My Star Teacher

Chapter 902: 902

The birth of Jihui formula has caused a global sensation. Emergency Pharmacy is being carried out in China, while the supplier of Jihui formula, night light, is still on the run.

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Fortunately, with the mobile phone of night light, Liu Feng successfully contacted his superior general manager Gu. Through general manager Gu, he contacted the local secret troops dispatched by our country. After one day and one night's escape, he finally joined the rescue forces and got out of danger.

On the way to escape, night light and others also encountered a small group of troops pursuing them many times, either avoiding or fighting, and learned some information from the enemy.

The attack site and the troops pursuing them were the same group of people. They were all part of the local reactionary rebels. The specific purpose of the attack was not fully inquired by night light and others from these little Luo. These little Luo also had limited information. Night light and others only vaguely knew what they were looking for from the information provided by those little Luo After Yizhong found the camp, the rebel leader suspected that what he was looking for was in the camp, so he launched an attack.

After getting out of danger, night light and others were sent to the local embassy, and other personnel in the station also arrived at the embassy safely.

In fact, it's funny. Originally, Liu Feng left by helicopter with night light, which was supposed to be the safest. But who ever thought that their helicopter became the focus of attention of the rebels. Originally, the safest one became the most unsafe one, which led to three people, including the pilot, in danger. On the contrary, the other people with the car were unharmed and successfully evacuated.

Two days later, luminous returned to China with the research team of invisible global satellite.

Because the stealth global satellite project did not end in a real sense, the scientific research team, including luminous, immediately entered an Aerospace Research Institute in the North China military region to continue the unfinished work after they were arranged to return home.

In fact, the most important task is to conduct another technical verification. After the technical verification, the technical feasibility will be confirmed. Even if all the technical problems of the stealth global satellite project are solved, the remaining work will belong to the category of infrastructure hardware. These are relatively simple.

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Technology verification, including the combination of stealth global satellite and hypercube satellite technology, is inseparable from Noctiluca. Therefore, Noctiluca can not leave the scientific research team for the time being after returning home. It needs to wait for the technology verification to pass and prove that it is feasible before Noctiluca's task is over and can formally get rid of the scientific research team.

However, the workload of technical verification is relatively heavy and cumbersome. It takes four or five days to proofread all kinds of technologies one by one and go through the whole process.

In the past four or five days, when the night light did not listen to things outside the window and was only engaged in scientific research, all kinds of disturbances were constantly going on around the night light and Jihui.


Several large-scale state-owned pharmaceutical enterprises have started to manufacture specific drugs, and a large number of them have been produced and sent to major epidemic hospitals across the country.

In just a few days, the spider virus has been effectively controlled in China, a large number of infected people who have been treated with drugs have been cured and discharged from hospital, and the epidemic situation in various provinces and cities has been reported continuously.

Although there are still new infections, there are specific drugs, one for one. Nationwide, on the second day after the specific drugs came out, there are no more deaths caused by spider virus infection.

All provinces and regions have said that they have controlled the spider virus in a controllable range, and gradually reduced the level of epidemic prevention, which is very exciting for the whole country.

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Many patients who were cured by the special medicine of Jihui prescription, as well as their families, are very grateful to luminous. On the Internet, there are so many voices of thanks and praise for luminous, and netizens have shaped him into an image almost like a savior.

At the same time, countless netizens and people worried about luminous. The video of luminous talking to Liu ChiYan has been spreading on the Internet. From the video, it is obvious that luminous is in danger.

Where is the night light? What's he doing? Is he still safe?

These are the three most frequently asked questions by countless netizens and people who care about Noctiluca.

The United States.

After the special effect of Jihui prescription came out, the American people, especially the virus infected people and their relatives, were confused.

Let's not talk about the relationship between China and rice. Let's say night light. Night light is the most wanted criminal in the world and the biggest criminal in the world. However, it's very embarrassing for this criminal to come up with a drug to cure spider virus and save all mankind.

Do you want this medicine, or do you want it, or do you want it?

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Do you want it? Do you mean to let people save your life while treating people as wanted? What's more, if you treat others like this, whether they can give you medicine is another matter.

As a result, tens of thousands of infected people in the United States, as well as their families and many people, were bombed.

Large scale mass demonstrations and protests broke out in New York, Huashi and Jinshi.

The main purpose of the public protest in several major cities is the same, only one, that is, the protest listed luminous as a criminal.

The rice side has promoted luminous as a global wanted criminal at one stroke, but now the American people are protesting against listing luminous as a criminal, which is very gratifying.The American people said: what can I do? I'm also very desperate. Who let him come up with the special medicine of Jihui prescription? If we regard him as a criminal, we may not get the special medicine!

For the demonstrations that broke out in many places, the rice official has not responded positively to the people's demands, but has been calling on the people to calm down.

However, the march of the American people is just a prelude, just like a firecracker lighting the fuse. After the march of the American people, similar incidents have broken out all over the world.

People from many infected countries and even some non infected countries all over the world have protested against the listing of luminous as an international criminal.

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As a matter of fact, most of these countries do not have the embarrassment of mifang. They have no grudge against luminous, and the relationship between China and China is not bad. Therefore, if China really has sufficient medicine supply, it is almost certain that it will provide them with special medicine humanely. Therefore, there is no need for them to do so.

But there is something in this world called human heart and conscience.

It's a shameless thing that a few people can do while committing crimes on the spot and accepting the help of other people's families.

Whether night light wants it or not, he has become a savior in the eyes of many people in this global crisis when he comes up with relief.

In the face of a hero who has saved a major crisis for all mankind, the government regards him as an international criminal. This is unfair. Such a thing should not happen, it can't happen!

Justice is the heart of the people.

On this day, the world, for the night light vindication! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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