feng to walk quickly through the dense forest.

Soon it was getting dark.

When the comatose driver wakes up, he's OK. He can move freely when he wakes up.

The three people walked in the dense forest for a long time, but they didn't go out. It was dark. They didn't go on their way in the dark, so they found a place to watch the night in turn.

It was a quiet night. There was no pursuer to catch up.

I don't know if they gave up or didn't search at night.

The next morning, the night light was called by Liu Feng.

"Xiaoye, it's time to go. Xiaozhou is going to be a detective. When he comes back, we'll continue on our way." Liu Feng said, "your heart is big enough. You can sleep so well in this situation."

Night light sneered, "I don't know what's going on. I fell asleep in a daze. Maybe it's the reason why I took that dose of medicine yesterday."

Liu Feng let out a sound, and then said, "it doesn't matter if you sleep a little. I didn't shout you up for a long time at the beginning. I thought it was a virus outbreak in your body. Fortunately, it wasn't, otherwise it would be bad if you had a virus outbreak, fever, dizziness and fatigue now."

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When it comes to viruses, Liu Feng is a little angry. "You say you really are. No matter how much you want to study, you can't do experiments with yourself. There are also people who implant viruses into themselves. You say you are...

" ha! " The night light suddenly called out and interrupted Liu Feng's words.

Liu Feng a Zheng, "how?"

"All right." Luminous said excitedly.

Liu Feng Leng looked at the luminous, for a moment did not understand the meaning of luminous.

Luminous added excitedly, "I'm fine! The virus in the body is gone, the medicine is effective! "

Liu Feng's eyes widened and asked, "really? Really? "

Luminous nodded, "really! Really good

"Great!" Liu Feng is also excited.

If the night light is really good, it means that his dose of medicine is really effective and can really eliminate spider virus. Then, the crisis of spider virus can be successfully passed, which is related to the lives of hundreds of thousands and millions of people.After the excitement, Liu Feng asked cautiously, "Xiao Ye, are you sure? How do you know if you have spider virus in your body? "

"I'm sure! It must be good! Brother, you believe me Luminous said firmly, thought about it and said, "brother, I can't explain it well. Let's say that my kung fu is Tai Chi. I told you that it's a very special kind of Kung Fu. This kind of Kung Fu belongs to neijiaquan, which can produce an internal Qi in the body. This internal Qi can clearly let me know my own physical condition, where there are hidden diseases, no poisoning, and no health problems I know whether my body is normal or not. In fact, I can use martial arts to force out the virus in my body. That's why I dared to implant the virus into myself at that time. Now I'm very sure that the virus in my body has been completely removed. "

Luminous told a lie, there is no way, otherwise there is no way to explain that he said he was good, and, by the way, he found a plausible excuse for why the virus was implanted at the beginning.

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Liu Feng looked at the night light, no doubt, nodded and said, "just confirm! I hope you're OK, too. If your prescription really works, that's great! Make sure your prescription is taken out, and as soon as possible! The sooner, the more lives can be saved! "

Luminous nodded, thought about it, and then said, "brother, in fact, in addition to Kung Fu, I can do magic."

Liu Feng a Zheng, did not understand the meaning of luminous, mainly because this topic across a little big, this does not talk about spider virus, how to pull to magic?

Luminous, "well... Maybe, I can change a cell phone or something, do you believe it?"

Liu Feng is happy, "then you change a try!"

With a smile, he does not preheat himself. He does some dazzling fake handholds, that is, he touches his hand behind his back, and when he takes it out again, a mobile phone appears in his hand.

Liu Feng is silly.

Hold a big grass!

What's going on?!

What a cell phone?!

Let you change is just talk about it!

Can you really change it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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