My Star Teacher

Chapter 899: 899

Sure enough, women are emotional animals.

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Luminous sentence I miss you, instant let liuchiyan soften a lot, dispel a lot of doubts.

"Are you really OK now?" Liu ChiYan asked.

The night light definitely nods, "MMM! Nothing. It's fine. "

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light on the screen and said, "OK, I believe you this time. Don't worry. I'll call dad and give him the prescription in a moment."

Luminous nodded, "OK."

Liu ChiYan said, "come back as soon as you are busy. I have a surprise for you."

Luminous, "what's the surprise? Can't say now? "

Liu ChiYan smiles, "now I don't tell you. When you come back, it's a big surprise."

"Night light," Hey, also sell the key, this does not hook my curiosity, should hit

Liu ChiYan smiles and ignores him. Looking at the lush forest behind the night light, he asks, "how are you in the mountains? Turn around and show me. "

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Noctiluca laughs, does not refuse, flipped the mobile phone camera, photographed in front of the jungle to Liu ChiYan to see.

At the same time, a figure suddenly turned from the nearby bush, and the night light subconsciously turned there. The mobile phone was also facing the man and photographed him.

This is Xiaozhou, the pilot of the helicopter.

If Xiaozhou enters the camera normally, it's OK to say, but now Xiaozhou has two guns on his shoulders, one in his hand, a row of bullets and grenades around his waist.

Noctiluca was slightly surprised, and Xiaozhou also quickly said, "Dr. night, chief engineer Liu, let's go quickly. The enemy search team is catching up. I've killed a few and got some weapons."

Here, it's too late for luminous to turn off the video call. Liu ChiYan is at the other end of the video, and he yells angrily, "luminous! You big liar

Xiaozhou didn't pay much attention before. Now when he heard Liu ChiYan's voice, he found that night light was making a video conversation with people. Then he was very happy and said, "ah, Dr. night, you have a mobile phone. Come on, call for support!"

One side has been hiding did not dare to appear in the mirror did not dare to make a sound of Liu Feng stroked the forehead speechless.

Noctiluca didn't point the lens at Xiaozhou any more. It turned the lens over and showed his embarrassed and smiling face on the screen.

"What... Liu Er, I said we were filming... Can you believe it?"

Liu ChiYan worried, with anger, "believe you big head ghost! Where are you now? What's the situation? Didn't you say it wasn't dangerous this time? A liar! A liar! Come back quickly

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Night light wry smile, comfort some excited Liuchi flue, "Liu Er, nothing, really nothing, you don't worry, this is a small situation, can be solved soon, rest assured, I won't have an accident."

Liu ChiYan was angry, worried and resentful. He looked at the screen with a smile on his face, and his eyes were covered with water mist. "Big liar, you cheat me every time. You promise me not to do dangerous things any more. If you do this again, you can't do this for me and... Every time. If something happens to you, what do you want us to do?"

Luminous, "say bah bah."

Liu ChiYan, "..."

"silly daughter-in-law, you can take good care of your parents and Yiyi at home. I'm in a small situation. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise I'll come back unharmed." After thinking about it, Noctiluca decided to divert liuchiyan's attention, and then said, "in front of you and I said there was a surprise, I also prepared a big surprise for you, you see who this is."

Speaking, the luminous mobile phone has been aimed at Liu Feng, who is hiding in silence outside the camera.

Liu Feng's face is muddled. He is not ready to meet Liu ChiYan at the moment. Therefore, before the video conversation between luminous and Liu ChiYan, Liu Feng has been secretly watching Liu ChiYan on the screen of luminous's mobile phone, but he is also careful not to let himself be photographed.

After disappearing for more than ten years, Liu Feng hasn't figured out how to face his family.

Luminous did not plan to let Liu ChiYan and Liu Feng meet at this time. He also knew that Liu Feng was not ready. Moreover, luminous wanted to bring Liu Feng back, a living person, and surprise Liu ChiYan, his father and his mother.

Now, in order to divert Liu ChiYan's attention, there are not so many night visitors.

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What's brother-in-law for? Isn't it for sale? The night light thinks, the wit is like me.

Sure enough, Liu ChiYan looked at the person in the screen of the luminous mobile phone, and was stunned instantly. Then he approached some mobile phones, looked at them carefully for a few seconds, and called out in a trembling voice, "brother..."

Liu Feng had no choice but to glance at the luminous mobile phone. Now, he coughed, and waved his hand to Liu ChiYan in the video unnaturally, "Yan'er. ”

"brother! It's really you! brother! Sobbing, sobbing

Liu ChiYan burst into tears.

The night light is muddled to force, lie trough, miscalculation, not should be happy just right, just still a few desire to cry, now direct tears ran.Well, luminous forgot a word, it's called crying with joy.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Liu Feng quickly comforted, "Yan'er has grown up. He can't cry as much as he did when he was a child."

Liu ChiYan raised his hand and wiped two tears with no confidence. The cry didn't decrease at all. His nose was almost wordy. He cried and said, "brother, where have you been? You don't come back and don't call home to send a message. Do you know we are worried about you?"

Liu Feng looks bitter, "Yan'er, I'm sorry, I have to suffer."

"What can keep you from going home for more than ten years?" Liu ChiYan, a little excited, said, "if you don't go home for more than ten years, there's no news from you. My parents have no son, I have no brother, and Yiyi has no father. How can you bear it! Why are you so cruel

Liu Feng was bitter, speechless, speechless, with some eyes down, some did not dare to look at the screen of Liu ChiYan, shameless face.

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In any case, no matter what work Liu Feng is engaged in, how selfless dedication, noble and great, but in the face of his family, he is always in debt.

Liu ChiYan said, and added, "you are the same as the night light, you are all assholes, big assholes! Liar, liar

The night light suddenly muddled force, what? It's none of my business? What's the matter with me?

The elder brother-in-law didn't speak, and the night light also hastened to make it over. "Well, Liu Er, I have a problem too. It's not easy to explain to you now. When we come back, we'll talk to you in detail. Our task has been completed and we can go back soon. You can rest assured that we will come back safely."

Liu ChiYan didn't speak. Xiaozhou, who was on guard, came to him again. He lowered his voice and said quickly, "there's something moving over there. Someone's coming over here. We have to go quickly!"

Liu Feng and luminous looked at each other and nodded.

Luminous also lowered his voice, put the mobile phone to his mouth and said, "Liu Er, I can't tell you now. I have to go. Remember, tell Dad the prescription of spider virus right away. Don't worry, I will come back safely with my brother."

Said, luminous want to hang up the phone. At this time, Liu ChiYan quickly called out, "wait a minute."

"Luminous, you must come back, can't cheat me, I and baby are waiting for you at home."

Night light suddenly body a shock, Leng for a second, and then looked at the screen of Liu ChiYan, a brilliant smile.

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