My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 102

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The Empire Dragon Hotel has been packed up because of the present International Business Association Conference 2020.

The Media has been gathering around the hotel to cover up the presence of the delegates from all over the world and to get the chances of interviewing them. But today, they got even the biggest scopes in history.

Ever since the beginning, the business world has been curious about the private life of this young President in one of the largest corporation in the world. Indeed, today that curiosity has been presented blissfully.

Walking between Shun's bodyguards; Blaire and Meisha are walking ahead of them, then Riley and Daichi were following behind, and Kier walks along nearby.

However, Cassie has no idea of the reason for today's tight security. This is even greater than the first day Shun entered this building as the new President of the Crow Corporation.

The securities falling inline as they walk in between towards the private elevator, exclusively for the Crow Corporation executives. The rest of them halted five meters away and let the couple have it by themselves alone.

Shun let go of her hand but just to hold her waist and gently guided her to step inside the lift. Everyone saw this... particular the women, they have been dreaming to get this kind of attention from the President. They sighed in jealousy. Who is that woman? They were screaming inside their heads.

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Whispers began rising in the lobby not only by the media giving opinions towards their co-reporters but also with those tycoons and representatives sharing thoughts about him. President Crow has been proving himself in these past three years that he is capable of running this powerful Corporation in the world, and they have all witnessed that.

They were expressing their surprise and admiration of how President Crow is actually keeping a woman. No. There is no surprise why the president hiding his woman from the world.

Having a young and beautiful woman beside is one of the best trophies to have than calls the number one in the world.

Staying behind, Shun's executives been feasting their ears from the gossips they were hearing. In a minute now, they were sure that their boss is the headline and on top of anywhere's search engines on these social networking sites and media.

Blaire has been preparing her super thin PC TAB to check all the sites soon for the news of the reporters who had witnesses today.

Besides, CEO James Ryan has already prepared an article about today and readied to control the media soon to become exclusive news tonight by the DC Media.

* * *

Meanwhile, the private elevator stops at the 72nd floor and all the employees stand to greet the president. But seeing the boss is not alone, the greetings they have been prepared are just stuck inside their tongue and never able to deliver. They all speechless and dumbfounded.

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Is this real? The president brought a woman into the office today!? Who is she!? The employees were stunned staring at their boss.

"Good morning..." Cassie greeted the middle-aged man standing in the middle of the way not that far from the elevator. She partly bowed and smiled.

The man dropped his mouth on the floor and felt starstruck by an angel.

"Good morning, Vice President Lee..." Shun greeted him.

" good morning, boss!" startled, he responded. His boss nod and walk past him.

Marie is also speechless and can't greet her boss, her eyes just glued to the woman he is with... bites her tongue, she just bowed too low as unable to speak at the moment.

Shun press something on his phone and his office door unlocked. He pushes it opens and let Cassandra step inside ahead first.

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Cassandra gasped seeing how spacious Shun's office is. Her eyes wander the whole room and impressed how beautiful the interior design of this office. She strides closer to that floor-ceiling window and looks down below. She felt in dazed realizing how high they were.

She felt Shun's arms wrapped around her waist then he planted light kisses on her shoulder. She sighed. Shun kiss her head before he grabs both of her shoulders to face each other. Before she could utter a word, Shun covers her mouth and kisses her lovingly.

He was been tempting to kiss her since they were alone in the elevator but there were eyes watching them. Shun felt Cassandra's arms holds on his back. He deepens the kiss and did not let her go. He heard the door of his office opens then quickly closed. His secretary seems like needed another course by the HR program.

Marie quickly closed the door when she realized the president is in an intimate moment with the woman he brought to his office. She was startled to see Director Isegawa and his girlfriend, Miss Riley.

Daichi has been shaking his head like gesturing she did a big mistake. Riley, on the other hand, is giving her sharp gazes.

"Doesn't you have a common sense of simple things?" Sarcastically, Riley scolded her.

"Am very sorry," Marie bowed. She was embarrassed greatly.

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Back inside the President's office, Shun is embracing her tightly while they both viewing the whole city from this height.

"What was that?" Cassandra pointed out a particular building. From here, the building is dazzling and eye-catching one.

"Ah... that is the UKG Developer building... a builder Company," he replied.

"Oh, okay..."

It is yours... Shun wanted to append.

"Soon..." he murmurs.

"Huh?" Cassandra looks up at him.

"Hmm? I said I love you."

He lowers his head and kisses her again.

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