My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 121

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Rolling on the other side of her bed, Cassie felt cold. She hugs the pillow where Shun's smell still lingering on the pillowcase. Her heart longing for his warmth. However, she really felt energize this morning. She has to plan what food she'll coom for Shun when he comes home.

Ah... she needs to start choosing what dress she should wear when Shun come back. Cassie enthusiastically steps down her bed and stride happily towards the bathroom. She fills the tub with warm water and put a generous amount of liquid soap then playing the bubbles while she soaks her body.

She felt better. She has to message Levi later to tell him she is feeling a lot better now so she doesn't need to go to the hospital for a check-up.

However, she still can't decide whether to tell him about her condition. She still worrying about what will Shun felt when he learned what she is keeping to herself. She will be fine as long she could regularly take her medicine.

After her warmth bath, she dresses into a white louse blouse showing her right shoulder then a denim skirt above her knees. She let her long hair rest on her back after she dried them.

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Cassie went to the kitchen to make her own breakfast then have a search if what meals good to prepare later for Shun.

Arriving in the kitchen, Daichi and Riley have been busying themselves to make some breakfast. She greeted them a good morning.

"Missy, good morning! How are you? Have you felt better?" Daichi asked energetically.

"I am fine brother Daichi, a lot better!" she smiled widely.

"Am glad!" he smiled, but deep down, something is pinching his heart for lying to her like this. Seeing her smile only made him even more guilt.

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"Just sit here and let us prepare our breakfasts, okay?" Riley pulls her slowly and guided to the counter high chair to sit in.

"Okay, sister Riley... thank you."

Riley on the other hand, she is feeling what Daichi felt like, however, they can't tell Cassie anything about him for her not to worry and to give Shun the rights to tell her what illness he is hiding from her.

After breakfast, Cassie went strolling in the garden and the landscaper is currently trimming the trees around the mansion's back garden. They bows and greeted her. She told them to continue what they were doing and complimenting how cool the trees appear after they had the cutting them.

Cassie looks up at the sky and it is gloomy today. She wonders if it will going to rain tonight. She wishes that Shun have a safe flight and that there's no storm along with his way home...

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Later then, two of Shun's bodyguard was letting his seven huge dogs have their walk around in the garden and when these dogs saw her, they run fast towards her and asked to pet them.

Cassie one by one hugs them and kissed them. Her favorite is Crescent... she was a very beautiful husky as white as snow. She felt Knight is troubled. The dog been sitting behind her and stays quiet.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" she asked Knight. She noticed that he is the one who loves to follow Shun around once they let him walk around in the evening.

All of his dogs love to play with him but seems, Knight is the most special among them. Cassie stroke his forehead and stared his eyes. "What's going on with you?" she tried to understand him.

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"Alright, all of you! Come with me to the greenhouse! But no mischief okay?" She told them like they were kids in a KinderGarten.

The dogs follow her to the Greenhouse but only Knight who really stuck with her. She invited him to sit next to her and gestured the dog to pillow her lap. Knight quickly jump on the sofa and seek her love.

Cassie been stroking Knight's body as he shows laziness today. "Are you missing him already?" She talks to him like he'll understand her. Knight looked at her with that eyes. "Don't worry, you are not alone of missing him. I missed him very much already... your papa will come home soon, okay?" she was like comforting the lonely dog.

She is kind to understand why Knight is feeling this way, he is Shun's first dog. And when Shun went to the US to continue his college, Knight was left to Daichi...

...and he secretly took a video of Cassie with the dogs. After saving the video, he sent it to Rudolf. If Shun still won't wake up tonight, then, something could remind him that Cassie is waiting for him...

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